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Everything posted by v50man

  1. In my experience, the round Michelins deliver the most satisfactory ride...
  2. Try MG Cycle -- 608-862-2300.
  3. wuss.
  4. Lookin' at these pics, I'm gettin' all moist! Why'd I sell my big, fat yellow Centauro? Oh, right -- it was heavy and not much fun to ride. I LOVE the GRISO, though... Luck to ya, Pete.. v50
  5. Make sure that it's a 2004 marketed as a 2003. If it's black, I'm sure it is. If it has black engine paint, then it isn't. $7500 is top dollar, but if the bike is as perfect as the seller makes it out to be, it MIGHT be worth it. Just make sure you have enough $ left over to replace the exhaust with something sassy so you can hear the big twin boom. If it's been serviced by Michael @ Atlanta Triumph Ducati, you should be in good shape there. Two K is NOTHING on one of these bikes. It'll slowly break in over the next SEVERAL THOUSAND miles and you'll find yourself periodically having to lower the idle as it loosens up. I'm in ATL too if you have any questions. v50
  6. DeBen - Suomy's have a HIGHLY UNUSUAL fit. TRY ONE ON in your size before purchase, or you could be unpleasantly surprised. Nothing against Suomy -- they're stunning -- but they just didn't fit my head shape at all. Caveat Emptor... V
  7. Wow! I agree with Carl on something! LOVE the blue Griso.
  8. This lady (Pandora Peaks) used to make her videos at a studio I worked at during the 90s.
  9. Well -- I dumped my stylish but heavy and unwieldy Centauro to buy a V11 -- and I haven't looked back. Because of a heavy workload and extensive travel, I've been away from the V11 for a few -- 'til yesterday. The Buell is a tasty little mistress -- and I love her in my own way -- but I am forever linked with the Guzzi. It is -- for me -- the ultimate expression of the marque. I still love Ducati (still own my Paso), but NOTHING stirs my soul like the V11. Nothing. When I left the house for a ride yesterday, a neighbor who has an old Honda ran down his driveway to have a peek before I passed by. He smiled broadly -- waved -- and then gave a heartfelt "thumbs up." He gets it. And so do I. And so do all of you...
  10. No answers on that one -- but welcome back, my friend!!!!!!! F
  11. v50man

    Silver paint

    Go for a contrasting color. If things don't match "just so" they tend to look like crap.
  12. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I don't know why, but his passing has really resonated with me. I'm hurt, and I never so much as emailed the guy. Young, passionate people should not die when they are so. But they do -- and that, I suppose, is that. Hopefully, he's gone to a better life.
  14. Very sad news. I only hope he was at peace...
  15. Put the grinder away -- we're dealing with high-quality Italian stainless steel here. It'll kick back and take yer nose off! Go get the hammer -- whack away -- and gracefully collect your bodge point...
  16. v50man

    NOT a V11 picture

  17. Put the hammer down. Have a drink. Re-evaluate. Try again. It's all good...
  18. Put the washer on the TOP and life will turn good again. Great looking bike, BTW... v50..........................
  19. The afternoon of January 3, 2006. Interstate 85 -- about 20 minutes South of Atlanta. Yes -- it sounded like a train. I'll never forget.
  20. I just had my dealer tweak the on-board computer to accomodate the Quat-D. So far -- so good. I think you NEED a PCIII for the Quat-D in the same way that I NEED an MV Agusta F4.
  21. ...and she's still walkin' pretty good. Taken at a friend's farm halfway through a ride that took me all the way to North Carolina on Saturday.
  22. Now you've got me thinking. Problem is, I'm not an engineer -- not even close. Flogged the V11 hard today. Surreal. Wonderful. and, uh -- more engine braking than any of my 2-strokes
  23. A total classic! So bad it's brilliant!
  24. Per the "design flaw" -- It is now my opinion that -- because the Quat-D comes with no real directions for installation -- it is often installed incorrectly. Upon a re-install of the Quat-D recently, I did this myself -- resulting in ground clearance issues. However, once I pulled it back off -- looked at what I had done -- and set aside the crack pipe -- I was able to see that it was indeed MY error. I had installed it with the mounting prongs pointing North -- rather than South. Aside from the extremely tight tolerances that the kit ships with (requiring a bit of sanding here and there) I cannot recommend the Quat-D highly enough. As a city dweller, a great deal of my riding is around town, and it is in this environment that the Quat-D shines. Also, customer service after the sale was excellent. v50 (feeling a bit punk after 400 mountain miles yesterday)
  25. Per DLaing, you'll find the Quat-D more "streetable" in the lower revs. Nice 'n rumbly exhaust note, but actually much less moisy than my race-equipped Buell. The Tis will simply collect dust from hereon... Sell 'em... v50
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