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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. OH BTW I'm moving to brazil ASAP they must have something in the water....nuff said.
  2. ahhhh gisselllellllelelelelelelleleleleleaaaahhhhhh ooooohhhhhhh..... I think I've had an accident
  3. Sooooo. do any ppl live in your abode? looks like you had motorcycle children. My wife wouldn't go for the Guzzi in the living room....now if I had a MV or a 999 I might tune her out
  4. The sad part is from what I've heard is that building the Bikes is what led to his untimely demise. As in he hand built them and apparently Hand working CF is somewhat dangerous to your health... Could be hearsay but I have to think taking on the world all by yourself is one heck of a strain... but the man had balls and tallent the likes of which I cannot compare with anything in memory. If I won the lottery I would buy one of his bikes just to have it inshrined under protective glass in the foaye.
  5. That reads like all the bikes I've wanted to buy over the last few years (minus the yami) You have Impeccable taste my man
  6. Thats a Dito right here....rather that than an HD.
  7. thats a lotta bikes....I just want one more well 2 more... maybe 3...I have a long long list with many checks and balances but no clear winner as of yet.
  8. Couldn't Max Buy his own tires(tyres whatever) like the rest of us? come on can't be that expensive for a cash money millionare like him.
  9. I remember when I was a newbie and I asked a stupid Q well someone I won't say who pointed me to the ECU thread and I think it was only like 15-20 pages back then I went crosseyed after 4 pages. And just tried asking again...
  10. That tailpeice is the second to last thing I need to complete my puzzle....and its next.....if I Can get the cash together. But it is tops in looks
  11. am I missing something? LMAO but I feel something went over my head.
  12. No disassemble Want to Live
  13. can somebody tell me what they are talking about??? http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=353
  14. even if there was someone famous on here or just about anywhere I'd gather if they said something and told who they were no one would believe them without seeing them in person. Even with pics I bet it'd be a hard sell.
  15. I'm going to hell..... I found myself laughing.... .. I can't stop.... ....its so wrong... check these weiners out http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=384 And these Morons http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=324 And this Smart man http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=318 Or this one...wait how'd that get in there... http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=244 Not his fault...maybe? http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=175 And the Idiot of the year award goes too...... http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=190 may have been on this site b4 somewhere but its a classic.
  16. yeah right who are you really?...is this Ewan Mcgregor? come on man fess up. I'm watching you.
  17. Too bad I wasn't here earlier I read a full article on that baby. Looks a lot better with all the bells on her tho. That was just thier land speed test bike prototype and If I remember right had it crashed would have set them back awhile.
  18. I think Ten I see is about 12 hours away.... Thats a long long haul on my V11. Maybe if I had a HD?....nah
  19. Maybe a different painr scheme for me but that bike is amazing. Makes me want a Throwback now. My list is getting Wayyyyy to long. My want pile is huge.
  20. At that spead....lets say he went airborn off a curb or rock or something into the trees then every normal skid pattern is thrown out the window
  21. maybe why HD's do so so Huge here And Beemers. 75% of Minnesota is the "Great plaines" btw. so its very, very flat. Only the southeast and the northeast corners have anything of interest. I hear lake superior is one hell of a ride. As is a long way around trip to Winona(Birthplace of Winona Ryder) doncha kno.
  22. BTW with how much useless jibber jabber some of us are capable of this thread could take down the dreaded ECU thread.
  23. its pronounced R-Kansas Home of the amazingly evil multination corporation that enslaves more ppl than the pharrohs or the White American slave owners of the south combined. Walmart....bum bum bum...
  24. I can't believe you have the original grips! I got some new Geltype ones that are thicker gives my big mits something easier to grip and rip.
  25. might not be a bad idea if the price is right.
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