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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. richard100t

    'nother new guy

    I'll trade you my v11 for your zzr1200 for a weekend Just kidding, the v11 is the best looking most exclusive bike of the ones you're interested in getting.
  2. Come to America! We have plenty of smooth empty desert roads.
  3. It looks good in the flesh too. I seen it at the bike show in Cleveland. I'm keeping my v11 though
  4. Obviously I have a so I like the bike regardless of the weight. Its just a little funny poke I made about trying to have your cake & eat it too. I'd like several different kinds of bikes for different kinds of riding but I can only afford one bike right now.
  5. I believe if you're willing to spend the money you can get the weight down to 400lbs. Put a supercharger on it & you might almost keep up with a modern japanese sportbike lol.
  6. I think if you look at the size of the engine relative to the rest of the bike you'll see where the weight is. Its probably all made out of steel. I think thats probably an extra 50# give or take. Then the wheels, the mirrors weigh in at 1.5 lbs, the stock exhaust is 18lbs (not including the head pipes). The airbox is around 6lbs, pollution cans & hose is another 5lbs or so. I hope that gives you an idea of where the weight is. You can easily drop 25lbs from your bike if you want to. If you want to spend some $$ get the Oz rims.
  7. Has there been an argument on a thread here that I've overlooked? I must have missed the hubbub People arguing over politics? Or is it Iraq? Or something else entirely?
  8. Congratulations on your speedy recovery ! Its always great to get back on the bikes after a time off of them.
  9. That Rosso red is very nice . It would look fine with the silver cases imo. Any color you really like is the right color, after all its your bike, you have to wash it lol. The nice thing is there isnt that much to paint, I personally like when the tailpiece matches the tank all one solid color but thats just me.
  10. Its been unusually warm here this month, in the 50's the last few days. Funny but I think November was colder than January this year. Hopefully Febuary will be just as mild because natural gas is very expensive this year.
  11. richard100t


    I have the 40mm & I think they're probably the worst part of my generally very good bike. If its only one or two thousand difference in price get the Ohlins.
  12. Theres a fascinating show here on the Discovery Channel about treasure hunting in England. People find old relics with metal detectors & then a team comes in with a bulldozer & remove the top foot or so of soil to find artifacts from the Roman occupation times. We here in the U.S. dont really think about how relatively new our civilization is here in the states. I'd like to tour the ancient sites in Europe someday, especially Italy & Greece.
  13. What color did you decide to go with? I think I voted for red lol
  14. Ahh.. physical fitness! I've been walking the dogs lately but thats about it. I need to work the abs & hit the weights, spring is right around the corner Motorcycling is a much better experience when you're in shape. I like to do about 60 or so situps with a 10lb weight behind my head for the abs. For the weights I've been cutting back on the lbs in my old age lol I do the bench press & curls for the upper body strength. Its one of those things like a diet, I know what to do, I just need to do it. Working 10 hours a day 6 days a week isnt helping my motivation.
  15. I was listening to a local talk show in Cleveland recently in which a guest was selling a product to avoid speed cameras. Its some sort of clear paint that causes a glare on the license plate when the camera flashes so that the plate is unreadable. You just apply a few coats of this clear gloss paint to your plate & voila, no more mail in tickets. I cant remember the name of the product but I'll try a google search to find it.http://www.backstreetinline.com/license_plate_spray_license_plates_spray_licenseplate_spray_license_plate_spray/
  16. I must admit you did a fine job! I love the red valve covers with that champagne tank.
  17. If its the same one that was on ebay recently its a very pretty Lemans. Red & black in color I think.
  18. I have a 2002 charcoal grey Ford ZX2. I dont like to drive a car very much since I've gotten into bikes so its just for work, groceries, etc. I bought it new in dec 01 & it only has 39k miles on it. I'd like a luxury car for more comfort but I cant see spending my bike money on a car.
  19. The filter is inside the pan. Once you get the pan off you'll be able to see what the deal is. I agree with the rubber mallet idea, if you dont have one use a block of wood & a hammer to tap on the pan. Oh & btw you need to get a new gasket before you even start to take the pan off. Theres obviously something wrong with the gasket thats in there now & when you get the pan off it will definitely be in need of replacement.
  20. Oh boy! Theres so many choices its not funny. You can try Rizomas website for inspiration. I'm thinking about going with bar end mirrors this year. Does anyone know if you can have bar end mirrors with throttlemeister bar ends? I'd like the looks of that combo myself. One things for sure... the stock mirrors are just not worthy of the v11
  21. I believe that those could be natural. Its more likely that they're implants, but I'd certainly like a better look at them to confirm the truth!
  22. Check again to make sure you've gotten all the hex head bolts out first. Theres at least 1 or 2 thats kind of hard to see at first. The pan should fall right off with the last bolt. Edit: I just checked my bike & there are 14 bolts as you said. The previous owner must have used some kind of gasket sealer on the pan. Proceed with caution lol
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