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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. why don't you tell us how you really feel? I agree with you but maybe not quite to that extreme. I wish there was no such thing as Celebs and special treatment. Think OJ would have walked if he wasn't a football/movie star? Think of some poor blackman in a project kills two people with half the evidence than what they had for OJ, he'd be in the chair by now. Celebs are ppl too, no better, sometimes worse, than any anyone else
  2. I'm going to go with the K&N seeing as I only change the filter everyother time anyway. The slightly higher build quality should be able to hold up just fine and like pete said it doesn't really need to do much, the oil is more important and thanks to a few of you I'm a redline man 4-life. The cars on the other hand get whatever is cheap, bikes-redline.
  3. I imagine there isn't any easier way to do it than the way it is already. Anyone know a way we could spam the spammers?
  4. I'm going out on a limb here, a Bianchi? looks similar to the old guzzi mopeds but I can't find enough info
  5. I second that, and so moved as for this moped I have ni idea,....yet
  6. nah let'em join but make it so they don't have the ability to post anything
  7. We have an awful lot of people coming from "google" lately, they should automatically not be able to post anything, seeing as they are almost if not all spammer or spam bots. I don't like SPAM anyone from google not a spammer?
  8. I assume he meant Bo-no not bon-no same spelling, very different ppl. One a devoted politicain after his musical career, the other a very annoying political thorn during his musical career.
  9. TOO be fair, spammers know only search egines really. they are mostly computer programs and seem to hit the main categories and create their own, I think every board has a problem with spam, we are not special and I think it only matters a tiny bit what you post, the aprilia forum should be fire bombed with spammers if that was the case, they have a "babe of the day" thread that makes this hooters thread look like nun convention in comparison.
  10. would make a great kitbike engine. From the looks of it I think It'd look nice in just about anything I love minimalist designs like this.
  11. I feel the same way, tho there are many I wouldn't buy for $$$-value reasons.
  12. that was my next guess. I can't believe it, shouldn't have been that hard
  13. about those points, they are more like a badge of honor, Todd, Pete, Greg, Edge, and Zebulon(I'm sure some others) already have one in my book for their contributions. Its like the opposite of Bodge points. they're like little congretional medal of honor for Guzzi's on the guzzi board well as nice as that can be on a message forum in cyberspace , "but they lokka re al nicea" -borat
  14. star jones b4 she lost weight or after? PS. Eva Green is REALLY hott.
  15. Fast By Ferracci makes both a sweet looking eliminater kit, and oval CF cans. Mistral might have a little better build quality but I think my FBF's are just fine. Otherwise M4's are about tops for CF, Or so I've heard. FBF also makes a stucci crossover clone which is slightly cheaper and works like a charm, smooths out the flat spots. and get a PCIII and a tune. otherwise try and find the Guzzi Ti race kit, and yeah good luck with that.
  16. true but they didn't win because they actually KNEW anything. they won because of charisma, which is all they had, Jesse F'd up this state so bad during his term the state went from a 5billion in the black, to a 5bill in the red, plus a lot of other little things, wrestlers shouldn't be gov'nors. I heard Bono was a good politician but Reagan was more in the right place at the right time and looking back seemed like the perfect Rublican puppet. SOMETIMES the celeb can work out I guess but I'd go out on a limb here and wager 99% of the time, its a bad idea.
  17. I love the bike overall but I'm not totally thrilled with the headlights. I think something more ducati like would have looked better as in a ram air scoop in the middle and a couple HID lights. but that look is always possible, now if they can just get this bike out in the 4v 1200, I think they got something.
  18. oh, I don't know if I'd go THAT far
  19. I also agee with the aforementioned "I don't give a rats ass" reply. If celebrities knew any more than you or I then they would probably be politicians. WHY does anyone with 15 min of fame think they have another 30min to tell you what "they" think. I'd like to pop'em in the nose I bet this stuff doesn't fly in other countries right?
  20. that thing looks like a real bland, and I know I could be shot for saying this, but a really bland looking 916. Hey at least it doesn't look like a bland ninja or something
  21. this works, its been edited enough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1VdxyCHuRE
  22. maybe since youre going in a new direction you could sell your spare engine for what you paid plus work done to steadler and he could peice together a completely working model from his blown and your scraped-up motor I would guess this is cheaper than 4K and then you both would be in a better place
  23. yes BUT rally and F1 are very different as MotoGP and F1 are so different. they are like apples oranges and pears, other than they are all motor races they are completely different. while I may be good at chess and stratego I suck at checkers.
  24. are you calling me fat? I'm a petite 6'3" 225lbs thank you very much. I think I look big on the big guzzi and really only a harley or big cruiser looks right for me, but who cares about looks while I'm on it, not me thats who.
  25. great minds think alike there are larger test out there but I think any larger would be a chore any smaller doesn't have any merit. Really they are for entertainment purposes only. Political views would need to be plotted in 3 dimensions and be about oh what 500, 600 1000 questions to make it accurate. forget that! this test just letst us know, who's left, more left, left extremeist, and then silly titwank righties. j/k youre all alright.
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