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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. I wonder the outcome if it was on the aprilia forum, or the ducati forum, or the MV Agusta, yeah its not very scientific but then, who cares? its our forum and the snozsberries taste like snozsberries to me
  2. my hats always on, I have bad hair. I don't think there is a motorcycle I've ridden I didn't like. Looks are taste, performance should be subjective, ride what tickles your butt. I kinda wish I had the problem of only loving one marq.
  3. stupid nakie girl pictures, I don't want to download'em and host them myself but no one lets you link them anymore, wtf mate?
  4. this should be right up your guys alley then.
  5. I bet ppl couldn't believe you brought a tractor to a race track? no but seriously how was it out there?
  6. DeBenGuzzi

    V11 wailing

    I was thinking this would be fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UOaX1drjbw...ted&search=
  7. how did you know I suffer from wimpy weiner? I see both my pics are gone now. no biggie, they sucked.
  8. no the other one was a hotbabe on a buel but it must not have worked properly. I'll see if I can get it up for real later. For now I'm off to see this pirelli calendar
  9. I didn't know they had air bag technology on bikes now I think nog might like this I'm too tired to find more. sigh, have to work at 5 tomorrow.
  10. I thought it was a guzzi deere or would it be a moto deere, or a john guzzi?, I mean ferguson broke off from ford and then hooked up with massey and allis made it with chalmers and case went in with international I think deere's the only one not in a merger, and hell they already have something close to the guzzi green right?
  11. I've tried'em I love the ride and could cruise on it ALL freakin day. I can therefor bash them they are alright on power with upgrades but the brakes are complete shite. I've gotten better feel from brakes on a go-kart. but as that is my only bich it can be easily fixed, I'll have a harley in about 10 years I imagine.
  12. can I buy whatever drugs youre on?
  13. I wish everything wasn't so PC in the US, a lot of things have changed since I was a kid. People need to learn to just chill out and respect each others beliefs instead of trying to make it so they never have to see anyone elses beliefs. I mean I don't mind seeing haunaka things or even the made up kwanza but instead they want everything gone. Not trying to make a political thread here I guess I miss the good ole days of forced christmas carols and chocking down nog.
  14. Learn nothing, they have welders now that are wire feeds and have charts right on the panel under the power setting that tells you where to spin the dials to and you can weld anything with them, I think they're like 3K for a base, don't quote me but my uncle is a pro welder and cert for every metal known to man, he says its idiot proof and can weld almost anything, he stopped using his heliarch and tig welder in favor of it, I assume if you have something tricky just need a different wire spooled through it.
  15. cricket? what the hell is cricket? now hurling, thats a game it looks like they're break dance fighting! when did they start wearing those puss helmets? real men don't wear helmets, well in hurling.
  16. We play Polish ping pong, and Beer pong a lot I think MN gets cabin fever, I guess the thing to do is to paint your beer pong table and name it. OMG, you gotta check this one out if nothing else
  17. gary if anything goes wrong with my bike I will call you and do anything short of sleeping with you to get'er fixed, youre a stand up guzzsita if there ever was one.
  18. Ohhh, I'm gonna want one of those. but FBF lists'em for 79.95
  19. I love the silver, but I want a change for a lil while and am going funky colors, keeping the silver body for later when I grow tired of being different.
  20. well my 26 year old neck feels just fine my damn knees on the other hand
  21. Ah man, just what I was thinkin in the back of my mind, too bad my favorite holiday is easter, think its too much to go pastels? nah it'll be cool you'll see, you'll all see!!!!
  22. come on now, don't lie, once its done I'll post a poll and we can see what ppl think, ultimatley I'm the only one that matters in this regard but I don't want to be a total freak either.
  23. whats with the exhaust, I thought it was supposed to have Termi's
  24. haha you said bung , and no one has chimed in on what I'm going to do, Its alright I don't know how it'll turn out either.
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