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Everything posted by txrider

  1. I bought this bike 1/22/04 used, with 3368 miles on it and as is my usual practice on new or used bikes brought it home, put it on the lift and began a general go-over on lubrication, cleanup and dealing with any bugs, leaks, squeaks, etc. The bike is easy to work on, built in sort of old world craftmanship way with lots of welds and round tubing. I decided to check first hand into the screeching upon clutch lever lever release problem I described a couple of weeks ago so have the rear tire, swingarm off and am about to remove the rear under frame bracing to get at the slave cylinder. Also there is an oil leak in the area of the back side of the transmission which I haven't isolated yet which could be lube overfill by previous owner. I didn't like the original battery positioning so have dropped the tray with bushings and brackets and turned the battery around for better access for charging. Had to build some cables to do that but it should work better with improved access and no issues with battery contacting frame, rear brake fluid reservoir or seat. On lubrication of parts I've found splines well lubed, axle only partly lubed resulting in rust seizure to the swingarm, and both shock bolts dry of any lubrication. On miscelleaneous other bits, looks like the assembler didn't like to use washers or if they did use them put them under bolt heads instead of usual nut side. Puzzling. All in all, I'm glad to be spending the time to get to know this bike and dealing with some details I believe will insure long reliable service. One question- Although I have a MG service manual, there is little fastener torque info listed. Anyone know of a better source of detail fastener torque info for these late model bikes?
  2. Al, your website or not, that piece and the pictures also figured heavily into my 2004 LeMans purchase. You should be on commission... Now, back to the beaten horse- My Staintune-equipped bike with restrictors out is still not very loud. Would Stucchi crossover add more "sound quality", i.e. louder?
  3. It's been suggested on another post that the oem rear crossover may have a catalytic converter, screen, etc. in it that would affect to some degree gas flow and tone. What's the story on that? If so, is the Stucchi crossover beneficial?
  4. I just bought a low miles (3300) 2004 LeMans and have a squeak coming from the clutch slave cylinder area when I squeeze the clutch, just at the beginning of lever travel. I researched this and see at least one other owner last July had this problem but no one knew the cause. Anyone know anymore about this? The clutch slave looks to be not removable without first removing part of the rear frame to get a cross member out of the way.
  5. Al, I suggest a visit to AF1 Racing, one of the best Aprilia shops around. Not a Guzzi shop but those guys are enthusiasts and do dyno tuning, know their stuff and those are Italian bikes after all. If you can, meet with and talk with Ed on dyno tuning, he's very informative and knowledgable.
  6. Done. It is in the garage as I write this. Picked it up from my dealer this morning. Bum weather today so I'm looking forward to the usual check-lube-adjust-detail routine. The ride home was a blast despite the 30 knot cross winds and dropping temps. Uncorked Staintunes are so cool. This red 2004 bike has 3326 miles on it and is virtually new. My sweet wife supported my buy decision and I'm fairly pumped. Until now all my bikes have had centerstands so I'll have to order a work support stand. Got a new windshield (crack in the original) and a factory service manual on the way. There is a finned aluminum box under the seat marked "Kit Racing Titanio". What's that? I'll try to research new owner dumb questions but may have some as I get into the bike. There is a dry squeak coming from the clutch slave actuator as the clutch lever is squeezed. Is that typical or needs attention? Life is good.
  7. I just returned from a demo ride on a 2004 LeMans and I'm impressed. The turn in with the stubby bars is a little high effort and I managed to find a couple of false neutrals down shifting but I really like the bike overall. This particular bike had Staintunes and the engine feels and sounds like a classic big twin- booming with great roll on torque but likes to rev, too. 'Course I'm preaching to the choir, I know, but this is what I'd hoped the LeMans to be. Now to "sleep on it" because I'm about 90% there on buying this particular bike. That is, if sleep comes tonight. One LeMans, two LeMans, three LeMans...
  8. Thanks Al, for getting us back on track. The handling and feel of the LeMans is a major concern now and that info is useful. Getting a demo ride isn't happening just now but I'm still trying. Incidently, very nice job on your bike on Pashnit.
  9. It's a little tall for my short 30" inseam. You should straddle the Futura... tippy toe time. Rolled the FZ throttle full open in second gear up to 10K yesterday and gave myself an adrenalin rush that lasted the rest of the day. Too old for that foolishness...
  10. Try Dave, help desk at Traxxion Dynamics. He knows suspensions and is friendly and helpful. I've dealt with them before and always got good service and good product. If you can give them the spring specs I bet they can supply springs, front and rear.
  11. Dave, selling a bike is one of the worst experiences a motorcycle enthusiast has to go through and takes a lot of patience. I'm about to put an FZ1 on the market and dread starting the process.
  12. Thanks guys for thoughtful, useful answers. I'm coming up empty handed on a demo ride on the LeMans, my real interest here, so have what must seem some pretty naive questions. Just trying to avoid the mistake I've seen others make and get a bike I'm not happy with after the new wears off. My taste in bikes is for European torquey twins like the Aprilias. Don't care much for BMW's and Ducatis after owning a couple of each. But the classic look of the sport Guzzis and that big engine sticking out both sides has a hold on me. Also, I am looking for a black LeMans like dlaing posted. One I've found has 875 miles, probably a buy back dealer demo with 12 months warranty left. Not what I would deem an ideal purchase. Price is right though.
  13. I'm going to stick my neck out here with a question- I test rode a 2000 V11 this morning and although I found the engine and tranmission excellent, the handling was, uh, weird. The front end was twitchy, that is in a straight line did not feel stable like other bikes I ride. I could "waggle" (for want of a better term) the front end at 70 mph and it felt loose through the chassis. In turns it seemed to resist inputs and then fall into the turn. Now I'm not knocking Guzzis, just would like to know if this is typical and if so have changes been made to post 2000 models. I expected more straight line stability and turn in predictability. Possibly this is all my problem being used to other bikes. What is your experience on post 2000 Guzzis? And no, I didn't check the steering damper, tire pressures, mileage on the bike, etc. Would appreciate input from experienced rider/owners of post 2000 V11 LeMans/Sports.
  14. I've been eyeballing that one as well as several others. This is starting to keep me up nights- afflicted with severe motolust.
  15. Windchill, that's good usable info. I've studied the selector spring problem which seems to have it's source in the spring boss diameter. Tach misting sounds like a vent problem but bad transmissions are scary. Engine paint I could deal with as long as all surfaces are accessible. Appreciate the help.
  16. Gee, guys, so much help I hardly know which way to turn. Appreciate it all. And Todd, that was spot on about Forward Air ($399 Atlanta to Dallas), that's the way to go. Thanks for the tip. I'll let you all know what happens when it happens on the bike.
  17. Dave, not to burden all with shipping details but I've already done some checking with 3 shippers and all quoted $600+ to ship from Atlanta to Ft. Worth on a bike I was considering there. I think Seattle is further although I haven't checked for sure. You do have a nice bike, though. You deliver? It can't cost THAT much.
  18. Yep, Arlington to be precise but would much rather be down where you are near the Hill Country. Too many SUVs, mad wives drive'em up here.
  19. Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking for a bike close to the Ft. Worth/Dallas area to ease the logistics of getting the bike. In fact it would be great to go get the bike and ride it home, weather permitting (cold and rainy as I write this). I imagine a close going over of the electrics, particularly connectors, fluids change, valve check and I'm ready to go. Any other items?( bump). Incidently, here is a good piece of info on electrical connector maintenance- http://www.intendedacceleration.com/html/tip_14.html Might prove useful.
  20. 2003 V11 LeMans or Sport is what I'm looking for. Are there problems these models have which affect reliability and which one would handle pre-emptively to insure successful trouble free touring? As an example I ride a Futura and thanks to apriliaforum we know most of those bikes benefit from charging circuit wiring mods and an '05' remap. So I'm trying to get a handle on what to do with a bike when I get it to maximize reliability.
  21. I'd like to introduce myself as a long time rider who does his own bike work and has acquired considerable enthusiasm for owning a Guzzi, 1-2 year old LeMans or Sport. Although I have read the FAQ's and studied the tech section I'd like to ask this- what areas to focus on a low mileage used Guzzi to head off problems before they turn into roadside-call-for help issues? Thanks for your patience and look forward to your views.
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