I have to pay for the speed channel and its part of a crap package in the range of $15 more a month I believe. I'll look into it after we move but its the only channel I would watch and only for the GP I'd be better off buying the season highlights DVD once its all over or looking for internet webcasts. or get speed suck it up and a tivo. BTW anyone have showtime watch penn & teller's :Bullshit Its by far the best show on television you know how they never protray the general public on any medium radio,tv,newspaper only the mouthy minority, Well penn and teller speak up for the mass majority with facts and big words and make extremist look like ignorant half retarted children. its great if it comes out on DVD I'm on it like white on rice.
sorry just got done watching 2 episodes One on life coaches and therapists (I like to say the-rapists) the second was on profanity and everything surrounding it I find it funny because bullocks is bad in the UK but ask someone in the US and they may think its some kind of shellfish? or a Fag here is a Homosexual and yet in the UK youre asking to bum a smoke
So, I'm done I think you get me, do you get me?