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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. I'd like to send my condolences as well. I have two little terriers that are as much a part of the family as can be for a pet. I've posted pictures of them in this forum before, maybe I should leave you with a humorous one to cheer you up.
  2. There was a thread here somewhere earlier about a digital speedo & tachometer. I thought it was pretty cool looking but others didnt like it. Anyway it was relatively inexpensive...under $200 I think. If someone can remember what the thread was maybe you can linkit here. Its seems like a good alternative to the crap stock one.
  3. I think theres less than 100 Nero's out there. Maybe less than 50 at this point.
  4. richard100t

    HELP !

    Seek professional help :!: It may save you money & some sanity in the long run.
  5. I thought the Rossso Mandello's didnt have the return spring problem? Uh oh now I have something new to worry about.
  6. richard100t

    '00 Speedo woes

    I recently had hell of a time trying to figure out why my speedo had quit working. The angle drive was replaced & I was thinking of replacing the cable too even though it all seemed to work fine when taken apart. The problem was that when I put it back together I put the angle drive parallel with the transmission. I figured out that the angle drive needed to be turned toward the transmission to keep the cable from pulling out of the angle drive mechanism. It was really frustrating because it would work for a mile or so & then "poof" no more. Ever since I turned the angle drive toward the trans it has worked perfectly. I know you have some damage to the gear but maybe this information will help anyway.
  7. Dont use a dull bit Ben :!: Cheap may be ok but if its dull you could be looking at a much more expensive problem.
  8. If you have checked and/or adjusted your valves since the last time you balanced the tb's you need to hook the twinmax back up and take a look.
  9. I hope they bring the black Norge here to the States! I think Guzzi has a winner with this bike.
  10. I suppose you could google Mike Rich guzzi heads & see what comes up. There was a set of them on ebay less than amonth ago for about $700. If you're willing to shell out the money I'm sure someone will have one.
  11. Dont worry, you're pretty normal for a v11 guy Gil. I've seen more than one gps on a Lemans. One fellow I think has a gps & a satellite radio on his. Remember the one who dies with the most toys wins!
  12. Has anyone tried the Hyperpro rising rate springs yet?
  13. I tried on the Caberg Justissimo on at the CycleWorld bike show. You cant beat it for the price with all its features & it does have everything you can think of. However I personally didnt like the way it fit me. I tried on some very expensive Arai's that I didnt like either, so I guess it depends on the shape of your head. For me I'm going with the Shoei Multitec this year because I love the way it fit. It also seemed to block all the outside noise well too. Of the helmets you listed try the Caberg first.
  14. I would cut a slot in it with a dremel & try to back it out with a screwdriver. This probably wont work either if the bolt is really tight. If not I'd cut the rest of the bolt head off. Once the caliper is off the rest of the bolt will come off pretty easily with vice grips.
  15. I vote for the used bike with all the goodies on it. Someone that spent that much $$ on the bike probably took very good care of it & besides 9500miles is nothing for a Guzzi. If you buy the new one its going to have at least that many miles on it next year anyway & no goodies that mean resale value when you decide to sell it.
  16. The first thing to do is to not worry about it until you get it apart. It wont do you any good, & you never know you may get out of it cheaper than you think. If it was still running when you shut it off theres a good chance that you may get off light. Keep an eye on ebay for aftermarket engine stuff. I seen some Mike Rich heads recently & now & then theres various other engine bits there.
  17. Well now I have ridden the bike a good 50 miles since I cleaned up the sensor & wiped the area clean. So far I havent been able to find any other source of leakage. Assuming it was the sensor weeping oil, I can live with that amount of leak. I'm not going to put any sealant on the aluminum gasket but I will eventually get some loctite & treat the bolts.
  18. So you have actually had this sensor out several times & used a different sealant each time? On top of that have you personally used the Loctite Blue? What was the reason that you kept trying different sealants? Did the sensor keep getting loose or did it just keep weeping oil that made you switch products? I've been looking for a good excuse to get a bottle of Loctite anyway. Would too much sealant actually affect the correct clearance between the sensor & the timing pickup? Enquiring minds wanna know :!: Btw Ratchet...how many times have you stripped your bike down & put it back together lol? It seems you're familiar with every little washer & nut.
  19. Upon further inspection now that the bike has cooled down, I tried that sensor thats behind the shifter side header as it comes right out of the head. What is this for? Anyway it had the most caked on oil & gunk so I decided to have it out & take a look at it. I put the allen head socket in the bolts & guess what? They were barely more than finger tight. Whats more, Guzzi uses a steel gasket between the sensor & the block. I put it back in & snugged up the bolts firmly, but not overtight. Hopefully this is where the leak is from. I would recommend for anyone to check these bolts as like I said mine felt like they would have been on the highway in a few thousand more miles if I hadnt noticed it. Btw I cleaned the sensor & the bolts up & I'll ride it later when it stops raining to post an update.
  20. Thanks a lot Carl, I appreciate the advice. I hope you're right as that would indeed be a very fast, cheap and easy thing to fix.
  21. Relax Ben, its only been 3 weeks to date. Harassing the postman wont do any good either!
  22. I have an oil leak coming from the front of my engine near the timing chain cover. There is also a sensor near the cover on the clutch/shifter side. Its kind of hard to tell where the leak is coming from at this point. I remember some members telling about changing either a gasket or a seal behind the timing cover. Can that sensor near the cover weep oil? I'm not even sure what its for yet My bike has about 18k miles on it now, does anyone have a guess about the leak?
  23. Do they actually sell that engine? I cant read the language but it looks like a lot of fun.
  24. Should we tell him the Guzzi engine design is from an old tractor some Italian engineer found in his granfathers barn back in the 50's?
  25. Is it one of those little bikes the Shriners ride on? DeBen should know this one
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