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Greg Field

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Greg Field last won the day on February 15 2015

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  1. I have a question, if i need to replace my clutch from my V11 (Scura) and i cleared the engine from the trans, do i need to drain the oil and remove the oillines? Or should it be posible with the oillines still connected?

    Kind regards,


  2. MG Cycle is out of stock according to they're website. Ive been checking back for a few weeks. I suppose if I just order some from MG, they'll come sooner than they're website will update them back in stock haha How 'bout the Moto Guzzi titanium pipes? I have a set lacking the ECU for about hte price of Mistrals.
  3. As an officer in the VME, I can tell you, "Don't worry about it. Ride what you like, behave yourself, and enjoy the event." Your fellow Canadians always behave themselves and make a good showing. George Dockray's green cafe bike won the People's Choice Award in the bike show. Thanks for joining us. If you ever want to come down the night before, I can probably hook you up with a free place to saty.
  4. Those're good bikes. A few had soft cams, but that would've revealed itself by now. Save yourself the angst, and service the forks pre-emptively. Do it yourself if you can, so you can be sure the old fluid and gunk gets thoroughly pumped and flushed out.
  5. Greg Field

    Rear drive

    Let's do this when snow is on the ground......... No luxury of waiting for snow. I need to have the Sport ready for a serious sport-tour in four weeks where I show the BMW/KTM/Triumph and Honda guys how the Guzzi can hang . . . Or, no . . . Again, these guys are like going for a little hike in the woods. With Army Rangers. I wake up in a cold seat to ,"Your Guzzi breaks down, we're splittin' up your gear!":ninja: Then, two weeks later, off to Barber's for the Vintage Festival. Fabulous event and I've thought of taking the (almost) old Honda. The heat and slam it on a block of wood trick obviates the need for the puller. It may be true that you need not remove the pinion first. Like I said, I've never replace that seal on a V11S-type rear drive. On a normal 5-spees=type drive, it's a 45-minute job, including removal and replacement on the bike.
  6. Greg Field

    Rear drive

    I've never had to do this on a V11 rear drive, but it should be similar to the other Guzzi drives. Remove the pinion gear/block from the front. Take off the bolts around the big pltter cover. Remove the cover, along with the ring gear and its hub. Heat the case in the boss around the inner race for the needle bearing. pick up the case with a gloved hand and slam it open side down onto a wood block. That'll usually drive out the bearing race. Then lever out the seal and rteplace with a new one. Drive back in the race. Look at the other race on the ring gear hub. If it's loose, clean everything and red loctite it in place. If it has walked away from the shoulder but is still tight, drive it back in place. Re-assemble the whole works. It should hold the pink stuff fine after that.
  7. Actually it seems to be an interesting - if not amazing - bike, the Dorsoduro. Nevertheless it may be interesting in this context that Wilco started as some sort of hillbilly/country band, at least if I got it right what I found on the net about them. Hubert Uncle Tupelo. One of the great bands of the 1990s. A mix of Replacements and Hank Williams. Tupelo broke up too soon and re-formed as two bands: Wilco and Son Volt. IMO, both of those bands produced a few really good songs but generally uninspired albums.
  8. Greg Field


    Jet: There's a cherry '04 Ballabio that's set up for a tall guy in Seattle. He removed the fairing and put the big headlight on it from a naked Sport. Lots of custom stuff on it. I can put you in contact with him if you are at all interested. I have no financail interest in this.
  9. Greg Field

    Rear drive

    I had the exact same problem with mine using Redline. I changed both of the seals and it only stopped the leaking temporarily. I'm guessing your leaks first started only after being on the highway going over 70mph? Then it progressively gets worse from there. Long story short, just use regular gear oil or what the manual calls for. When I drained the redline from my box and put plain gear oil in there the leaking stopped. I'm thinking the redline is just a little too slippery for the rear drive seals. So, I drained the Redline. Twice now. I keep thinking the drizzle gets better. Did yours take a few miles a change or two to "seal?" The phot shows a pinkish tone inside the spline area, indicating a possible inner seal leak. I've had RLSH in my rear drive for 26,000 miles without a leak. Or so, I think. It's somewhere in Wyoming right now, being ridden by Aussie Bruce Reader. It may be leaking now, but he hasn't said anything about that.
  10. How do you know that he is not once more amongst us at this very moment? Keeping a low profile, biding his time.... Ratchethack & Captain Nemo, Masters of Delusion ... If only Ratchethack hadn't given fullest rein to his phobias & prejudices without discrimination & to the point of tedium...I can't remember what happened to Captain Nemo, but I remember him challenging Greg to a race (or was it the other way round?)...& his blue exhaust pipes... Shame really...but Buzz Lightyear managed to turn it around...there's always hope. Yes, Nemo and I rode together for a few years and even went to a couple rallies together. He could be very entertaining, but in the end, his behavior caused me to abandon him at a rally. After that, he said all kinds of nasty things about me, and even challenged me to a race. I said, "OK, we'll race to this place and back by this route, and you can even run the race on your RC-51 against my Eldo," and that was the last I ever heard of it. Truth is that once it got twisty, he never could even keep up to my Eldo when he was on his "fastest Guzzi on the West Coast." I haven't seen or heard from him in several years. Last I heard was a rumor that he had joined the Bandidos and was riding a Harley. I do not know if there's any truth to the rumor.
  11. They are good bikes with relatively few problems. At 10k, the engine is just broken in. If in good cosmetic shape, that's a fair price.
  12. Sorry. For sale. My mailbox is now no longer full.
  13. Footwear, schmootwear. Anything south of the morning-dew-on-fur is irrelevant.
  14. If so, PM me.
  15. Why not use a CanyonDancer and take both ends up? In the end, I'm not at all sure that greasing the front u-j matters. After 6000 miles, the front u-j will be stiff. At 32,000 miles and after a lot of greasing, it is still stiff. I have seen many like it. YMMV.
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