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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. I checked the fuse right off the bat so thats fine. I never knew what the can gizmo was...now I do I'll have a look at it in the morning.....Ummm btw what should I check it for? Is there a way to know if its gone bad? Any idea on price & where to get one if it is bad?
  2. I've now had a chance to get the bike out & give it a good run since I liberally greased the cush drive. I must say there is a difference that is noticeable It is a little smoother between shifts. It was worth the three cents worth of grease that it cost me, but its nothing to brag about either. Hey better is better I suppose
  3. OMG!! I think I've earned a stump point! lol I cant recall anyone (in here anyway) ever having had you by the tweeter Ratch. Oh also fwiw I pulled the relay that controls the lights & the turn signals still work anyway even with the relay pulled out. By work I mean they all light up but dont blink. The rear turn signals only partially light up. That could be an led thing too IDK
  4. Well the connections seem to be ok. When I tun on the turn signals all four light up. The idiot light in the dash is not lighting up however. This is where I noticed the problem starting, the idiot light started to fade & when it quit, so did the turn signals. Any advice?
  5. Thanks Ratchet Now having looked at the relay switch I'm more puzzled than ever! Something has to be loose in the turn signal wiring. I guess I get to start pulling black tape & looking
  6. I've looked in my owners manual & I cant find a list of which relay does what. Can someone tell me which relay switch controls the turn signals?
  7. After having just been into my cush drive & cleaning & lubing it, I'm really surprised that such a small simple thing has generated 53 responses in just a few days. I have to admit it is fascinating to watch some of you peel this onion until theres nothing left to discuss about it. However the way its looking theres at least another hundred or so posts left before at least one of you get tired of it
  8. Very well done :!: I have to say this is the first V11 that I have ever seen with a passenger backrest.
  9. It didnt taste like marinara! I've been thinking about it for a few minutes & I always put too much axle grease on the rear axle when I had the back tire off. My theory is Mandello left mine dry like everyone else but some of that axle grease worked its way in around the cover & lubed it. Thats what it looked like to me anyway. Well my mind is at ease now after I actually got a look at this famous so called rusty dry cush drive! lol Honest to Gawd, it looked like it just rolled off the showroom floor it was so pristine. Maybe greasing the axle every other oil change would be a good idea for routine maintenance
  10. I cant even get to the cush plate on mine. What I'm looking at is flat smooth & shiny & is under a gear. I take it the cush plate is under this part that I cant seem to move? I'm sure theres something that needs to be done to access the cush plate that I havent seen yet. Nevermind Pete....you are right in what you said! I just put a flat blade screwdriver under either side of the cush plate & it lifted right out. Now that I have my cush plate out it looks like brand new with 21,000 miles on it Theres some sort of grease in there & the rubber seems soft & pliable to me. I'm sure the cush plate hase never been off before as the bike only had 300 miles on it when I got it. Could it actually have been lubed at the factory?
  11. How do you get to the cush drive once those buttonhead screws are removed? Theres that gear in there & it aint moving without further instructions! lol
  12. I swapped out my stock spring for the Ohlins today. What I did first was completely remove the shock from the bike. Next I put a coil compressor on the spring. With the coil compressor fitted to the spring then I put the compressor in a vice & started to compress the spring. Once the spring was tight enough I removed the blue clip on thing. After that it was simple, just remove the spring, clean & lube of course, then slip the new spring on. Many thanks to fellow forum member Tracey for his help with this project Once I had it back on the road the bike seems to soak up the bumps a little better. I need to get the forks resprung as well to make the job complete.
  13. I think he may have had his tongue in his cheek when he said that as well. Meaning "go ahead & hit it hard, you'll come out somewhere somehow! " If you wanna win races you gots to take chances. Whats the old saying about there being two types of riders? The ones that have crashed & those who will!
  14. I just got my new Ohlins spring in the mail today & I was wondering if anyone else has put theirs on yet. I'm curious as to the best way to support the bike once I get the shock loose to remove & replace the spring. Will the bike sort of fold up like an accordian if I dont support it somehow? Is this a job where I need to remove the back wheel & support it that way? I was hoping just to take the seat off & get it from there but that seems too easy
  15. Mine does the same thing. All I do is wipe it clean every once in a while & not worry about it.
  16. make sure the old rubber o ring from the previous oil filter isnt still stuck up in there. Did you remove the filter when you took the pan off? If thats not what it is check the bearings.
  17. I really doubt that exhaust cannisters could hurt your engine in any way. My only real concern was the pipe diameters matching between different brands & types of bikes. If the pipe size is the same it should be easy enough to fit. I guess I would have to have pipes custom bent to fit between the can & the crossover.
  18. How about you turn the gear in the cover one click & try to fit it back on. Theres only so many clicks before you get your match. Process of elimination my friend! I was in your shoes when I was playing with that cover & I think thats what I did. Its tricky because sometimes you'll think you have it but its not quite there. Just either shift only the transmission gears or turn only the gears in the cover. You have I think a one in 6 (or seven if you count nuetral) chance of a match. Of course your odds will improve to 100% very quickly after a try or two. Once you get the cover to fit back on properly I would suggest a thin layer of permatex or some such gasket stuff. Theres no gasket there from the factory & I put a bead on mine just for peace of mind.
  19. Hmm I would check Ebay in the UK for various new bmw motorcycle parts lol. I'll bet the police are watching ebay as well How many of the bikes actually were there to be had anyway??
  20. I was checking some sweet carbon cans for a Suzuki TL1000R on ebay & they're about half the price of the carbon cans for a Guzzi. They look like they would fit just fine with a pipe fit from the can to the crossover. Has anyone tried this yet, & if so how did you like it? Is there such a big difference in the cannisters from one type of bike to another?
  21. That would be a very cool idea. Maybe meet different forum members along the way & hit us up for hot shower & a cot for the night here & there. I'm thinking of a digital camera photo journey updated here as you go along. Its just a thought
  22. I just bought the 9.5 kg spring. He told me that he has a 15kg & a 16 kg as well.
  23. It sounds like the throttle position sensor may need a minor adjustment. Your elevation shouldnt matter with fuel injection but I cant see whats going on there. Anyway mine would run great when its cool, then once heated up it would pop & cough at lower rpms & not run well. A dealer will sometimes hook the computer to the ecu & if the #'s say its within specs they dont mess with it. After thousands of miles things can change. I'll defer to the experts in here who may think otherwise though
  24. I test rode a Norge a few weeks ago & it is a very nice bike. Lots of bells & whistles & plenty comfortable too.
  25. I can see where 70lbs or thereabout could be shaved off the bike. I'd really like to see the list of mods & the weight breakdown of each to get to 185kg
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