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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. DAMN sweet bike, if I was in the market for that type, I'd go get one.
  2. I reallly want one of those SXV's for a toy down the road, now those are fricken ssweeeeeeeettttttttt I'd say more fun than those over priced BMDubbyas I may be able to get one cheaper than a Ulysses even, I'm sure not as comfy as either mentioned tho. but man what a toy if I ever saw one.
  3. OMG, you are too funny . I like the sticker as well. has no one seen it b4?
  4. go over to the Aprilia forum and say that, . . . . I dare you
  5. I didn't deal with them directly, my dealer dealt with them for me, but I wouldn't doubt it. Don't get worried yet just stay on them.
  6. the 940 is obviously for America, but its would need to be with the 1200 motor to really move any units
  7. I thought they "Buy" whatever is given to them
  8. probably a bunch of criminals
  9. hold on, I'll look this one is a Suomy Aria quite a bit cheaper without the nice paint 300 Vs 100eur suprise you?
  10. He's not just whistlin Dixie here The engine brake is stronger than the rear brake When my front brake got snapped off in a parking lot snafu I drove it the 3 or so miles through town just using the rear and engine brake, Really not safe but I didn't want a tow and it wasn't far to the shop, or on any fast streets. Throttle control comes with time but make sure your TB linkage is properly greased I had mine seize up on me wide open grease the actual twist grip and cable too sometimes, makes a difference
  11. I've almost been in a few accidents looking at beautiful women. I drive a lot daily for a living. My name is not very exciting De Ben Guzzi well De is DeMolay a masonic fraternity I was in and still help out with when I can for young men, Ben is my name and Guzzi is my Dog and my bike Ben is too short and I don't have any nicknames to speak of, nothing that is G rated thats for sure, or even PG13 I originally thought about changing my Avatar now and again but I didn't have enough good ideas and found it to be too much work all together. I use this on any other forum I talk on, but here it would just be too much.
  12. back by popular demand
  13. I think youre drunk right now there jimbo, isn't it a bit early? what time is it anyway
  14. Too true but mine snapped off and stock replacements from a dealer were quite a bit more than my CRG's 159 for brembo, 105 for CRG's ifI remember right
  15. why don't you head that up antonio, for your standards and from how much you complain there isn't anyone we know of good enough to put in this calendar
  16. I'm starting to wonder, either guzzistas are similar in thought or everyone falls below the line, I don't know try taking it with the opposite answers and see what happens
  17. Ah jesus, you ppl are killing me I can see why jaap didn't point someone up for me this time I knew this one too. we had a thread about it a year or so ago. also saw it on the discovery channel in action. Point to Martin, he may be one of the most sarcastic but he is also correct in his own way. I thought about Maico but I haven't seen where they can actually tow a motorcycle they don't look equipped for such a thing.
  18. I plan to get one of these for next years riding season. wait till you see the Enzo-esq paint scheme I come up with, tho I admit not as original, or daring, still will be slightly crazy
  19. Very well put, you should have been made a moderator years ago and you know the pic in question, I'll admit I snipped it out, but I was the last one who put it up and it was in poor taste then as well.
  20. I know. I was being quite silly in my remark.
  21. to be fair there are only two ppl that can end this topic, GoldenGoose and Martin, as I see no reason to end it personally, we'll have to wait for goldengoose to put it down I suppose you could make some passes at jaap too if youre so inclined, or just not look here anymore
  22. I have this one they run small but are really nice, not quite as solid as my old Nolan and I lost the breath guard within the first week it only slides in, nothing holds it there. the other helmets they offer are just glorified stickers on plain helmets I think the one I got is the only true guzzista helmet they are not sold here in the USofA as they haven't been evaluated by the DOT, but mine came with a nice DOT sticker right on it from maxmoto(only place that would sell it to me) I promptly removed said false DOT sticker. It doesn't matter in MN anyway helmets aren't required I can wear flipflops a male thong and sunglasses and its legal, tho not attractive I could post a pic of me wearing it sometime, well maybe the spring, or when I get cabin fever and try to feel better and put on my riding gear in the middle of winter
  23. Wow, thanks for posting that Michael, very informative, looks like you got a steal of a deal
  24. I was looking for a silver 04 factory as my first choice but I haven't looked too far beyond that, I'll e-mail you when I get close, maybe I'll even get one from you if you have the right one, for the right price
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