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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. Or you could have done white for swiss, or thrown a bunch of blueish green specks on it and called it a day, Or used some spray on ceiling matterial called it Cottage Cheese. Ha, well It looks nice I hope your new helmet turns out as good.
  2. IF just the pad split isn't there a way you could just repair the pad? or possible come across a new one in some way? Also lets see some handy work of the paint on the shell you did, lets not let it just goto waste. Good Ole Ronny Regan if he couldn't put a good spin on a bad thing I don't know who could.
  3. DeBenGuzzi

    My V11s pics...

    If I ever get the chance, Or more importantly the Urge I'm going to Paint mine the Guzzi Green, I love that "colour" Silver is alright but green is Great.
  4. The funny thing is the guy didn't have to respond AND post the question that Jason sent on the listing if he didn't want to. So thats is own fault, he either dosen't care or doesn't know how to Not post it in his listing.
  5. Is it really a push/bump Start? That would be a pain in the arse, I don't know what (ron) is but I know I can get 100 octane just down the street, I'm thinking of trying a tank in the guzzi maybe 50/50 premo/race I don't think anyone will buy that motorcycle But I've seen the situation b4 someone buying crap thats cheaper in the store do not under estimate the power of the igorant.
  6. Ah come on, A true Guzzist would have gotten a couple Qouta's to ride the dunes, YEAH! YEAH!, just kidding
  7. At least Guzzi can support some weight I mean hell a lot of itialians are So large, So Fat that...
  8. I like my Nolan I'd like to get this newer one with a nice paint scheme but we'll see. I have the older version but very similar and I have a Big Melon and its easy to put on, take off and a treat on really hot days in city traffic even though they say not to have it flipped up. Psh whatever! it'll still stop my head from spliting open like a cantelope.
  9. Wow and all this time I just thought you were a Packers Fan, Only good looking Greenbay fans out there I think.
  10. powder coating they stick in an oven for awhile to get it good and hot, I don't know if its possible or worth it, I was just thinking outloud maybe it could happen, actually if enough money is involved anything is possible.
  11. yeah doing the conversion its a solid $1,300 for that exhaust cans I was hoping my dealer was steering me wrong on the price, I think I'll get the Mistral Ti's Maybe I can air brush the logo on with a stencil and engine paint or powder coat (I knows a guy). Also I could pick up the pistons and a PCIII and a fender eliminator and a crossover and have it dynod and mapped. its just too much for just mufflers I still need to save a lil money for a second bike its like I'm way behind on this board. Anyway I'm young enough I can work on catching up.
  12. DeBenGuzzi

    FBF Airbox kit

    I like pod filters better but would have gotten the lidless if I had a reason to keep the chops.
  13. It cost me $300 to have the Fork oil changed but I needed new seals one of them was leaky. So a good shope I could guess $250 for the shop to do it? maybe a lil less but shop costs around here is something in the way of $90 an hour 2 hours is putting it at $180+oil costs.
  14. Does it even have an alternator? I thought true Racing bikes ran off a battery for the race then chuck it get a new one for the next race, am I wrong? or did they start using alts now?
  15. DOOODE, no way they still have WebTv? Get OUT! who knew?
  16. That is a ncie landscape, Doesn't anyone live in the UK? you can't see a house anywhere. Looks like a wetter wyoming or Utah.
  17. Wow, I've never seen so many, or anyone, get so worked up over a steering damper, Maybe they could have used something better but Like its been said with the ohlins "implants on a grandmother" Its all relative I think every(almost every) part on this V11 is a vast improvement over the crome painted plastic, cheap alum, REALLY bumpy ride of my last bike The damper is very nice to me better than any I've ridden, the shocks are better than any I've had and the power is nice and lowend the way it should be. I can see how its hard once smoking Good Cigars to go back to the cheaper ones. I'll just not try and ride a V11 with ohlins so I'm not tempted to empty my bank account.
  18. How is it an upgrade it looks really close to the same thing that comes stock on the V11's? Does this one have more pistons or soemthing I don't notice to my untrained eye?
  19. Good for the "you'll have to read it to find out number 1" but I want a MV f4 so bad it hurts and that was like 28, The britten should have gotten higher marks that was built in some guys garage and went on and dominated.
  20. German ppl are SO funny, I fear the Day David Hasselhoff kicks the bucket, all of Germania wil probably have a day of mourning. anyway
  21. Well I think I've made up my mind on the exhaust issue the Round Ti's from Mistral and the PCIII, next year I'll get the Crossover. can't see paying the price for ovals when there is no real difference/gain just more muffler to get in the way unless you like the look but I'll have to wait until after we get done with the trying to qualify for a house loan AND the wife lets me. oh well thats married life I suppose
  22. Well when youre Whole country PLUS ireland probably isn't even as big as the State I currently live in I could see how it would make it hard to open up monsterously large manufactering plants to pump out consumer cars the cost of labor and exports I can't seen anything of serious production except for high end low volume sports cars, Isn't Aston Martin still british btw? I may be wrong but I'd still love to have a vanquish that must be like driving sex. somewhat like a well tuned and moded Guzzi but 50 time the price.
  23. How did he get that kind of deal? hell I'd buy a New lemans if I could find that kind of a steal. ????? good going tho if it is true
  24. its funny how many buell items may end up on my Goose, I already have the fly screen, now I have the tires they designed for the new buell and I think I'm going to have to go down and order the smoke lenses as well Keep the good cheap replacement parts options coming.
  25. About the wireless sniper rifle alls I have to say is , must be how they Got Paris anyway not to get off topic of the new topic but IS the deal with Ti, Carbon and Alum just asteics? appearance? looks? is there any real difference to them besides that?
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