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Everything posted by gallo_se
what about using the covers from a 2003 california?
I was wondering, I am used to the California II handlebar and vibrations, without any bar end weights, are the vibrations so bad with the original bar end weights?
I also contacted cyclecat by e-mail one month ago and they told me that they have other project ongoing at the moment and don't have time to prepare a set of clips for the 54mm fork. I think I will do as Ian did, drill the plate and put 2 risers and a handlebar.
Whre can I get the wonderful accessory for the V11 le Mans shown in the picture?
Hi everybody, I joined the forum almost one month ago, but only now, looking carfully on the web page, I saw this tread, sorry about this. My name is Sergio, I am 29 years old, and I have been living in Italy since last march, when I moved to work to Ireland. I came to Irealand from Turin, in the north west of italy, riding my Moto Guzzi Califorina II, with 110000km at the moment, great bike. I am going back to Italy every 2 months to visit my family, so I started missing a Guzzi there, and this is why the red and black 2003 V11 Le Mans came. I have not actually ridden it cause I will be back for a week-end only at the end of the month, and It was not ready yet when I left the country after the Christmas holidays, but I have ridden two times a V11 Le Mans and a V11 sport in the past. The motorbike is not new, it has 12500km, and 1 year of life, but seems to be perfect. The name I chosed for her ( I don't know exactly why at the beginning I was convinced it was a "him" but little by little I changed my mind) is Abigail. I am already looking forward for summer vacations, when I will ride to the south of italy, probably. I already had alook around to the different technical and "how to" topics, which I found very useful. Thanks a lot to everybody.
sorry for the very basic question, but what is the advantage of the led tail light? less energy consumption? more bright? About the xenon lights for the front light I was reading an article on an italian motorcycle magazine called "In sella" which literally translated means "on the seat". This article was comparing xenon lights with common lights, and the result was that they are a lot more expensive and the brightness increase is 5 to 10% maximum. If it is so, is it worth putting a xenon light?
Very very nice, I think it is the same solution that Ian adopted, I wonder if it fits under the fairing of the V11 Le Mans. What kind of handlebar did you use? a motorcross like?
Hi Ian, would it be possible to have a couple of pictures of your new handlebar, to see how much you were able to rise the bars compared to the original? I might do the same, so Iwould like to know more or less how much you can rise without hitting the fairing.
On this web site you can find a lot of different cylinder headguards in different shapes and colors, and other racing accessories. http://www.rossopuroitalia.it/v11.htm
Thanks for the explanation to Ian and Griff, it seems the best solution to do some touring trip, the only one thing is that the racks without the bags look a little bit too heavy. Ian, don't worry about the e-mail adress, no bother. Did you then solve the problem of the handlebar risers? have you found another solution? http://www.mgcycle.com/bars.html http://www.mphcycles.com/BarRisers/RISERS.HTM http://www.spieglerusa.com/cfm/clipon.cfm?type=offset http://www.motostrano-store.com/cyccatbrserm.html http://www.amcmotorcycles.com.au/index.htm...arget=d108.html multi adjustable clip-ons made by Tommaselli http://www.agostiniduilio.com/ http://www.cliponrisers.com/ http://www.motostrano-store.com/bars1.html http://www.convertibars.com/ http://www.daes-mototec.de/ These are the web sites where I found some handlebar risers that can fit on the Le Mans, it seems that the german ones are not bad, but what a price. Cheers, Sergio.
-25! you mean celsius or fahreneit? If they are celsius, some questions come to my mind: what kind of engine oil do you use to work at tohse very low temperatures? gasoline, brake oil clutch oil, the grease on the joint , oes not they just freeze at these temperatures?
Hi Randy, thanks for the picture, it gives a not perfect, but nice idea of the result. I already saw some other pictures of how it looks like by the side, so, from the estetic point of view I know what I have to expect. I would like to know if it is not bothering you if you could write few lines to tell your opinion about the system, isit stable, is it charging the back too much, do you have problems with the steering becoming too light, or some problems of aerodynamics, i mean if the bags are creating some turbolence. Have you ever tried the 40 litres set? I would also like to contact Ian johnston, cause he has the 42 litres journey set, but the e-mail adress on his web sit is not working anymore, does anybody know how to contact him?
If the frame of the Breva 1100 is not so diferent from the V11, we might think about using the hard luggages designed for the Breva 1100, they are very nice and big enough to store all the clothes girlfriends take with them during vacations.
I read with a lot of interest and tried to contact Darth Maul to the e-mail adress listed, but it seems to be not existing any more. This is the link to the topic http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=581 It seems a very nice solution: Is it possible to know more abouti it: if it is tough enogh for heavy loading, what kind of luggages fit on it, how much it would cost. Is it the passenger comfortable with the new position of the foot pads?
this rack from moto mecca looks very good, but it seems to me very fragile. I don't think that you can carry a lot of weight on it, it looks that after a while it will brake itself and brake the bodywork also, it is only plastic, at the end. The stucchi, or the original moto guzzi rack looks less nice but it is more tough, according to me.
Hi, I followed the story of the different solutions to have nice and big journey bags on the V11 Le Mans, and I read the following topic: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1480 it seems to be a very nice solution, I saw the pictures also on Ian's web site, the only one thing I was wondering is: from the picture it seems that the rack is going very near, if not even touching the back sid of the motorbike, where "Le Mans" it is written. Has somebody noticed if the luggage rack does any harm to the paint? i meand scratches.
honestly, I don't like very much the leather sadle bags on the V11 Le Mans, it's ok for a cruiser, but on a sport-turing............ I think that the Hepco&Becker hard bags look better, especially the journey set, then the rack is specifically made for the V11 and it is not necessary to do some home-made modifications. I think you have to be very confident in what you are doing if you adjust something that has been made for something else.
sorry, why don't you just remove the black paint doing the bubbles and leave the semigloss pain that lays under it? I think that on the 2003 model they just sprayed the semi gloss paint and leave it like this, and it is not bad at all.
It is really a hard choice, you have to consider yourself very lucky that the dealer offred you to change the engin case or to give you accessories, cause Moto GUzzi in Italy already since a long time denies to change the case under warranty, it just gives you some paint to fill the bubbles holes. One thing I would consider is that the less you have to unbuild the engine, the better the motorbike will keep on going, cause it is very hard, according to me, to find someone that is able to build all the engine parts inside the engine as they do in the main factory, in Mandello. If they were giving you a complete engine, I would have done it, in this case I would just take the accessories. If you are doing a lot of miles every year, it might be that in 5 or 6 years you will have to open the engine anyway to do a revision of the engine itself, so you could then take that chance to paint hte engine. Sergio.
The picture is quite exaustively showing how the motorbike look like after the changes and the improvement in the riding position, thanks a lot, it is really helpful to have an idea of how it looks like, however, might it be that the "two rothers racing" risers can "rise" the position even more? These german ones are actually really not too bad, at the moment there are so many solutions available on the market that I really do not know what to chose. Sergio.
Has anybody tried these new bars? are they worth buying them or there are others solutions that fit inside the V11 Le Mans Fairing? apart from the two brothers racing? I have seen many on the internt, but I don't know which are the best. The Verlicchi or Convertibars do not look very nice, according to me, the clip-on risers from Mph or Sun also. Sergio.
Hi everybody, I am new on this forum and I got my V11 red/black just 2 weeks ago, but already thinking about some changes: what can people that installed this touring fairing say about it? is it working ok? noises or turbolences at any speed? Thanks, Sergio.