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Everything posted by friskycutter

  1. If it has stock pipes it doesnt sound like a vegetable at all, it idles like a singer sewing machine
  2. I also can feel your pain. I did a very simular accident on my V11 a short time ago. Cold morning, 2 minutes from home and overly ambitious with the rear brake for cold tires. The Guzzi's come in a little cheaper on the spills without the fairing though. Total bill $411. Not worth the insurance claim. Just think on the bright side, if you're still kickin they make new parts everyday!!!
  3. Jim flies like that with logs underneath. how do i know? I was in the back with my seatbelt as tight as it would go
  4. Just to make the world an easier place to live in 1) Men are NOT mind readers, just tell us what you want. Lets be clear, subtle hints do not work, strong hints do not work, obvious hints do not work. Just say it!! 2) Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up put it down. We need it up, you need it down. you dont hear us complaining 3) Sunday sports. Its like the moon or the tides, let it be. 4) Shopping is NOT a sport, you wont convince us. 5) Crying is blackmail, stop! 6) Yes and no are perfectly acceptable answers to every question. 7) Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. Thats what we are for. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. 8) A 17 month headache is a problem, see a doctor. 9) Anything we said over 6 months ago is inadmissable in an argument. If what we said was more than 10 sentences it is null and void after 7 days. 10) If you wont dress like a Victoria's Secret girl dont expect us to act like soap opera guys. 11) If you think you are fat you probably are, dont ask us. 12)If something can be interpreted 2 ways and one makes you mad, we meant the other one. 13)You can ask us to do something but NOT tell us how to do it. If you know how to do it best, you do it. 14)Whenever possible, say what you have to say during the commercials. 15) All men see in only 16 colors, like Windows defualt settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit. We have no idea what Mauve is. 16) If it itches we scratch it, its best that way. 17) If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing", we will act like nothing is wrong. We know youre lying, but its not worth the hassle and you will bring it up later anyway. 18) If you ask a question you dont want an answer to, expect an answer you dont want to hear. 19)When we have to go somewhere, anything you wear is fine....... really. 20) Dont ask us what we are thinking about unless you want to discuss Hockey, Motorcycles, Beer, or Boobs. 21) You have enough clothes. 22) You have too many shoes. 23) I am in shape, its called round. 24) Thanks to all the women that read this and yes we know we have to sleep on the couch but men dont really mind that, its like camping.
  5. friskycutter

    new dash

    Im sure they're cool but it almost doesnt seem like the right bike for digital displays. A bike (V11) that is so old school mechanically with the high tech gagetry almost seems like an oximoron, or to the seriously obsessed, sacriledge!! i think I like my analog dials better
  6. NUCLEAR!!!!
  7. Did the lap times at that GP seem a bit slow or is it just me?
  8. a Quota on steroids
  9. Long time fan of this thread, thought it was time I contributed, heres a pic of my favorite pair of boobies
  10. I was watching that one too. Has this inspired you to finish yours Jim, after all dont you enjoy having bikes for sale that you will never sell?????????
  11. Probably a statement of what kind of childhood i had but at my house as a kid we left Santa beer and pretzels. And wouldnt you know it, when I got up on Xmas morning the beer and pretzels were gone ---------Merry Christmas everyone
  12. Hey Jim, great poll, threw my chips on the MGS of course!!! Although I have to say I'm surprized you didn't just put the bikes you own in the poll, oh ya, you can only put in 20, didnt want any of them to feel bad
  13. Had the same problem with my V11. I first put on the Mistral crossover that pushed the flatspot down from 4300 rpm to 3400 rpm so it was out of the way of usable range, under performance any way, then put on Mistral carbon pipes which totally eliminated the dead spot and added a few HP's. Not nessesarily an inexpensive fix but well worth the snort factor Now I want the PC III and high compression pistons. Will it end? Only time and finances will tell
  14. Recently aquired the same dis-order. But in the same note that misery loves company, so do addictions. With two bikes one is more prepared to corrupt the naive, the buddy bike the perfect ploy draw the unprepared into your circle of corruption, thereby negating your own sins
  15. Likewise, I recently switched from the 180 on 2001 down to a 160 and couldnt be happier. The bike felt like it had lost 20 LBS and all the stiffness into a turn was gone. I switched to get a cheap tire when I needed it but I wont be switching back
  16. Our local favorite guzzi dealer may be cut off from new bikes. (names withheld to protect the innocent). Due to Piaggio's ownership of Guzzi, Aprilia, and others, the local Guzzi dealers reluctance to carry a full line of Aprilia as well may mean being no new bikes including the Griso and Breva. Considering the remarkable job they have done to make the Guzzi a viable and popular local brand, I find these strongarm tactics insulting to myself and my fellow MG enthusiasts. Why should the shop I trust, unlike the other local, be penalized for reluctance to waste valuable floor space on an overpriced exotic. Once again Guzzi is being squeezed out by the big guy, Id hoped for better if for nothing more than piaggios sense of Italian pride in keeping the lusterous Guzzi name alive
  17. It started innocently enough, I thought. Jim brought me to the nearby Guzzi shop to "brouse" about 2 years ago. It hadnt occurred to me that I had ogled his Rosso Mandelo the previous summer and Jim knew there was a used V11 sport at the shop. I was drawn into his web. I puchased the V11 soon after. Last week I was once again drawn into Jims lair at the shop and now I am the owner of a 2000 Quota. Am I destined for collector status?! DAMN YOU HELICOPTERJIM DAMN YOU!! Jim is spreading his cycle addictions like typhoid Annie If anyone else has been corrupted by Jim I suggest joining this self help group and by god we can beat this terrible affliction
  18. Its all personel preference of course, but I went from B.C. to Monteray Cali., last year down highway 101 in 4 days, took 3 days off, (motogp), then 4 days back. The round trip was 8500 kms (5200 miles?) and other than a sore ass I felt pretty good. I think the V11 sport is the happy medium, comfortable yetstill fun. The sidenote: I have riser bars and a 1/4 fairing. The bars are a 3 1/2 inch rise, which is just enough to keep you from pushing on your wrists on the long term ride its just right
  19. Recieved good news today, talked to the rep from the construction company where I had my "incident", where the rock rolled out in front of me from a grader. They've been quite good about it and are sending $580 to Valley MotoGuzzi in Chilliwack to do the repair, including labour even. Sometimes good things happen to bad people I guess
  20. I guess the moral of my story is.... ........ sometimes they mean it, PAY ATTENTION. For your information this part .............. costs $310can. In order to fund my repairs , in an excusive offer on this site only I am offering custom kickstands for $20 each
  21. At least a presence on the race circuit would save "Moto What!!" replies after being asked what kind of bike do you ride. And the looks afterward like you ride something made in China
  22. Simplicity is almost always best. I used aluminum insulating foil, it has a thick rubber adhesive backing. I think it was only $12 or something. Take out the pump put two wraps on the pump and re-install using heat duct strapping/hanger as the pump is now a larger diameter so the original brackets wont fit and the strapping already has holes in it for the bolts. This is from Gord at Valley cycle for a repair on his own V11, ask those who should know I guess This will save you the relocation problems hopefully
  23. Due to less than ideal conditions, monetary and otherwise I've recently been avoiding the heartbreak of wedging open my wallet to insure the V11. I have however, under a moderate amount of prodding from HelicopterJim, bowed to my own lust and rubber arm, and purchased a set of Mistral carbon pipes from Valley cycle (better bunch of guys would be hard to find). Of course with the impatience of a child on Christmas, didnt even go upstairs at home before I grabbed a set of tools for the easy installation. Twenty minutes or so and the pipes are on, but due to the domino effect and some uncharacteristic patience decided to change the oil and spark plugs I had the forsight to pick up as well. The plugs indicated I'm running slightly rich but nothing to worry about. Ready to turn it over and try out the the new sound. Started easily, let it idle, the lifters tapping away like a perfect metronome. Now a little twist of the throttle, the muffled growl of the stock pipes had been tranformed to an outright snarl!!! I'm lovin the new notes and decibels!!! Thats it, like many of you, I think I have an addictive personality and thats all it took. Visa card in hand I'm heading straight for the insurance office and after paying $903 for last years speed infractions on top of the insurance bill I was installing a shiny new plate. These spring afternoons are ideal, crisp but not too cold, the bugs arent out yet and the sun is shining. Choosing a couple of backroads where the traffic would be light and enforcement unlikely started out a moderate pace, unpressured by other vehicles. I wound it out a few times and realized how much I missed the adreneline over the winter. Now that the cobwebs had been shaken out of my brain and my bike, I let the thoughts potential gravel on hidden corners and the chill of the road meaning my tires wouldnt be too sticky temper my speeds just as a RCMP cruiser appeared in front of me from around the next bend. He looked over at me as he passed and I told myself it was just to admire the bike as I chuckled to myself. As we all gear up for the coming bike year, I am hoping all of you can have as good a first day and remember to play safe ---Cheers
  24. Thats right , me and scooby doo! solving mysteries and stuff
  25. Not that Im against sidecars generally, and on the right bike, (cruisers etc.) I have occasionally thought they're kinda cool. But on a sport bike??????attrocious And the green VII with the painted sidecar a few replies back.......just wondering if they got the sidecars top panel off the side of a 1977 chevy van, you know the one with the moon shaped window
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