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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. The new bikes look and feel so much 'more' modern but they don't feel as solid to me. That being said robbie is right the new bikes are more advanced and will hopefully save guzzi. The v11 line should have been an off shoot like the ducati throwbacks than the only marque of the company. The MGS was a good offering but blindingly expensive for no street legal. I think a Griso 850 could make it into my garage someday even if I have to send for one, and I'd like to see this 180mph bike you speak of and whats this compressor motor? That being said if you asked a couple years ago I'd say GET the cafe for its the bike I wanted real bad when they weren't available yet when I got my guzzi. But now there is so much more if you were talking a Coppa I'd have a different tune
  2. Man I love scotland, I need to go someday at least no one will try and buy me a drink unless arm wrastlin's involved right?
  3. huh? jimbo clarification please?
  4. I don't know why I found that so funny. But I'm on the same page here, The smarty pants powers that be can figure it out, I'll be in the crowd holding my dollars waiting for the snake oil.
  5. funny, you bought the Ducati V11 sport naked. I wonder what style you like in a bike as for me, I'm no fan of the maintence schedule ducks have, Ick. I wanna ride not worry.
  6. I may want said oil baffle, I've had oil starvation b4, haven't since I changed the oil with a full 4 qts but I'm sure thats not exactly the best for it either. I'm sure there is an easy enough fix for this somewhere somehow, Would the deep sump solve this? though I think that a slightly ugmo solution.
  7. there are a ton of good bikes out today, that if a lot of them were out 20 years ago they would be heralded as the best bike ever, I'm glad I'm not old enough to have ridden around on these cb360's you speak of I can't make up my mind at all, its crazy how many good options are available depending on what youre looking for, buell, ktm, ducati, bmw, triumph, and of coarse guzzi. Anyone think a Griso 850 would make a good touring bike? in the same way a harley street bob would
  8. DeBenGuzzi

    BMW R1200s

    go try the buell ulysses, I really really really wanted to like it, and I hated it. The wheel does come up rather easy but is somewhat unpredicable like it came up when I didn't want and wouldn't when I tried would need more experience with that, and it shakes like a paint mixer even at speed the vibes are worse than anything the V11 ever dished out. by all means try it first but I'll wait till I can get one for cheap down the road for a toy, but not a long haul cross sport they are going for. I also really like the griso, but the 850
  9. 2 hayabusa engines, CAD'ed together, 10,000 rpm redline at 300bhp, the thing ways 550kilo's, it sick.
  10. its a bike in disguise when they gonna do this with a couple 4v'er goose engines, think of the torq and the sound or just guzzi pump out a v4 to keep up with ducati huh? this thing must sound like its going to explode when its at speed.
  11. I heard BMW thinks thier k1200r just isn't quite enough. They want to take down boss hoss now
  12. I haven't noticed any wobbles in my ride, and what happened to all these ppl
  13. after you had that much fun I'm half suprised you bought one at all, so they have the tranny or rear drive or whatever it was that kept blowing out sorted on this k1200r you picked up? I really like those naked beemer bohemouths, can it do a wheelie? oh wait that was the S, anything prone to blowup on those beasts?
  14. I almost forgot how much I like the tuono because I haven't seen any aprilia dealers around here, They just need one good one and I hear things are going to get rearranged soon for the better (I hope) and I'd seriously consider a tuono.
  15. jean-marc, I hadn't heard for I Was gone for awhile, did you get your daytona back? or did you start over? I just wish I had the money for your wheels. they would look real nice with the route I'm going, the wheels were carbon fiberish weren't they? did you have them painted?
  16. I can beat a GSXR600 till about 80ish, but after that its like I'm not moving. which isn't so bad because after that the tickets get nasty. I wish my goose was a little stronger down low but I don't care enough to get a new bike for that. I'm sure ppl will compare my bike to a little less edgy enzo once I get done with her, Though I don't think I'll make my own exhaust since my uncle moved to florida(professional welder)
  17. Once you own a Goose, your a Guzzista for life, membership is only the happy memories you had with your goose. Its funny I haven't had mine that long(compared to most) or am that old(compared to everyone here ) but I can look back and think of the goose as a person, as in the places we've gone was a team effort not a rider and his tool. My old bike was just a tool. There really is something to a Guzzi that holds me intrest to this day, and even if something happens to my goose and I can't get a new one right away, I'll be around on here at coffee shops and dealers talking about bikes and looking for a new goose(among other mounts) we're like the AARP once youre in youre in for life if you want to be
  18. DeBenGuzzi


    I looked back at that. I think it would bug the hell out of me, eagles fwd ppl, get it right or pay the price.
  19. DeBenGuzzi

    Nog's Stornello*

    Point Given!!
  20. also make sure the clutch is in all the way and more importantly the kill switch hasn't been flipped, There's a few threads devoted to just that.
  21. well true, unless your name is Enzo and can take down a hayabusa with his goose. But you sound perfect for the guzzi fold, The little breva isn't too cramped and can get it real cheap, the little griso, I think is real nice and would like to get ahold of one! but the lemans and sport are both great bikes and if I can work on'em and it stays running you'll have down like boiling water. I say get what your gut goes towards. I almost bought a Sprint ST until I saw and test rode the goose, almost came down to eenie meenie, But I made the right choice.
  22. my post was all in good fun, I was posing a senario that would discourage you from going to ducati and my basis for service was on thier supersport line not the dual spark normal line. ie the 749 and 999 have those kinds of costs. and the scura just lends itself to be made fun of, though I think they are great looking.
  23. DeBenGuzzi


    SWEET, I'd buy it and get a polished alum tank
  24. I totally agree in a sweeper but the key lingo here is "I stayed right on him and even passed him on an open stretch" I read that and thought, are you high? I would believe it in the twisties especially since most that ride the cb1000r are not very good riders, great riders usually have something a little better than that. I can't believe how bad 90% of the supersport crowd is they only live in the open stretches I can pass most of them (to thier amazement) in sweepers but look like I'm not even moving in the straights compared to thier 140mph hole shots. they just live for the speed rush and not the riding enjoyment.
  25. I hope you would be ready to pay 500+ a year and almost 1000 every 2 if you ride it enough for scheduled matience. Ducati's have a horrid cost of ownership. The more work you can do yourself the more they become worth it, as for me completely not worth it (as you can see from my bodgery I'm hardly a mechanic) I think you were just unlucky enough to buy a scura
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