I've been pulled over 3 times, twice on the V11 and once on the RSVR, one for not coming to a full stop at a light for a right turn, one for tabs and the last for speeding on the Aprilia, all three times I've gotten off with a warning and a remark like "cool bike" The tabs I just forgot to put on after I got her all setup on the first nice day but he could see in the computer I did pay for them, speeding was 5am on my way to work and he could tell so said to be sure to slow it down on that stretch of road they're always waiting(big speed trap I guess) and the no stop on red I wanted to get into a busy almost highway like road from a side street and I saw the gap and took it, too bad the set of headlights coming was a cop, but I tell you its hard to get a ticket on a nice bike