Maybe I can help, if you don't want to change your cans, or simply can't afford it youre going to need a large drill with an ,at least, 10inch (make sure its a strong drill with good handles these pipes are well put together) from there remove the endcaps the 3 torq bits and set the end caps aside, take your drill with the 10inch long drill bit I'd say 10mm thick would be good too and proceed to drill 9 holes, 3 inbetween each end cap mount you'll have to drill through the end and then push in and drill through the baffel each time, then just cut off the end pipe with the saws all and replace the endcap, it'll sound pretty good.
In reality its really hard and the costs of the tools you might not have and your time you'd be better off getting the Fast By Ferracci Cans if you want Carbon Fiber (they sound like a throaty V8 but not too loud) or get the Mistral can if you want them to look more stock (slightly quieter than FBF) g'luck