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big J

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Everything posted by big J

  1. big J


    Noggy baby,you really,really need to set that thing up.It shouldn't do any of that stuff.
  2. big J

    The "Grand Quirk"

    Now quarks,I like.
  3. Yeah,I heard about Darran on Sunday.Bad news. I believe that as long as the riders want to race,we have to support them.There is nothing else like it on earth. The last TRUE sport.
  4. big J


    Go for it.I havent been using mine quite so much this year due to a job change,but last year I used it for work every day (80miles),then every two or three weeks shoot over to Scotland to see the kids.Riding down the glens at 4am in November/December wasnae much fun,but the bike coped no prob. I've had more hassle since I've stopped using it regularly. If it gets weathered,so what?It's a motorbike,it's supposed to be used.
  5. I've had a few Triumphs that handled just like that. Great pic of the wee man.
  6. Thanks Tom.Those Alfas and Trans Am cars look great.
  7. Hey,I love spotted owls. Not as much as golden eagles,tho.Especially with a nice white pepper sauce.
  8. Milk it for all it's worth?Cream all the fun off the job?I'm in the parlour now,I'm not going outside,it's fresian and I dont have a jersey.Oh dear,you've herd nonsense like this before,eh.Sorry for the bull,but I cant resist a cheesy comment. I'll get my coat.
  9. big J


    Very nice!
  10. Today,I followed the directions in the troubleshooting guide shown by BFG above. According to the findings,my stator is shot.I expected it to be the regulator. Wanna bet I buy a stator and the reg/rec is bolloxed too?
  11. What he said. Just make sure the u/j's are in the same plane exactly- flats parallel on front and rear joints.You should be able to see any misalignment easy enough.If the marks are misaligned,I'd make new ones.
  12. I've seen engines with one side of the head "offset" ,if you like, to provide a squish band at one side to promote turbulence. Could this be a possibility?
  13. Thanks,Gary.I'm going to be working down the country over the weekend,but I'll be back monday-ish.
  14. big J


  15. No pics,try again Hmmm cant upload pics,says they're too big but they're less than 1mb.I've cleared all the others I put up. Doing well,arent I.
  16. Hoooookayy.It's dark and raining now,but I got some more figures.How much difference they make I have no idea. First of all,reading between the2 yellow wires and earth on the reg/rec mount gives two different readings-2.2 and 1.8 ohms Then reading between the wires and battery earth shows 2.6 and 2.3 ohms. I took the earth wire off the reg/rec and extended it to the battery earth.The readings are now both 1.3 ohms. Obviuosly less resistance,but is this good or bad? Reading between the yellow wires stays at 0.9 ohms.The meter is set at 200m on the ohms scale,the only one I can get a reading on.I stuck a bit of masking tape on to show. Jason,how do I check for continuity?Battery voltage is 12.5 at idle,12.9 at 4000rpm. BFG,that old mechanical reg looks a lot like the MCR2 that used to be on a lot of the old brit clunkers I had.Them were the days,life women and petrol were cheap,20,000 miles on a tyre was normal,the bottom of all my jeans had oil stains,every day was sunny..................drifts off staring into the middle distance........... That troubleshooting guide looks good.I'll have a proper read in a bit. Gary,the connectors were tight with copaslip on already.No visible corrosion.Anderson powerpole connectors,heatshrink tubing? Sad to say,this is Ireland.Have you ever seen a cow chewing the cud,looking over a wall?That's the look you get when you ask for stuff like that in the motor factors. Down in Kerry,they only discovered the wheel about 12 years ago.It took me 3 weeks to find plug leads for a car I was restoring.At the moment,the only option I have is to join the wires with crimp connectors.My soldering iron is 100 miles away at a mates. The battery is a Hawker Odyssey and is good. The link didnt work,but I'll try to find them on the net. Thanks guys.
  17. big J


    Aha.Ok,it had been a long day and I was drinkin. I think it was worsened by the oil.I never had this problem with the castrol.No more Mobil 1 for me. I'm heading outside to have another fiddle with the wiring.Ryan wants a picture of my meter.Not my kind of thing,but hey,I'm a broadminded kind of guy. BTW,did you ever fit a pcv valve?
  18. Agreed Martin,if it failed completely,life would be so much easier. Ryan,yeah,I agree that there's plenty of juice coming out but I didn't know how to interpret the resistance readings.I'm getting a higher resistance going to battery ground than reg/rec ground.I'll re-route and extend the wire tomorrow and see if it helps. My meter is a nice yellow one with a big rotary knob and a wee screen at the top.I'll take a pic tomorrow.It's dark now. I'll do some knitting with the wires too and see what happens.
  19. big J


    We should form a support group for guys with pained expressions,a nervous tic and a permanently drained wallet. And a V11 in bits(again) My steering damper went the same way,feeling tight on bends then when I took it off,all gravelly inside.I fixed it,tho.It landed about 4 gardens down. The forks are dead simple inside,I'd imagine a wee 'o' ring of some description will sort it. Show us a picture of your guards! I'm following Guzziriders advice and am currently contributing to the Smithwicks brewery bank account. Presently,I'll have a wobbly floor too.
  20. Ok guys,need advice from someone from anybody with experience. Charging light on intermittently.With the lights on,I have to rev at 5000 or more for a while before the light goes out. Reading at battery terminals is in the region of 12.5-12.9 volts,so obviously not charging. Yellow wires from alternator--connecting between one yellow wire and earth,ign off,gives 2.2m ohms. (Manual says above 10) Connecting both wires across meter--0.9ohms (manual says 0.2-0.3) Running the bike,at idle gives 25 ac volts.At 3000 rpm gives 50 volts (Manual says 15 and 40) So,is it likely that the alternator is toast or should I be looking at the reg/rec? Should I extend the reg/rec earth wire to the battery and try again?The earth looks ok,but I get different readings from the reg/rec earth and the battery earth.(?)
  21. big J


    OK,will one off a car do? Are there differnt types or are they just basically a one-way valve?
  22. You lucky bastards.You lucky lucky bastards.(cpwrt Monty Python) I'd give my left ball for a garage.
  23. That doesn't seem so bad.What kind of money if you part-exchange the wife?
  24. big J


    Guzzirider,what splendid advice.I've just cracked a Smithwicks and things are looking better already Martin,a right buggeration just about sums it up all right. Jason,what's a PVC valve? Paul,dont take this the wrong way,but I'd rather be shafted with the rough end of a pineapple. Ferg!!We never got that wee run yet,must get my finger out and set something up.A Clio,ha ha.Two hours this morning to go from the airport turn off to the mad cow roundabout!Cars suck. (Approx 5 miles )
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