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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. How long does it take from the time you mailed the form to get the free tire? I'm mailing my form in Monday.
  2. Do you have to buy the 180 size rear tire? My bike has a 170 rear tire.
  3. My Goose is pretty smooth & quiet when its warmed up. Excepting the clutch 'of course'. If you have a strange rattling noise as you've described I'd have a Guzzi tech have a look at it. There have been some major engine failures in a very few of the v11's that sounded familiar to what you're describing. It may be nothing but get a second opinion
  4. Hmm I had a funny thought, I was remembering Steinbeck wrote a book titled Travels with Charley. Similar thing 'cept Charley was a dog Well that & they just traveled around America looking for story material.
  5. I havent looked yet but maybe you can find these tools on Ebay.
  6. I read a MotorCyclist article in which the Rosso Corsa tested at almost an even 12 second 1/4 mile run. Thats about as good as it gets with these bikes without modifying them. Thats still plenty fast for most of us Its funny 25 years ago the Lemans was a very fast bike by any standards. I still love my after a year of ownership, although if I were wealthy I'd have a Hayabusa next to it in the garage
  7. Yes that was me today! It wasnt warm but the sun just looked so inviting Its supposed to be a heatwave tomorrow of about 40 degrees. Maybe I'll get it out on the highway
  8. That chick is wearing black jeans in the front & they are blue near the shoe/lower leg part. The pic is so photo shop its not even a good job. Nice tits though lol
  9. richard100t


    Thinking isnt something that he's been known to do very often
  10. Yes a better looking shape would help. That ceramic coating stuff wouldnt hurt sales either I bet.
  11. The Griso needs the Quat d exhaust to look right
  12. Can someone tell me if the MGS raced, & if so how well did it do?
  13. Make sure your aaa membership is paid up lol. Take your Visa/MC & a camcorder for the memories. I'm a little jealous here, there needs to be a "jealous" green faced emoticon for me lol. I'm surprised you would opt for the Lemans over the Cali on such a long trip. To each his own I say.
  14. I have spent some time setting up the suspension on my bike. I have tried several settings from soft to maximum dial up for compression & rebound up front. I probably weigh in the 190lb range with all the leather & helmet so the weight shouldnt be a factor with me. Dont get me wrong the forks arent terrible, as I've said...they just arent as good as they should be. It could be thats the way they designed the bike to ride but it just doesnt handle bumpy pavement well at all. If the roads are smooth & in good condition the ride is ok. Just try to find a good smooth road in Ohio in the springtime lol. Where you live there may not be too many potholes but thats just a part of life in the more northern climates. Its nothing I'd spend over a thousand dollars to fix & I'm not going to sell the bike because of it. I'm not the only guy here that feels this way about the forks so its not just me. Other than that the rest of the bike is well made (cough except the paint cough). Ooops thats a whole 'nother thread
  15. I'm with Vrat on this one. For the price these bikes cost the forks (a major part of the suspension lol) should have been at least as good as the brakes. As the customer of a bike that costs upwards of 12 large, I shouldnt have to go through that much trouble to get my bike to feel right. If you need to buy a set of new springs & have your bike "properly set up" at extra expense then the oem equipment is not up to the quality level you should rightly expect to get at that price point. That being said I do like my v11, the forks arent horrible but they arent what they should be. Maybe calling them cheap wasnt the most polite way to put it but hey its just my
  16. I met a guy last summer that had put a Suzuki front end on his Guzzi. It wasnt a v11 but hey it can be done I guess. Btw his bike handled very well through the corners. I've been thinking of doing just such a thing to my bike. I think the stock forks are pretty cheap, the brakes are very good though. I'm guessing you'd need to be very mechanically inclined to take on such a task. Since you already need a front end you have nothing to lose so have some fun with it!
  17. Motor oil & fork oil look pretty similar so I dont think you'll be able to tell by the look of it. Theres been others here with the same problem that can walk you through it.
  18. Ditto, I got mine a few days ago. I havent worn it yet but I will when the weather warms up enough to ride with it on.
  19. Thats cool Jim! I'd want to have it street legal too. I can imagine the setup is just where its supposed to be considering what it is. Maybe you should take a pic like with your RM of a wheelie on the same street
  20. I was just curious Jim, how do you like your MGS so far? I havent seen you post very much info about it lately. Have you been working too much to ride it lately, is it just the weather or both maybe? Would you buy it again given the chance? I would love to own one of those someday but I'm willing to wait for a mass production bike to emerge from Mandello.
  21. I had 8 out of 12. Some were very obvious, others were too hard to tell.
  22. I bought a pair of cold weather boots at Wal Mart recently for $20. The brand is Ozark Trail, they are very warm on the bike around town. I havent gotten to go for a good long ride with them yet but I will soon enough. That Thinsulate brand stuff is very good, I also have a $6 pair of Thinsulate gloves from Wal Mart that work great in the cold weather ride. I guess you can spend a lot of money if you like a particular look or brand name but you dont have to spend a lot of money just to stay warm. I'm no fan of Wal Mart but hey, thats where to go when you want cheap throw away stuff
  23. Paint those valve covers red & we might have a sale!
  24. Its a good thing that Scooter Libbey missed the hunting trip! I dont think Cheney would have been using bird shot though
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