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Everything posted by v50man

  1. JRT -- At the risk of (again) sounding ignorant, why would the headers be different lengths? Perhaps you're referring to the stock headers? I'm at work -- system is at the house -- I'll check. However, it didn't appear that they were different. Most interesting...
  2. Stupid follow-up: We mean left and right as we SIT ON THE BIKE, right? In other words, my left arm would be on the side of the left cylinder while astride the bike. NOT the left as if i were looking at the bike from in front of it. Right?
  3. Grazie.
  4. Gents - As just posted in the "EXACT Exhaust options" thread, I received my Quat-D yesterday. While it came with some certificates, it came with no instructions. No big deal, because it's pretty self-explanatory. One header was marked "XS" while the other was marked "XD" -- I assume this has to do with left/right mounting. Any thoughts? Thanks
  5. The entire system -- shipped (left Italy on Good Friday and arrived in ATL yesterday afternoon via DHL) was about $1050 USD. Not bad when you consider the cost of a good set of pipes/crossover, etc.
  6. Quat-D arrived today!!! Most excited. DLAING, it appears that the catalyzer (which they shipped removed) mounts on top of the "muffler" -- quite close to the hanger. It's a piece of stainless steel about 4" x 4" (a flat plate) riveted into the top of the muffler -- and, damn, am I glad it's gone. It'll be a bit before I can post a sound file as I'm going to do some fine sanding this weekend and then have it ceramic coated (inside and out) prior to install and tuning. I have high hopes... I'll soon post a pic of the catalyzer...
  7. I'm back to thinking FBF they have them readily in the states are loud and least expensive with marginally low complaints. no ti's tho Give it a week or so, DeBen... I ordered the COMPLETE kit from Quat-D, and the English-speaking rep from the factory says that this setup is rated at 105 db with the catalyser removed -- not bad. Per the two outlets, the most powerful Guzzi V11s I've seen have the 2-1 systems. Certainly, the exhaust system on the Griso is more than a styling exercise -- but, wait, we're dealing with the Italians here... My plan is to ceramic-coat the system prior to permanent install, but I'll slip the Quat-D on and get a TRUE sound file prior to the process so everyone can hear what they REALLY sound like. Per the DPM pipes, I can't find anything. Onward...
  8. My guess is that it was parked in a garage which was storing (in a plastic porous container) some form of common acid -- like the kind used to clean aluminum . If stored incorrectly, they can attack paint finishes with only their vapors. I've seen it. Just a thought...
  9. He's young and invincible -- and probably dead by now...
  10. Ordered the non-catalyzed ex-box from Quat-D. Makes sense. Thanks, DLAING. Will post movies and sound file as soon as it comes in. If I'm not right, I've at least saved the rest of you about $1,000... Onward... F
  11. I'm RUINED for life!
  12. The latest from Ghezzi & Brian re ex-box. Not such a wonderful deal after all, I'm beginning to think. Here goes... ex-works means that all trasportation costs are at your charge from our factory to your domicile. free to your premises means free domicile: transportation costs are included in the quotation from our factory to your domicile. We will get you a free domicile quotation asap. About the head pipes, you are correct the price is for the muffler only. Best regards, Bruno "Brian" Saturno
  13. On the first count, I hope you're right (that ex-works means the complete exhaust system). If not, no big deal -- but it does look better with their headers. As regards not finding the "race" version, I believe that is because the system is designed to allow one to easily extract the catalyzer/restrictor. In other words, the "inner" wall of the double-walled outlet pulls out -- greatly freeing up the system -- and THAT (I'm guessing) constitutes the "Race" system. And, yeah -- DUAL outlets for the monster system, only one for the V11. Hmmmmm...
  14. I'll let you know if that's a "real" price when I request the other quote. Any thoughts on the term "ex-works" -- I'm baffled. Perhaps a language barrier?
  15. That MUST be it!
  16. Uhh... I meant "ex-works" not "ex-box"...
  17. This just in from Ghezzi-Brian per my inquiry as to the non-catalyzed Quat-D muffler. Does "ex box" mean shipped to a freight area as opposed to one's home/office? Will post all further elaborations. DLAING, did your Quat-D have a removable catalyst? Never heard of this before. Anyway... considering the cost of transportation we quote you our very best dealer price Euro 412,50. To remove the catalyzer you just need to take a cap off. Should you be interested in placing an order, please note here below our sales terms & conditions: Shipment: ex-works. Should you need the quotation free to your premises, pls advise complete address and we will follow up promptly. Delivery: 1 week from receipt of SWIFT payment Payment terms: Bank SWIFT on SAN PAOLO IM, Branch of Missaglia Account no. 000000001178 SWIFT IBSP IT TM IBAN IT10 S010 2551 5501 0000 0001 178 Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Bruno "Brian" Saturno
  18. I didn't find the fit and finish THAT bad, though I did HATE the raised gold letters on the "tank." I guess I should have said that Buell's PHILOSOPHY is spot-on. You simply cannot go to the website for an extended stay -- watch his small movies -- and not come away with a lot of respect and admiration for what he's TRYING to do. P.S. The front brake setup, for me, works amazingly.
  19. but ya gotta admit, the technology behind buell is SOLID!!!!!!!!! But what did I buy?
  20. Amen. But, I gotta keep the bike. When it's good it's GREAT.
  21. Aside from its dated motor, the XB12R is an AMAZING motorcycle -- as fun as anything I've ever ridden. Almost bought one, but the Guzzi thing... Anyway, I've been in contact with Bruno "Brian" Saturno of Ghezzi-Brian and he is set to email me a price on the "race" exhaust. I will, of course, post his reply. Off topic, but -- after an entire day of sorting out my Ducati -- I love the simplicity and accessibility of my Guzzis even more.
  22. Will do. Thanks.
  23. In the post which started this forum, I asked about the "race" version of the Quat-D/G&B system. There's been some discussion about the system, but nobody has mentioned where to purchase it and what the cost is. I'm asking because I'm increasingly intrigued by DLaing's posts about his Quat-D. Having recently ridden a Buell XB12R with the "race" exhaust, I'm beginning to understand what he's saying. There is not a "race" option on Quat-D's website. Where is it -- and how much? Thanks
  24. Tasty!!!!!!! Might I ask where from -- and how much? That titanium kit is as rare as (fill in the blank with your best folksy saying). Congrats -- and, PLEASE, post a sound file when you get it on.
  25. Glad you've made a decision -- i have not. Is it of interest to anybody else that only Moto Guzzi distinguishes between the 160 rear tire and 180 rear tire when fitting pipes? It is to me... Anyway, give us a report and a SOUND FILE when you're through.
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