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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. Ummm I had forgotten about the even smaller group thats residing in our already tiny group! As for their sexuality...I dont think theres enough of them to even conduct a good poll
  2. It is amazing to me how this thread has gone from a beautiful naked woman & morphed into Wikipedia descriptions of the Hells Angels! What kind of men are we ? What is this forum for ! Damnit start trying to one up the original post with your own naked woman pics !
  3. Does your speedometer work correctly? If it does I'd be surprised if theres anything wrong with the cable. If its just the odometer I think its something in the speedo housing there. If your speedometer is also not working properly then it could also be the cable. Check where the speedometer cable enters the transmission, make sure the angle drive & cable are facing towards the transmission. I had a devil of a time trying to figure out why my speedometer would quit working & then mysteriously start working again. If the angle drive is pulling away from the speedometer cable, the cable will disengage from the angle drive & voila! No speedometer action, or odometer for that matter.
  4. Just have the tailpiece & the front fender painted black. Thats all it needs.
  5. I use a TwinMax tb sync device. I'm sure if you google it you'll find one to buy on the net for just under $100. I bought mine last year & I love it.
  6. This thread got me motivated to do my Spring tune up on the Goose. I checked the valves, set them at .102 & .152. Then I replaced the spark plugs & resynced the tb's. The bike runs better every Spring lol. I think this bike should last my lifetime with regular maintenance. P.S. It still has the original battery & I never need to trickle charge it, however the battery light stays on until its really warmed up.
  7. One tip that will make checking your valves easier is to remove the alternator cover first. Put the bike in nuetral & use a ratchet on the alernator nut to turn the flywheel. Its alot easier to get to tdc that way than pushing the bike or turning the rear wheel.
  8. Ok I think the bike would look killer if the tailpiece was a glossy black. That shade of green doesnt match with the Rosso red. You definitely have spent some time & money putting this scheme together. I remember you have been hinting at this transformation for over a year now. Take a picture of the bike from the front so we can see the fairing too
  9. richard100t

    new dash

    I absolutely love the look of those electrosport guages! Does anyone know if they would fit in a v11 instrument panel without any cutting? If its a simple bolt on procedure I think I may have to buy them. The idea that I can have all the modern conveniences of a high tech bike on my goose is pretty exciting.
  10. Uh oh did you say the dollar isnt doing well against the mark? I know our currency is pretty bad but its not out of circulation just yet
  11. If you can hear a hissing sound coming from your forks over the engine noise I'd say theres a problem there.
  12. I'm thinking a pearl white would set off the red frame nicely. Whether to make the valve covers red or the pearl white is up for discussion.
  13. Well I'm pretty sure that if I can get 5 to 10 people to team up maybe I could get a discount. I havent checked into it yet but if anyone would be interested pm me or post it here.
  14. I remember well you telling me this when the problem first happened & you are right about what you say. The dollar amount that the couple cost was too high so I bought an entire used rear drive instead. What I am doing right now is just stripping the gear down to bare so that I can take it & its mating gear to a local shop to see what it would cost to have a duplicate made. If it can be made at a low enough cost I'll have it done & sell the other rear drive to someone here who may need one. If the cost is too high, well then I'm not out any extra money just for checking.
  15. Ok I've grinded the nut off as per Pete Ropers instructions. Unfortunately the seal underneath the nut got sacrificed in the doing. Also I nicked the large bearing under that pretty good too. But all in all its off. The end of the gear seems to have all the dimensions printed on it anyway so I probably didnt need to take the whole assembly apart except to salvage the bearings maybe?
  16. They just dont make very many bikes. If you want to meet other Guzzi owners join the MGNOC or try googling guzzi breakfast & look in your state. Theres usually a monthly Guzzi breakfast in most states. Its a good place to meet fellow Guzzisti.
  17. Yeah it was aligned. I revved the bike up, dumped the clutch & presto! No wheelie, no black stripe just a snapped very expensive & hard to replace gear. Needless to say I dont even pretend to try & burn rubber or pull wheelies anymore.
  18. I'll try & post some pics here. Ok heres another (I hope) Now that I've gotten the thing out on the table, does anyone have some advice on how to get the pinion nut off? It has an indentation in it to hold it tight I suppose. I've tried to pry it loose with a very small screwdriver, but no luck. I'm not going to try & force it either. Although since I'm wanting to have a new gear made, I doubt that damaging the old one will matter much.
  19. Well since my pinion gear had snapped off I'm not too worried about the old piece. Once I'm able to get it out I can take it to a local gear shop & have a new pinion gear made. Right now I'm wishing I had Pete Ropers very clever tool he made to get the castellated thing off.
  20. Well mine has been sitting in the basement almost two years now. I read this post & went down with two screwdrivers as suggested & it popped right up & off. The metal shim under mine is pretty rusty as well. I'm going to wipe up the oil from its inside & take some pics.
  21. That cover does'nt come off easily so dont worry its not just you. I'll let someone who's managed to get one off tell you how to do it. My old one has been sitting in the basement for almost two years now. I got as far as you are now & just said the hell with it lol.
  22. I just routed mine down so that its behind the transmission facing the street. Cut off any excess hose so that it doesnt look sloppy.
  23. Well if you have collision coverage on your bike you will be made very happy. I'm glad to see that you seem to not be badly injured. Motorcycle parts can easily be replaced, body parts are a little harder to come by lol.
  24. Wont we be able to see the race on youtube.com?
  25. If the rear shock came undone from the mounting bar while riding at speed, wouldnt the bike sort of fold like an accordian? I really dont know if it would but I'm curious to know what other people think. Even if that wouldnt happen the shock is pretty near the rear wheel & the shaft. Neither of which I'd want the shock getting into at any speed.
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