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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. We just got Widmer in this market and lots of ppl seem to love the stuff. me I dunno leinys honey is a big one in this market too but I think it is just sweetened crap beer. if you want me to tell you how I really feel. BWT, JRT? are you a biochemical engineer or something? you always seem to know the scientific answer to everything and how they interact. Just an observation I've had.
  2. I only have one question. What in the HELL is a chestnut?
  3. You guys HAVE to be related some how??? I mean seriously how many roethlisberger are there in the world? a friend of mine's last name is Laabs and there are about 2 in the USA doing searches he wasn't related to. I suppose it can happen but you don't hear roethlisberger everyday thats for damn sure!
  4. Ah well the funny thing is Ebay doesn't care too much because they still make money either way. I think they are a bunch of bastards but I love the ability to visit a global flee market and if you've ever been to a local one you know there are some 'characters' around those parts. Anyway it keeps the whole experience colorful. BTW I've been scammed once b4 too, It blows hard lost out $200 but I know what NOT to do in the future for sure.
  5. Ah I think there is some in the FAQ's but it would be nice to have a definitive "checklist" in there for ppl to give a good once over on thier bikes if they are so mechanically inclined, For I am not. But it would still be nice.
  6. why couldn't you ride then? thats the only time I think you can ride to alaska. Maybe I'm wrong? But the weather should be about as good as its gonna get through that time.
  7. if you like Sam's you should give Redhook beers a try, a West coast version really.
  8. What about Mecrob anyone ever had that? god its Horrible
  9. DeBenGuzzi

    Breva 1100

    I may look into one for a touring bike if they put them out in all black with hard bags like the one I saw. It looks like a real stand up cruiser. But only if its used I'm sure it will be priced at 13-15K ouch
  10. $850??? where is this place does it exsist? are you lying? I want IN!!!!
  11. Don't sweat it I'm sure the dealer could even put in a brand new switch from someone other than MGNA and it's work for the life of the bike. The coppa is such a stunning bike don't fret about the small stuff just yet I'm sure more things will rear its ugly head b4 10K but after that youre GOLDEN
  12. to infinity take that Nogbad.
  13. Hey shut up, someones drinking it or I wouldn't be moving into a house! but I hear you I don't like beer either and it just appeals to the masses not any real taste.
  14. I'm sorry to hear that if I Was without my goose for that long I would have serious anxeity attacks riding my goose is like therapy for my the ultimate get away.
  15. Do you possibly have a picture of how they look this way? I haven't seen that and I'd rather use the stock hangers personally.
  16. DeBenGuzzi

    Guzzi sighting

    Maybe all the advertising you've done laying rubber up and down the valley has paid off, or has it?
  17. what kind of mistrals do you have dlaing? I still want the Ti's but hell if the price is right....
  18. I suppose MSG and MGS thats something close to Guzzi. so I was wrong then.
  19. Then he must be on the Atkins diet too and shed a few. But you'd never run out of meat with that boomstick.
  20. I was at a chinese Rest the other day(a really good one too) and there was 3 old biddies going on and On and ON about MSG and making sure nothing had MSG in it and this great place in such and such state that said No MSG in the window and it was so good and blah blah blah I felt like asking HEY can I get MORE MSG in mine . Since they don't want it just pile it on me Anyway I have this feeling that MonoSodiumGlutinate is just a simple salt, a Myth, a Urban legend that it f*cks with your fragile little mind. I've never had any adverse affects or anyone I know personally and I wonder if someone who thinks they have problems will and if they had ate a hamburger with some in it if they would know or is it all in ones mind. Anyone have any insight on this?
  21. Buy NEW relays there are a few places out there to get them. Thats all I can say you will need them eventually waytec sells them I have a second set my mistake now the original owner changed them out but even the best go out eventually soo anyway I haven't any idea about your problem than check the exhaust for leaks or cracks too my was popping and both my exhaust clamps were loose.
  22. I think I like the blond so much because she's wearing Hot Pants, and she's so Hot in them. could use more displacement on her twins but thats a mod that can be added later. And for sure I'd need a test ride (or several dozen) b4 I could commit to anything.
  23. If thats the gun I'm thining of aren't the shells something like $50 each? I think they have to be special made these days. But you only need one to turn a deer into hamburger. don't even have to aim just get it in the general direction
  24. Thanks for the help on that one I'll order it right after we move. Also I'd love to have a Carbon Fiber tank. Maybe if I was really loaded I could have one made with the Internal Fuel pump setup so it would fit my older frame. Or if I was that loaded just get a brand new one and paint the frame red if I like it so much if I Was that rich I'd buy a 999 also tho. I have too many wants these days.
  25. I've thought about that since I started riding I think the only safe places are in the desert. Which we have none around here, OR pretty much all of ND but they don't take kindly to speeders, ...rat bastards -not happen to me but I've heard and seen them pull over whole sections of freeway onto an offramps and apparently give out lots of tickets at once. How Lazy
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