those "break-in secrets" are bullsht, works fine for SOME bikes maybe but overall you're just cutting the life not extending it, had a very extensive thread on the aprilia board with mechanics techs and engineers chiming in that running hard is bull and I believe it, sure you can run a race bike hard upon startup but don't you realize they rebuild or replace the motors quite often? go ahead run it hard if you don't plan to keep it.
btw thats just a web article with who knows what for pics and one guy talking bullsht, I don't mean to get so emotionable about this but it just urks me that manufacturers have to warranty their bikes and want them to last and had engineers determine the best procedure to accomplish a long lasting motor. I don't think any marq hopes it explodes 2 weeks after the warranty is up, because who the hell would then buy another one of THEIR motorbikes? If you really believe this guys crap then you should buy into those pills that enlarge your john thomas buy the idea that the US gov knocked off the trade center and we never landed on the moon.