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Everything posted by DeBenGuzzi

  1. its gotta be a 125, but that engine case I've looked high and low, Haven't seen one like it yet... stupid google.
  2. HEY at least you didn't watch it happen through a large picture window and thusly choking on your burrito no where near home. I could go on, it was ugly.
  3. DeBenGuzzi


    that can't hurt their reputation. Other than these bikes are almost nothing like their production bikes available, But then that doesn't really matter just getting the name out there does. Good deal.
  4. I'm really reaching on this one, Ducati condor? obviously old one.
  5. My guess so far, A dickdick?
  6. I'm looking. these have gotten so hard. and I have so much else I should be doing...
  7. tenni? ...
  8. This one is acceptable to me. BUT not the guzzi's I gotta draw the line somewhere.
  9. you're making me want some Red foot pegs. But I shouldn't because they'll look like crap after the anodizing wears off.
  10. the proper powder coat is just as durable. I HAVE hit some nice new black powder coat and it did nothing. tiny scratches. Really have to wail on it to get some results.
  11. I bet its extremely unreliable, has a completely off the wall lay out, whines a lot and goes missing for days on end.
  12. This is the only doctor I trust. Funny thing is thats a supository she's holdin. Oh and these docs too. they always want to crack my back or something.
  13. All these ppl need to be drug out into the street and slapped silly. I find this mildly rediculous.
  14. Just because they spent a lot of money doesn't mean they know what they are doing Although, I'll give them most of the time.
  15. depends on the powder coat place. The one I went to had a few reds to choose from and one was actually pretty damn close to our frames but what they got is what they got. MUCH harder if not impossible for smaller places maybe even large ones to color match powder coat. The ovens are neat you could drive a buick into the thing. Or put each peice on a huge bike chain looking thing and let it mosey through. I'll look at getting the testors I knew that sounded familiar I'm sure I've used their paints b4 in my RC car hobby I've put on hiadus. I love air brushing so much more only problem I need an air compressor.
  16. YEAH but photobucket has their own search engine and it works pretty sweet. Plus when you click on a pic in their google-esq thumbnails it brings up the persons whole gallery. Thats when the fun begins. sometimes. Today I got my teeth cleaned and they told me I need to drink less pop I have the start of a cavity they want to fill the enamel back in next week. Can't be as bad as 4 wisdom teeth out with nothing but 7 shots of novacaine. Oh and the lose my job magic number stands at 25
  17. where could I find such paint locally? any hardware store? a model store?
  18. I was going to go look and see what other gems you have in photobucket but I found a new hobby. WHO can find the coolest sh*t on photobucket. I swear to god there is some sick twisted sexy gross stuff all over that thing. Wholesome nothing. You can't directly search for pornographic material but think of it like that 3 girl carwash thing. I aint even trying yet
  19. 6:20 pm by my watch Funny thing is I couldn't find this thread until I added BFG's notorious name to the search criteria. Funny maybe, suprised? certianly not.
  20. your pic is out BFG, also is that busted up rocks and shite what you use for a road? god how do you folks make it MORE than a few thousand K's on your tires? And no wonder there are so many wrecked bikes in the EU.
  21. MORE importantly doesn't that hole actually have a purpose???? How did he re-engineer it, or did he not care he just wanted it on the road? I love that bike I wish I had the money and the know-how or enough money to not need to know how.
  22. I Don't see any politics or enviromental fraud findings even relatable to this topic. I give this topic 2 pages. tops BUT yesterday I brought the goose out of the shed and threw the battery on the charger and today I went to start her and fired right up. The rear tire is driving me crazy it looks like my valve stem is solid steel so I don't think thats it maybe the tire has a tiny leak or wasn't completely sealed on the rim in some way or the temp changes caused the rim to expand and shrink in a different way than the rubber but then the front tire seems unaffected. Oh and I reinstalled my original chin pad so I can modify the CF One and make it more presentable. I wonder if I could lose a bodge point if I do it too good. Ah I'll just make sure to use the wrong tools I don't want to risk anything.
  23. thanks noggy I'll just have to measure the ball and guess to what size it is, Maybe order 2 sets just in case.
  24. HEY thats not my fault, The people talk about what they want to talk about. I didn't know the valves were shitty and I would still like to find some ball thingies.
  25. I was thinking of trying to find a finger nail polish that comes close to matching and then just put a light spray of clear coat over it so it'll hold. Too bad I Can't bring the bike into the cosmetic department.
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