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Everything posted by Sam38a1

  1. Hello Guzzi Riders, Lets get a ride organized in the Denver area. I like to start a Club in Denver. I did start a group on Face-Book https://www.facebook.com/groups/125276431814/ I have 2 other friends with V11 Sport Bikes. And I also have a 2004 V11 Ballabio. Let's get together and start planning for 2014 Sam
  2. Colorado Rockies with a little snow
  3. When super models get old.
  4. Yep! I also ran out of fuel and no warning light. Found out that the sender is attached to the fuel pump with a little piece of metal that broke off. Was replaced under warranty. New fuel Pump with sender. 2004 Moto Guzzi Ballabio Sam
  5. Congratulations! I also own a 2004 Ballabio and It's a joy to ride and own. Ride Safe and enjoy Sam
  6. I'm a owner of a 04 Ballabio and a very happy and proud owner at that. The Moto Guzzi is a joy to ride and easy to work on. Buy it and you will know the joy of the Moto Guzzi Sam 04 Ballabio
  7. Here is a great sounding video of the vintage Moto Guzzi V8 on the track.
  8. Motorcycle Girl on Guzzi Alternative pop rock music video shot in the California desert on old stock 16mm movie film using vintage 1930s hand-cranked cameras. A beautiful young woman rides her Moto Guzzi out as far as it will take her. song and video
  9. Kitty Kitty Chill out http://www.youthofbritain.com/chillout/
  10. Sam38a1

    Best helmet?

    The Schuberth SR1 is my helmet of choice. Cost is high but it's all quiality and I like the blast shield for the sunny days. Great air flow adjustments. My favorite Helmet for all around riding . http://www.schuberth.com/s1/index3.htm
  11. I'm not sure what to say! Very large nipples?
  12. Nice parts. it's not "gear" per se, but they do feel very sturdy and think they would hold up great in a low-speed crash, definitely better than most jeans anyway. Very Comfortable on the bike and off, would recommend. Sam
  13. Helllo, My turn signal lamp went out on my 2004 V11 Ballabio. I remove it and went to 2 auto parts stores and to my Moto Guzzi dealer and nobody has a turn signal lamp that would fit. The pins on the lamp are at 130 degrees not like most lamps that are at 180. So I found a lamp that was 10 amps(anything lower then 10 amps the turn signal flasher will not work) and ground down one of the pins and it works. But it's white and a little to large. I hope it will not melt my trun signal lens. The Dealer said they will order them from the Factory. But that could take a long time. Sam
  14. Hello, Looking for fellow V11 riiders who would like to join our V11 sport bike club. for Meetings and ride events please contact me. Sam38a1
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