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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. I bet BFG's just jealous he didn't come up with this topic.
  2. I like the SXV bettamyself, but tighten those clutch bolts!!! luckily I don't own one, I might if I want to tackle the urban jungles speed bumbs and curbs without a care
  3. that movie, while slightly outlandish and makes you keep thinking about it afterwards, rocked!
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I'm freaking blind, I'm blind the bike is so ugly I've gone fricken blind. althought I'd like to see more of that 4valve'r next to it change that strange leather tank and you'd have somethin
  5. yeah I know, but it looks like a bong, and maybe things would have been better if it was and besides what did bell ever do for us besides mabell now edison there was a sadistic inventor one could get behind take THAT tesla! TRIPPY
  6. is sarcasm lost when it crosses the pond, we obviously seem to often misinterput each other sarcasm for serious personal attacks. I'm seldom serious and often irrelevent to the topic at hand. Take this one for instance I give it 3 posts till its completely off topic, if it makes it that far telephone, or bong? it would explain a lot if it was the latter
  7. at least I hope this thread never closes and is prolificated by the open minded NOW these are some wimmin and nothing like a clean pair.
  8. yeah, I guess I wouldn't care either, but its nice mine face fwd, either way its still the best damn bike around
  9. JESUS CHRIST!!!! a bone stock V11 will run you just a lil more than that, well another 1k € BUT still!!!! and what is this you speak of? I'm so out of the loop lately.
  10. RRRrrr I bid ye a 69 and she wasn't up to snuff and Jaap? I figured you of all ppl would already be fully tricked out, are you retricking your tricks?
  11. HEYYYY the eagle is facing the wrong way, who they trying to foo here!!! actually seems the way they used to do it
  12. The wheels are HOTT, god bless alpina . jaap weren't you gonna get a set?
  13. I'm looking to maybe find a sport daytona 4V'er at some point, or maybe just the engine. I've seen a V11 with the 4v'er in it and it looked amazin but if I found a good daytona for a good price I'd keep it the way it is.
  14. GOOD GOD man thats like 4000 tons!!!! I guess if thats bigger than this than I can see it it weights 4000 tons.
  15. I just plan to get one of these and be done with it at some point. prolly 2 years. Sell my Rosso red or the silver at that time and find a way to mount up one of these. I love the classic polished silver look. how exactly does the monza cap work, does it just flip up? he offers a screw cap(I'd lose IT I swear) a monza and a fancy aircraft style.
  16. God, spoken like a true brit, youre from england right? well its the same island isn't it? same country? the dirty harry gun completely different!!!
  17. funny, I only got video no music. I guess u got the short stick its just about her: I've seen betta
  18. stereotypes go both ways, got any haggis? btw I don't know of anyone of my friends or my friends friends or my friends friends friends who carry guns that are not cops. Crime isn't has high as you see on TV its just all they focus on. Just like in most countries the ones with the most guns are the ones who shouldn't have them. I wonder why so many ppl hate the US I mean we saved your butts 60 years ago, compared to the dates they throw around in the now dead GW thread thats like yesterday besides I don't want the king of england coming in here trying to push me around and tell me what to do. I'll show him
  19. they need to do something about that tiger disguised as a water buffalo
  20. where is this store you speak of? how much are they willing to sell it for? tho i'ts be a shame to cover up my new rosso mandello tank
  21. OMG the THC spider was hilarious. I want a spier hammock.
  22. come off it now, don't get me started on scotland IF its not SCOTTISH its CRAP. hey get those footpegs to match this exhaust, ya know u gotta be strapped in da hood!!! remember these?
  23. somebody must have come over from europe because we're getting those things now they suck! luckily they're only on little b roads I guess they think its cheaper than stop signs? I've seen one or two like these roundys to nowhere it usually means there's a development planned but not built yet. I also have seen several traffic lights where the cross street doesn't exist yet either. let me tell you I love stopping at those damn lights
  24. what would become of track days? who wants to go around laguna at 45mph!!!!
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