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Everything posted by v50man

  1. v50man


    Will Creedon made a brilliant chip for the Centauro. It completely transformed the character of mine -- and eliminated the stumble you speak of. Congrats on your purchase. THe 4V motor is a BEAST!!!!!!!! v50
  2. What's this World Cup shit? Never heard of it...
  3. Well, alright then. Point (mostly) taken.
  4. I think he's mostly in Los Angeles riding supermoto to stay in shape. The success of kids like Stoner and Pedrosa does not bode well for him. However, a trained eye would notice that all these new kids emulate Max style-wise. VERY smooth and controlled -- nice corner speed -- etc. We shall see. I wish Max the best, as he is still my all-time favorite racer. Realistically, though, I don't expect to see him in Moto GP again. Hope I'm wrong.
  5. Under normal circumstances, I'll defer to gthyni on matters of racing. But, I simply cannot buy that Hoppers is a political hire on the part of Suzuki. Granted, the kid's never been on the podium, but until recently he was racing with inferior equipment. Give him one more season, and if he's still disappointing us, I'll hand the point to you. On a sadder note, I think we glimpsed the future of Moto GP at Donnington. Pedrosa is hideously boring (as a person), but is a tremendously talented rider who may in fact challenge for the crown in his rookie season. As a fan, I'm disappointed. Rossi is such a character -- and Dani is so -- Dani. Add in the fact that we're not likely to see Max Biaggi ever again, and the tears start to flow from my little, green beady eyes. If only to combat the boring Spaniard, let us all PRAY that Hopkins ups his game.
  6. Be strong, my friend. While none of us has really beaten this condition, many have learnt to live nearly normal lives with it... v50
  7. No doubt Rossi is still the man -- but he has had some tough luck. I'm still in awe of Stoner and Pedrosa, and I'm quite happy for Nicky. This sport desperately needed some new blood. Time for Checa to move on, too. Could be over for poor Sete. Loris isn't getting any younger but is still kicking ass. With a great bike, Hopkins could give it a serious run. Massively talented -- huge eggs -- but didn't he sign long-term with Suzook? The best rider doesn't always win the championship -- ask Kevin Schwantz...
  8. I think it should be fairly obvious by now: America is taking over EVERYTHING! We'll start with Iraq. Next -- Iran. While we're at it -- N. Korea. Oh -- and MotoGP too, of course. Then we'll move on to England, where we will rule a people who despise what we have done to their language (rightfully so). Then, we'll take Africa. Noble savages and abundant natural resources are simply IRRESISTIBLE to a REAL American. The rest of youy fuckers better just get in line and start learnin' "pidgin" English.......... God, I love my country........... ..........more than anywhere else! V50
  9. I think all you damn sissies need to spend a bit of time with the five speed that was standard on the Centauro/Daytonal/1100 Sport. Following a day or two on that, you'd never again utter another bad word about the V11 six-speed. Not my opinion -- a FACT!
  10. No, thank you...
  11. v50man

    La franconi

    I think we Americans are a right handsome lot...
  12. v50man

    La franconi

    Damn, Dave -- You got me SOOOOOOO figured out.............
  13. v50man

    La franconi

    All great humor is rooted in the truth, DLaing. I LOVED Cristel's initial post. I feel her analysis of Japanese culture was spot-on -- while at the same time a bit unbalanced (ok because her "job" is only to argue HER angle). Most amusing. Racist -- I think not. Bigoted, perhaps. But bigotry can be defended when it is based upon repeat experience. Is the kid who no longer sticks his finger in electric sockets "electrophobic?" Goodnight, race pimp...
  14. v50man

    Brilliant ride

    That Ewan MacGregor must live in your 'hood...
  15. Well said.
  16. I've great confidence in Nicky. He slides the rear tire as much as anybody and is gaining confidence every race. While the smart money's on Rossi, don't count him out yet. Also, Stoner and Pedrosa have both been amazing -- best rookies since I don't know when. Any of these guys -- or Loris -- or Melandri -- could take it all... v50
  17. Great race on both Loris' and Valentino's part. Sad fade by Gibernau. Was it just me, or did the factory Hondas look a bit down on power compared to the Yam and Duc? Great race, though. Rossi felt he HAD to win -- and he did. v50
  18. Redline Shockproof Heavy. God's Perfect Brew. Summit Racing sells it -- go to their site. Worth every penny!!!!!!!!!! Don't cheap out!!!!!!!!!!!!! F
  19. v50man

    Shameless - Sorry

    Alright -- ENOUGH with the self-loathing Americans. The motorcycles coming out of Milwaukee are manufactured to meet a need in the marketplace. Whether or not that need has anything to do with actual RIDING does not concern me. Yeah, I hate the weenies who pose on their bikes and spend big bucks to be "in-the-club rebels" -- but they're not hurting anybody. It wasn't THAT long ago that I was spinning around metropolitan New York on a Triumph with a fashionable "pudding bowl" helmet -- some "cool" goggles -- and a showy (yet worthless) leather jacket. I mean, the eighties weren't THAT long ago, were they? I dislike conformity on all levels, yet I'm aware enough to understand that most people MUST conform to survive. If a H-D is a useful prop for them, so be it. Buells are the best-thought-out motorcycle on the planet. Just Saturday -- while blasting away on the Firebolt -- I remember thinking about Erik Buell's line, "THIS is the kind of motor you want for the street," and nodding my head in approval. So long as these Harley posers are paying AMA dues, I welcome them. When they run open pipes that will almost certainly lead to more anti-noise legislation -- I want to kill them. However, I do not hold the Motor Company responsible for the actions of these stooges? Perhaps I should. The V-Rod is a hoot -- TONS of fun. Leave it at that. REAL Harley guys HATE it. F**k them, and the choppers they rode in on. V50
  20. Citi -- Had to do a lot of highway commuting over the last week. In ATL, that means you'd BETTER be going at least 80 mph -- prolly closer to 90. Have felt quite vulnerable -- but even more exhilarated (even as the Jap Inline 4s pass me doing 125+). If you can, get back on a bike as soon as practicably possible. If not, I think we'll all understand. Hope you heal up quickly. v50
  21. Put me down for a copy!!!!!!!!
  22. How in hell did I miss this? A (belated) Happy Birthday, Jaap!
  23. No matter, Ben... The Bloomin' Onion is one of my favorite guilty pleasures... I mean, c'mon -- Austin Powers is a Canadian, right? Again (I LOVE saying this) -- I want the hour and a half I spent in an LA theatre watching this crap movie back!!!!!!!!!
  24. Cool, inspirational story. Crappy schmaltzfest of a movie (Where was Julia Roberts?). End of thread!
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