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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. you just wasted 3 minutes of my life I'LL NEVER get back, . . . Ah well I probably would have just wasted'em anyway.
  2. DId someone say OLD STYLE?
  3. lets not go there.
  4. Thats why I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the British thunder. I may get a Triumph yet. If they redesign the Daytona it could be enough to send me over the pond. Otherwise I like the 675 and the triple but they are so tiny the speed triple feels like a rail
  5. Best bike ever right here baby, turns on a round-a-bout if you really lean it in, Stops in 3 city blocks and goes from zero to 60 in 7 minutes. eh I Was looking for that huge rat bike but this'll do.
  6. Now if you glued together a bunch of soggy particle board THEN secured it with parcel twine I'd think you need a point.
  7. I heard helicopter jim has this. whacha got to say jim? all I know is I'd like to buy them put some tool oil on'em seal them in some airtight container and install them down the road when my rings need to be replaced or something of the sort.
  8. Oh thats in the works I'm going to have a full tune up PLUS have this guy I found (recommended by Doug Lofgren) put in shock prook heavy in the tranny and backend then adjust the valves and TB's. THEN I'll goto the dyno but thats ONLY if I can afford it this year. Otherwise I'll just get a smaller version of said tuneup and just insulate the gas lines and wait till next year to finish it up. I only have so much money and so little time.
  9. racing is racing but F1 and GP are like the RAH 66 comanche and the F22 raptor, Oh they are both flying but it aint the same bag o marbles. I don't think he will do that great, Remember Jordan wanting to play a different kind of ball? not so good.
  10. That is possible its usually initial startup but it has happened once when I Was just riding it not to long b4 I tried to restart it. It scares the hell out of me everytime it happens so I know its happened about 3 times last season in 6k mi. and once last week when I fired her up. But only started after I added all these mods more preciesly the PCIII, tho it ran real bad in other ways b4 I installed it.
  11. Not me, or my wife unfourtanetly I got some small pecs but I could really go for a solid C cup right about now or are they Ds?.
  12. Well answer me this then All mighty forum gods of ECU, Sometimes(rare) when I start my bike it sounds like the cylinders are working against each other runs like pure crap, Dies and a puff of smoke comes up from either the air filters or I don't know what. But then I goto restart it and its fine. Other than that I've had some small pinging and a custom map would be best because right now I have a "best fit" downloaded into it. Otherwise runs great outside of vapor lock.
  13. check these blinkers. Nice Indicators. Or this box Nice Box Check out these headlights I'd like to play with these levers Got a leaky gasket? one last one, though there is more Badges? we don't need no stinking badges
  14. Yeah outside of cycletrader or the local trad-in mine is virtually unsellable. just look at my signature
  15. those little bulbs were hard for me to find so I got slightly brighter ones and just replaced them both. The dials are easier to read now tho. but I also notice it dims more when the revs drop eh
  16. Duh I posted that about 5 back where you been man.
  17. BINGO, I haven't talked to Doug yet but he isn't sure if he will do it or send it to a guy he trained to do it in st.paul luckily for me I'm very close to (in distance) Doug and Manley Cycles, Manley qouted me $300 for a dyno tune of the PCIII and Doug qouted me $500 for an ECU tune and I can throw out(sell) my PCIII. So thats where it sits and after reading all this I'm no more decided than b4 I started lookin. I think I might go the Lofgren route as I don't plan to change anything outside of maybe getting Ti pipes if anything happens to my CF but I'm sure they would be really close in map settings if I just do that. PS. I got my trick CRG levers from good ole Manley when motoprimo told me no one had them in stock, neat shop but obviously all about tuning and fancy bits not much in the place.
  18. Slightly, but not much more. Airbox conversions great the most rider audible noise. I'm thinking of just cuttin the pipes as they round the heads like this for a full bodied note. Have a tip like that stuck to each end. Sweet and talk about Ground clearence and Weight savings galore!!!
  19. I think he single-handedly Sold at least a Dozen Guzzi's because of his article Too bad he hasn't gotten any commission. I've mentioned it b4 but I'm in the fold In large part of Mr.Al rothiliswhateverburger. u da man.
  20. So is flashing/burning("chipping") the ECU In anyway better than Just having a correctly mapped PCIII?? I stumbled across a guy that only burns the chips and said I can throw my PCIII away for $500 dyno tuning fee. Maybe if I sell the PCIII for $200 and get it chipped $500 is about the same price as a Full tune on the PCIII I've been qouted at $300. IS this a case of do whatever or is one better than the other?
  21. Check This Shite out. It'd be tempting if I wasn't already setup, Quat-D Full System No cat-ebay. And this cheap PCIII
  22. I see your point the 750 is pure gixxer it has near performance of the 1000, I'd rather have the 750 myself. Now if MV could make thier engine perform like that one. Or thier 1000 like the Jap 1000's Hmmm but thats another thread.
  23. Only one left to redesign is the Daytona 955, I say they take the RocketIII engine and super tune it throw it into the Daytona Badge NOW That'd be sumptin.
  24. MY god that is a sweet bike, Only $9,000 list here its like everything I like about the R6 and is missing everything I don't. Its not Jap its 3(more mid torq) Only thing why don't they get this over with and make a 750??? 600, 650, 675 and I'm not sure was there a 625 or some odd number in there as well? I say just go 750 is there an advantage to 675? but 126hp is rather impressive. I hate the fact that there are so many good bikes on the market and I have no way to choose(not that I need to decide now ) I'd get this one
  25. like al said easy to remember and I use it constantly. I also frequent http://www.spellcheck.net/ http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/interna...ts/codealt.html don't ask me why on this one... http://www.guernsey.net/~sgibbs/roman.html?# and does anyone speak russian?????? http://new.e-go.gr/girls/summaries.asp?cat...=2&pubid=260967
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