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Everything posted by v50man
Skeeve -- I'm aware of the properties of both aluminum and titanium. All I said was that I haven't noticed a difference in the SOUND of the two. All things being equal, I'd go for the Titanium, but the cost difference is substantial. Was not aware, however, that titanium is less reactive with hot exhaust gasses. Interesting. Thanks for the info.
When's that rally? Also, I've got a minidisc recorder and some excellent microphones that I have used for field recording that might be of use. Can send if necessary. Thanks.
There is NO DIFFERENCE in the SOUND of aluminum/titanium that I've heard. Carbon fibre does sound different -- I just can't fully describe it. Lower, more rumbly? Regardless, very nice. As to the durability of aluminum, I've got a 15-year-old aluminum silencer on my Ducati and, when washed up, it looks as good as the day it was installed. Titanium is the metal "du jour" -- but there's nothing wrong with aluminum. Now, if I can just make a decision...
Actually, the Titanium Powerbooks were PAINTED -- and the paint chipped easily (I had one). The aluminum is cheaper and looks just fine brushed, but it's more of a PITA to keep clean (I've got one).
Bad info -- fast fingers -- sorry.
So, Deben... If my calculations are correct, you can get the Mistral titanium oval high pipes with the brackets necessary for the installation -- with shipping -- for about $931 USD. Not bad. Good info -- exactly what I'm looking for. Per FBF, I just get bad vibes from them -- like something isn't quite right. Their listing of the titanium silencers without even manufacturing them falls right in line... F
Homologated -- E3 compliant. In a word -- quiet, so why waste your money?
Straight Dope on the Neptunes: Thanks so much for the inquiry about the Neptune Performance Mufflers. They are exceptionally built and provide a nice performance increase. The Dual outlet mufflers are 20% louder than the single outlet mufflers. They definitely have a very unique, loud bark. I think you would be very impressed. Here is pricing for the mufflers, per muffler, LESS shipping. OVAL POLISHED OR BRUSHED $475 OVAL BLACK $525 TWIN OUTLET POLISHED OR BRUSHED $535 TWIN OUTLET BLACK $585 They would have to be special ordered and would take about 3 weeks to get here, maybe less. They must be paid in full in advance and there are no returns unless the pieces are damaged or defective. Neptune Mufflers are all manufactured using T-304 stainless steel. The end caps are fully formed in mirror finished stainless steel. The inlet caps for the bolt on type all retain the original seals & bolts for ease of installation. The outlet spouts have a fully rolled edge & all welds are internal. The main body comes in round or elliptical, they are robotically welded & are available in mirror finish stainless steel, brushed stainless steel & black chrome stainless steel. Being stainless steel you would expect the mufflers to be heavy but they only weigh 2.6kg-3.2kg. This low weight is achievable due to the end cap & body construction. Neptune Mufflers will enhance performance with a gain through mid range on most models. The sound of a Neptune Muffler is deep & throaty. Call me with any questions at 908-447-3724 or at 973-258-0034 thanks, Andrew Andrew F. Fekete Pricey little buggers, aren't they?
Lots of info -- not so useful for exhausts, however. I've seen this before -- thanks.
Checked the exchange rate lately?
Per RACECO, I do not believe this company actually makes (or made) anything. Also, there was (maybe still is) a guy on ebay liquidating parts from what he says WAS Raceco in the UK. The website was still up a bit ago, but I think Al R is right -- those pipes were simply rebranded Leos.
Per the TERMIGNONI pipe, this is the email I received back from none other than Ana Termignoni late last year: Dear sir We don't produce this kind of silencer. Best regards Anna Termignoni Termignoni s.r.l. Via Case Sparse n.80/4 15077 Predosa -AL- www.termignoni.it
I dunno. That's why i stick with a queue of TRUSTED American dealers and let THEM handle the intercontinental nonsense. Still -- I'm looking for a DEFINITIVE LIST OF EXHAUST OPTIONS... ANYONE CARE TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE? (EXCUSE MY DECIDEDLY AMERICAN SLANG) F
VALUE ADDED TAX! Kind of like if we had a flat tax, but there's more on top of this. I'll stay in USA -- for now...
p.s. the M4s look TEXAS TACKY!!!!!!!!! Take 'em off my option list. Why not goTwo Bros -- or, worse yet, Yoshimura? Ugh! F
Gents -- My dealer -- like myself -- tends toward the LOUDER pipes, and feels the Mistrals don't offer as much "bark" as they could. I've heard a few and am undecided. The exact frustration of 'DEBenGUZZI" (SP?) IS WHY I posted this. Let's lay out ALL of the options and get on with it. Enough hearsay -- I want facts!!! LOVE the Quat-D layout, but HATE the sound file supplied by DLaing. E3 certified? Catalyzed? No thanks. WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS? F
Alright... There are a ton of posts on this site about exhaust mods/options for the V11. I'm desperately seeking an option to the stock exhaust (too quiet and restrictive), but I really can't come to any solid conclusions by reading the posts. So -- a few questions: Has anyone spoken to MG North America as to the availability of the Titanium high mount exhaust? If so, what do they say? There's recent mention of a "race" version of the Quat-D -- where can it be had from -- and how much to the US? My dealer "sniffs" at the mention of Mistrals -- anyone hazard a guess as to why? The FBF slip-ons look good, but I'm hearing bad things about FBF in general -- any thoughts? The Ross Puro Italia site has some options -- someone asked about the "Scarichi" pipes. I believe he was asking about the DPM pipes -- as scarichi -- best as I can tell -- is simply Italian for exhaust. Also, for you "pre-big-rear-tire guys," I saw a D&D megaphone system (full) MOUNTED ON A 2001 V11 recently -- a bit clunky, but sounded BEAUTIFUL. All I'm asking for is a COMPLETE LISTING of exhaust options for our bikes with (hopefully) sound files. Damn shame about the Leo Vinces... Let's just get a listing together once and for all and get it over with. For the record, though, I tend to favor LOUDER exhaust setups. Onward... F
Jaap -- Cool, but a coupla problems: 1: It appears to have a European license plate "built in" and I live in US (home of smaller license plates; 2: It looks like this one requires a new tailpiece -- something I'm not wanting to do. However, it is VERY NICE...
It's icy in Atlanta, so I'm just looking at my bike -- and wondering... Is anyone aware of a fender elimination kit that provides for light on the license plate. The FBF kit does not, and I cannot read Italian, so the Rossopuro Italia site is not very clear to me. Any thoughts (or, better yet, experience) on this topic? Thanks.
The guys at MG Cycle are fantastic -- smart, not overly salesy, and their shipping on in-stock is SUPER FAST. If you need instant gratification -- and you're in Atlanta -- ATD on Piedmont stocks this item. I think it's about tweny bucks cheaper there, but with the sales tax/ shipping tradeoff I just don't know. I assume you're talking about the Stucchi crossover...
Update: Picked the new V11 up from ATD Wednesday morning and haven’t looked back. As promised, Michael sorted out the fuel injection perfectly. Great motor – not as brutally powerful as the 4-valve Centauro, but more manageable and hooked up to an infinitely better frame and tranny. LOVE this bike – the best I’ve ever owned (and I’ve owned some good ones). REACTION to this bike is as strong as it was to the Centauro. Makes me wonder what might happen with just a LITTLE bit of marketing on Guzzi’s part… Shout out to Michael, Jason, Paul, Ray and the entire gang at Atlanta Triumph-Ducati. There are a lot of inferior dealers out there (seem to have met many of them). When you find a GOOD one, you should let others know about it. Hence, this post.
Actually, the gray V11 at ATD was the one I bought a week ago. It was back at the shop to have the FI sorted out (running way lean on one cylinder right out of the box). Coming from the Centauro, the tranny is a true joy. Titanium Guzzi pipes and Stucchi crossover will turn this into the "perfect" Guzzi -- for me anyway. And, oh yeah, gotta get rid of those ugly mirrors.
http://adcache.cycletrader.com/5/5/4/75687854.htm Or, if you want a new one, Atlanta Triumph-Ducati has a beautiful red 2004 V11 Naked that I understand they'd love to get rid of. Good luck
Jason -- Again, thanks for the links and the thoughts. Called Atlanta Triumph-Ducati and advised them of the situation and they were ANXIOUS to get the bike back -- drop everything -- and get it perfect. I've been dealing with these guys since they were in a little metal building in Athens (GA) -- and this is one of the reasons why. For now, I'll leave it to them for a first look (on Saturday, sadly the earliest I can break away). After that -- if necessary -- I'll dive in. Just wanted to extend an "attaboy" to a group of guys (ATD) trying to make an honest buck in a business that ain't easy. Again, thanks. I cannot wait to get back on this bike -- it is the perfect blend of old and new. Safe riding... V50