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big J

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Everything posted by big J

  1. "squeezing past the bikes in my crowded garage,with my long range hump" Martin,you cant imagine the pictures this conjures up.And you broke your mirror in the process-impressive stuff.
  2. Incedentally,this description was not aimed at belfastguzzi's pics which I thought were great.
  3. big J

    Tail light relocation

    Looks pretty neat,what does it say/cost?
  4. Hey, Deben,think you've got your semantics slightly confused there,that can be a fairly derogatory term here in Ireland. Anyway,the correct term for a jap bike rider who dons full Power Ranger leathers to wobble timidly round every bend on a 10 mile run at a maximum of 60 mph is "wanker".
  5. No matter what options you have,a dyno run to set it up should be considered part of the fitting process.Pre loaded maps will get you probably close to what you require but every bike is different and even minor tweaking will reap benefits over a generic "one fits all " map, even if both bikes have had similar modifications. Having said that, I would ask Todd at Guzzi Tech if in his experience the downloadable maps are as good as one would need in the "real world" .
  6. Isn't getting lost part of the fun?Hit the back roads and follow your nose
  7. I dont know about all the science stuff,but I know H**da use nitrogen filled tyres at the T.T. Why do this if there are no benefits in using the stuff?
  8. Jeez TX, you wait til you have cereal?Happy Paddy's day everyone. It's been a great day today, went for a burn up this morning and it's the first day I havent been freezing cold after ten miles.Did about 100 miles,just a wee jaunt really but the bike's going like gangbusters.Now I'm off to the pub and dont expect to see much of tomorrow. Gaunyirsel!!!
  9. Now all you need is a K&N filter and a PC111 oh and maybe dual plugging or one of Cliff's ecu's and better get it on a rolling road and maybe hi compression pistons and I wonder if it could use a bigger cam and better get the heads flowed and............................
  10. Ratchethack's list is pretty comprehensive,I'd only add stainless steel lockwire and tinfoil and you have all you need. Many years ago, I was unfortunate enough to be employed as a mechanic in a construction/haulage company where stores and supplies were virtually non-existent, and your imagination was all you had to repair a truck at the roadside. memorable bodges include topping up the sump of a truck which had lost most of its oil with water to get it off the motorway; using 4 jubilee clips and a piece of the radiator hose to join a severed main air line; topping up a dry battery with screenwash;windscreen broken en route to vehicle test centre[would have failed] solution-remove screen- pass test-drive home-fit new screen. I could go on but I dont want Martin having nightmares. Back then [the 80's] if you had a job you held on to it with both teeth.
  11. big J

    Rosso Corsa?

    Bet its not as comfy as a Goldwing tho TX
  12. Uh oh, its a slippery slope you're on there.
  13. Might have to, but my decrepit bones appreciate a comfy bed nowadays. Still, plan to be there one way or another, any word from John O Sullivan? Cant find his e-mail address.
  14. Cant get anything on the creedonsinchigeela site, any ideas?
  15. Count me in, looking forward to it
  16. "Funny thing, I haven't met someone with a Guzzi that didn't have plans for it. I know I do. as most of you also know because I constantly ask stupid questions." Always thought that it was only the stupid who didnt ask any questions...
  17. Horex 350cc 1936 ish?
  18. Got it in Scotland[home] .Its a 2002 sport naked.More or less stock at the moment, but I have plans....
  19. Would a system like the Quat-D not lose bottom end torque/ horsepower being little more than 2 headpipes and a silencer box? I would have thought that being a big twin, the length of standard type system would be more efficient, specially if a full flowcollector box is utilised to allow gas expansion through both cans. Iquite like the look of the Quat-D, but no way would I buy a "performance part" that makes my bike slower. Fully admit that I have no proof of any losses in power of these pipes, just previous experience of building and tuning engines, thought I'd add my Incidentally,if you're in Belfast, I'm only down the road in Drogheda, might run into you at the Ulster GP or somesuch? All the best J
  20. Narrow bore Itcchifanni powered by solid fuel thruster?
  21. big J

    Cool bike

    Plenty of room for the shopping!
  22. Was this built by Franco Sbarro around 2001?
  23. 650 cc Meguro?
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