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Everything posted by v50man

  1. I'm a jerk, yet the Guzzisti still let me in on their reindeer games. Welcome..... v50
  2. Everything looks in order to me. Hagan's an honorable dude. Now stop worrying ang take that thing out for a ride.
  3. Al, Al, Al............. A little popping of the exhaust never hurt anybody. Get out and ride in NC -- it's the best time of the year. If it'll make you feel better, dump half a bottle of SeafoamĀ® in your tank -- go for a long ride -- and call it a day... It's a Guzzi, for God's sake. If you wanted perfection, youd've bought a Buell!!!
  4. EVERYTHING looks in order. Ride, Seattle Slew, ride...
  5. God, I LOVE babies... congrats v50
  6. http://www.staintune.com.au/exhausts/moto_...Guzzi%20V11.htm
  7. Call Manuel del la Riso at the Q-D factory and get it over with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Staintunes are for f**s................... v50
  8. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...ost&id=2806 A much better pic...
  9. Icarus -- Be a man -- and step up to the Quat-D way of life. Staintunes are too damn shiny -- and f'in quiet! v50
  10. What everybody else said. Don't touch that bike. If you must, hold out for the III. It is -- in my opinion -- an absolutely BRILLIANT city bike. In fact, it was my only mode of transport for two full years in Atlanta back in the nineties. Parts are rare these days, though. I wouldn't want it as a daily rider in 2006, but still enjoy flogging the little beast around town and terrorizing SNAGS with the EVIL LOUD* exhaust note produced by the Bubs... v50 *NICE loud, not Harley straight pipe loud. Those f**kers are ruining it for everybody!
  11. Ahh, the scent of sensible thinking...... Ratchet, you are the man..............
  12. Oh, boy -- here we go. I've been riding the V11 a bit more than the Buell lately -- mostly because I think it (the V11) is the sexiest bike on the road -- period. Great motor -- stable -- lovely. Went down to the garage Sunday morning to fire up the Guzzi -- and she wouldn't. Battery said goodbye. Wheel her back in and wheel out the Firebolt, which has not been ridden in a month or so (weather has been brutally hot and the V11 has been the "it" bike of the Summer). The 'Bolt fires up right away, and away we go... It is, for my smallish (5'8" 165 lb.) frame a MUCH more comfortable bike than the V11. Not near the reach to the bars and easier to flog because of its short length, light weight, and intelligent design. In the opinion of both myself and a decidedly non-technical redhead of the fairer sex, both these bikes stink two-up. The Ducati Paso is PERFECT as a two-up bike, and that is why I keep it. October will mark my first full year of Buell ownership, and I intend to write the comparo to end all comparos about the V11 "vs" the Firebolt. Enough about bikes, it's time to see what's going on in the living room...
  13. I'm with BIG J on that...
  14. Ahh, the memories of Centauro... Ceramic-coated pipes and lower handlebars made it "mine." Testosterone on two wheels... You see, everything's a lot prettier once it's been unceremoniously kicked to the curb...
  15. BOYZ -------- The Centauro (I owned one for 6 years) is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Guzzi EVER!!!!!!!!!! Problem is, it was long and heavy -- a BEAST around town -- and pricey to boot. Miss it -- but LOVE the V11 even more. Kudos to Jaap for recognizing this. Ahhhhh, that 4V motor.............. It sounds DECIDEDLY different........... Viva la difference............. OUT -- V50
  16. Sadly, you will be seeing this V11 up for bidding again. A fat, retarded child in Alabama who gained access to his mom's computer was the "winner" here. Passwsord protect your computers, boyz................. v50
  17. Gentlemen -- Meet your new champion. #69. I'm a long-time fan, but this shows me that #3's time has come and gone. All hail Nicky -- 'til next year when Pedrosa starts takin' names and kickin' ass. Damn fine video. Far beyond my capabilities. v50
  18. Max Biaggi would be proud of you, Goran.
  19. Thank you.
  20. Truer words have never been spoken...............
  21. A dog with fleas IMHO. Ugly - not revolutionary in any way -- and probably heavy as hell. If I wanted something like that (which I do not) I'd probably be looking at a BMW or Gold Wing.
  22. v50man

    Guzzi candy

    Don't know who, but they over paid...
  23. v50man

    Guzzi candy

    Yo -- The link didn't work for me. v50
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