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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. well thats not so bad if I'm going into police work then, well unless bobbies are a whole lot different from coppers, than I'm in the wrong country some of the questions were quite loaded but for it to be even more fair it would have to be similar to the MMPI which has somewhere around 600 questions. just for political views I'm fine with 50 or so I don't really care THAT much.
  2. I found a more indepth chart, 6 pages of questions that doesn't let you sit on the fence not as pretty of a graph but has 10 times the content and context to it. http://politicalcompass.org/questionnaire and here's me. stupid, can't figure out screenshot here's the link
  3. well I'll just figure about ever 20k or every other year if I ride it a lot. I thought it was every 18k but I might have seen it at 1-6-18 then every 12 sounds better if you say every 12. 20 should be fine I lay off the wheelies and the roads are very flat straight and smoothe here
  4. you might want this... this one might be good for dave or rachet I have had mixed feelings on the aprilia forum they seem for the most part a little hoighty-toighty I kinda like that breva 750 as well, if I was at a larger college campus or was looking for a scooter, I'd get the breva 750 first b4 I cosign myself to a scooter. Guzzi people are like none other. (overall) good? bad? I guess that depends on how you look at it.
  5. "any man under 30 who isn't a democrate doesn't have a heart, any man over 30 who isn't a republican doesn't have a brain" "When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home." "So they [the Government] go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent" -Winston Churchill finally how I feel when my friends read my quotations... "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations" -Winston Churchill that last quote was taken out of context also qoutes can be what you make of them... "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations is an admirable work, and I studied it intently. The quotations when engraved upon the memory give you good thoughts. They also make you anxious to read the authors and look for more." that guy was awesome I MEAN he has a fricken entire cigar size named after him
  6. I had the dealer do mine, I wasn't about to do the for seals myself, I could do the oil in'em but I've never worked on or seen a fork worked on. A buddy of mine said they are really hard so that scared me. Dealer did the forks and engine oil for $300, I don't know if that was totally worth it or not considering I have no idea what I'm doing I guess it was. Good thing is it really doesn't need to be done very often maybe new seals every third fork oil change or when they go bad I assume. Whats a good rule on fork oil change too every 20k?
  7. I own all 3 seasons so far b4 this show I would think "Man, I'm starting to think I am alone in my views. is the whole world crazy? " then I was shown the light, and it was called bullsh*t maybe some english will recognize this little guy
  8. DON'T even get me started on PETA, ELF thats all I have to say to that, they support and possibly fund ELF. although, they might be starting to sway me... but alas, I a tiger can't change his spots... I gotta have one of these b4 I die it might kill me I know, but I'm willing to take that risk.
  9. with how aerodynamic it isn't and the weight distribution and geometry of this thing, THAT is really what shows you how freaking fast it really is to overcome those other shortcomings. wow.
  10. at first I thought this thread would get shut down b4 it got anywhere. But even if my views differ from anyone here this thread so far has to be a much better example of how to debate politics. BUT I wonder, will it last? and 80/80 is that the middle favoring right? I don't know I always thought I was somewhere in the middle democrate, took a quiz said I was republican. I think stem cell research is completely fine, no one is being hurt or cloned from it(cloneing is kinda ok too cause nature does it as well its called twins) Abortion I am not for it but I think in a limited capacity it is needed, it should not be allowed to be used as birth control but other reasons should be accepted but really I am not a woman and its not my body, I think the enviroment should be saved as best that it can, there should be more parks(larger) and better land almost all of southern MN is now suburbia. well not really but status quo isn't apparently working. I think taxes should be much lower and the money more closly watched and allocated my taxes went up another 8% this year and another 8% for next year. so in a 20 years I'll be paying 160% tax ah well I try not to get too deep into things because I have a long hour job, full time school and a family with a needy dog, Inbetween doing all that homework and a cigar I haven't any time left to worry about what a politician is doing or even what the issues are at the moment
  11. no way, the frame is all wrong, motor looks similar tho. Stump, through and through, but with all the politics lately I wonder if anyone was looking STUMPED
  12. ok I'm confused right now, which wing is which? isn't left wing democrates with farther out being bleeding heart liberals (cough dave cough ) and right wingers were rebulicans with farther out being the religious right? am I clear on this. tho I really dont care and government isn't always so clear because it seems that the squeeky wheel gets the grease, unless that zirk is inside the wheel casting and there is no way to reach the damn thing but I digress, isn't the preceived majority just the vocal minority? I think thats why I like the TV show BullSh*t so much and dislike most other media outlets.
  13. It is a VERY american styled bike, and I like it. reminds me of the harleys of coarse but with a true Guzzi soul. I just hope it isn't the same price as a harley 12-14K I could see 9-10k but otherwise I'd want the Harley as it is much easier to get parts, serivce, access, ect.
  14. ahhh, I missed it now if we could only get serge to roost atop a Guzzi, thats make one fine BOTM picture.
  15. politics and friends don't mix, I have many kinds of friends on almost all parts of the spectrum, we just don't talk about politics because while it may sound educated to know all about politics it is really a fruitless endeavor, just because you lean one way and support a canidate doesn't mean anything canidates change parties all the time(liberman, party of 2 ect) and the best thing to do is let someone say what they are going to say and just smile and nod(think to yourself that they're crazy because they won't like being told that) and try to do something on your level, I hear many local governements are looking for volunteers for comissions and committee boards. Endless debates prove nothing and I know for a fact you won't be able to change ratchets mind but not being willing to ride with him, well now thats just rude.
  16. it gets a stump on friday.
  17. this first one is a good treat, will only rack your brain for a few hours http://www.deviantart.com/view/14864502/ you want a real time waster, figure this one out, you'll be real old b4 you get it http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/184292...me+-in%3Ascraps plus he has 2 more which I'm sure are just a walk in the park http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/238403...me+-in%3Ascraps http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/309544...me+-in%3Ascraps Good f'n luck man I think they are designed so only ppl under 9 can solve them
  18. HEY I like the griso but for me this might be an even better choice over a harley in a few years. it looks really sweet. hell I want every bike from everyone, I'm really not that picky. I want bikes I haven't even seen in fact I don't even know what this is.but I want it.
  19. DeBenGuzzi

    Best helmet?

    I OWN THIS HELMET, but thank you for the offer. I love it, but the breath deflector was poorly designed and I lost it the first week (it just slid into place nothing held it there). I'll take some pics of it on, it looks even better in person and was really tight at first but fits really well now, easier on my neck than the nolan, its lighter and has better aerodynamics. Thanks for the offer to ship it Ian@Maxmoto let me buy it no one else would. The thing with this helmet is I can say, I have one of the only ones in the country, because I think I do. lucky if there is 5 in the USA I'd bet AH sweet I just saw there is a crankity old guzzer emoticon now +1 to jaap
  20. DeBenGuzzi


    street lagal, same styling cues and performance, If I have the money I WOULD buy it. So would many others they need to get more of the extremes of riding to stay competitive, the norge is a good start now just need something on the other end.
  21. I'm sorry but the answer I may give may incriminate myself, I plead the 5th
  22. 30 more than me gosh I hope I'm still riding at that age. j/k
  23. I must say you have the nicest money pit I've ever seen Mr Humphries now find a way to get a fawlty towers reference in here and we have something.
  24. JESUS just how old are you?
  25. how about this one? how did he get the phone number for a internet spammer? http://ebaumsworld.com/2006/06/angryspam.html haha buttwipe...
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