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About richard100t

  • Birthday 08/07/1968

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  • My bike(s)
    2001 rosso mandello

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  1. Thanks man, I appreciate the tip. Of course I still have to remove the pan this time to replace the gasket, but the next time around I want to try it the easy way. I've never changed the oil without removing the pan and thoroughly wiping everything clean before reassembling it. It has 43,800 or so miles on it now and still runs as good as it did when I bought it. It had 340 miles when I bought it
  2. I've let my bike sit for a few years now and I'm wanting to ride again. I'm wanting to change the oil and would like to know where to find that tool to remove the filter cover without having to drop the pan. Also need the oil pan gasket as mine is leaking a little bit. I used to come here every day but I have not been on much in the last 5 years or so and I really have to catch back up again
  3. richard100t


  4. Those are all good guesses. I bet they might be able to tame the vibes in the clip ons lol.
  5. I picked up a pair of these things at an auction the other night. It was one of those things where I knew it was a high grade stainless steel but noooo idea what it was. The things weigh 10lbs each and are about 6" tall and 3" wide at the bottom. They are threaded with huge threads so whatever they screw onto must be huge. If you know or would like to throw out a guess please have at it!
  6. My clutch had a very slight drag once and it had turned out that there was a tiny amount of air in the line. Flush your system thoroughly and bleed it until the clutch lever is stiff to pull. When you can roll the bike with the lever pulled in you should not be able to hear any dragging noise at all.
  7. You should have about as much luck finding Bigfoot as a Scura R The Rosso Corsa or the Nero corsa are also options. Good luck finding a nice one. I just had my Rosso Mandello out tonight. It has the single plate setup with 40k miles on it and it still works perfectly.
  8. The bike is probably worth 6k to your brother because he apparantly never used it much. The reality here is its an 11 year old motorcycle. Whatever you pay for it just keep in mind that after you put 5,000 miles on it and get a few chips in the paint and so forth it will be a $3,500 bike. Buying from a family member probably isnt the best idea either.
  9. Yes the Guzzi weighs 500lbs. The newer model Yamaha R1 only weighs about 50lbs less. Once you switch to carbon pipes, lose the airbox and the pollution cans you're down to maybe 470 or so. Swap the battery, drop ten more pounds and guess what! Your 500lb Guzzi is now a more respectable 450lb bike and you havent even touched the wheels. Theres another 25lbs there you can lose. Ten pounds by itself isnt much. But when you start subtracting ten here and ten there it all adds up. You're going to have to buy a battery sooner or later anyway right?
  10. If they havent gotten into the wiring I would say that it probably has worked. Those mice will destroy a wiring loom very quickly.
  11. If you have mice in the airbox then they could be munching on the wires too. I would get a can of powdered hot chili pepper, mix it with water and spray wiring loom and air filter. Dishwashing liquid mixed with water works well too. No animal will eat that stuff. I've had pets that would chew on things and spraying the items with soapy water always stopped the chewing without ever having to punish the animals.
  12. I think it looks great Those clip ons look pretty low..reminds me of the Ducati retro sports bikes they made a few years ago. They looked great but I wouldnt want to ride them more than an hour.
  13. I think they only sent about 60 of each bike to the states when they were new. I bet theres maybe 40 or less left unwrecked. Out of that you might MAYBE have 10 in the condition you want. Then you have to think how many of the 10 owners are interested in selling at the same time you want to buy. It is Spring and everyone and their brother wants a bike right now. Keep an eye on ebay and call Harpers.
  14. I tried the redline in my trans and rear drive. The trans worked just fine with the redline in it but it would leak through the seals of my rear drive. I replaced the seals and refilled with redline and the same thing happened again. Then I drained the redline and filled it with plain old gear oil and the leaking just stopped. I havent had a problem with it since. I remember another forum member with the same exact problem and he tried simply switching to a more conventional oil and the leaking stopped. The good news is you can try redline and it might not leak at all for you. If it does leak just swap it out for the cheaper stuff.
  15. That is 'the' question. I don't have the experience to tell. Was the sheered bolt the cause of the destruction or part of the result of the big end bearing seizing. On another note, we have found a cafe sport engine 6000 miles on it which has damaged heads (smashed fins) which therefore is slightly cheaper than a couple of higher mileage complete 1100 sport engines, one from a sport corsa. I thought that the lower mileage engine would be the better as I thought that Harry's heads were ok, but discovered this afternoon that the intake valve has bent. I have yet to remove the right hand head but don't foresee any damage. I am thinking that replacing the bent valve and using the original heads may still be an option. What are your thoughts on this? I would have to replace the whole engine. If the top half is still mostly good then part it out on ebay to recoup as much of the cost as you can.
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