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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. I would love to do that someday! I still need to ride here in the States first though. My ideal vacation ride is to go out to San Diego & ride the PCH to Canada & then take the badlands back to Ohio. Oh & I'd take the desert southwest route to SanDiego from Ohio. Think I'll need a Goldwing type bike for that kind of action though. If I did that trip on the Rosso Mandello I'd definitely be a candidate for Iron Butt of the year I think I'd need a month maybe 6 weeks to do it. Then someone would have to watch my dogs,bang my girlfriend, collect my mail while I was gone etc...Man sure would miss my dogs while I was gone Lmao.
  2. Who's the hot chick in your avatar? Kind of looks like Elizabeth Hurley.
  3. Welcome to the club! As far as that titanium exhaust goes they're pretty hard to come by. You'll just need to watch ebay & all the forums for a set to turn up.
  4. Just think of the interest they have to pay on that 107million debt. I can imagine the interest payments are killing them. I cant imagine that problem can be overcome, but someone obviously does. It seems like Aprilia had similar problems too. I dont think they were that deep in the debt though.
  5. I think MV is making a good looking bike. The prices are comparable to the Ducati & so is the performance. Still you would have to sell a hell of a lot of them to overcome 107million euro's worth of debt. Hmm if they made 5,000 euro profit on each bike how many would they need to sell to just break back to even? 21,400 or 210,400 or 2.14million?? Ok ladies & gentleman, who wants to buy an Italian motorcycle company?
  6. I would drain the oil immediately & replace it with conventional dinosaur oil. 20/w50 is fine, my dealer says the bikes come with synthetic oil from the factory now. After 1000 miles drain all the fluids & replace them, use synthetic motor oil from then on.
  7. Too bad its a Scura! I would have bothered to try & find it after you had rid yourself of it You never hear Rosso Mandello owners speak such blasphemy
  8. I did about 20/25 miles today. It was sunny & in the upper thirties. Its supposed to stay "warm" for the rest of the week, I just hope that it doesnt rain too much.
  9. I agree about the stock Battlcrap tire. I switched to pirelli up front & that made a huge difference.
  10. The other thing to check is your compression & rebound settings. If you know what you're doing that should make some improvement. There are many opinions on this subject in lots of threads here, you could spend hours reading it all lol. The most recent thread involves putting stiffer springs in the forks. You dont have a Ninja/gsxr now if thats what you had, the v11 will probably never handle like one of those bikes. It does handle pretty well for a 500lb bike
  11. Check the tire pressure, it should be at least 32psi. I like 36 psi myself 38 for the rear.
  12. richard100t


    Yes I have bought things from them & the service is very good. The product quality is a 10 out of a possible 10. I dealt with a guy named Paolo who was fluent in english & got me what I wanted. If what you want is on the site I wouldnt be afraid to buy it with a credit card or pay pal. They shipped my order in 1 business day after I paid for it.
  13. I know this isnt a loudspeaker forum but I'd like to see what those look like. Ok I just googled that product. I'm not easily impressed but those are beautiful speakers to look at. :!: I can imagine that they must be high quality sounding also. When I was younger I liked the Cerwin Vega brand, but I have been out of the music thing at home because I listen to the radio at work all day. What I have been wanting is a surround theater system in my living room for movies.
  14. Its actually called Bourbon if its made in Kentucky
  15. It may be $12 here also, I know that its in that 10 to 15 dollar range. Parking is a ripoff everywhere lol I think its either 5 or 8 dollars to park here. What other kinds of bikes did the Moto Italiano people have? Any exotic stuff?
  16. I cant wait until the show comes to Cleveland Do they have the MGS 01 at the show? I want to see what the new Aprilias look like in the flesh. I'd love to get an RSV Mille if I could ever make some damn $$ in the stock market lol. Oh well for $10 I can go in & sit on every damn bike in the place for free.
  17. I agree with that, also check the tires for proper pressure.
  18. Woohoo! The temps rose to 46 degrees today so I went for a ride around town. I had to take to rear tire to the gas station for air first but it was worth it. Now my bikes filthy with salt/road grime. I wish I could just put it in my shower & really clean it well This is the first time I've had it out of the garage in a month. Oh well spring is only 12 weeks away
  19. I think the Quat D system would be right for the Griso. The bodywork & the headers make the bike look good, the cannister needs to go. The single sided swingarm needs to be more visible IMO of course.
  20. Will that fit on the smaller flyscreens like on my RM? I could use a little more wind protection.
  21. Ha ha thats pretty good! I wonder if we could make a similar list for the British. Hmmm things you'll never hear an Englishman say... 1) No thank you, we dont need any help with the Germans 2) No thank you, I'll pay for my own healthcare I'm sure theres lots of biting comments I could throw in about the royal family & you guys driving on the wrong side of the road. However I'm much too busy feeling up my sister & yelling at my Mom to get me another beer. It is a doublewide trailer & I'm too lazy to walk the 70ft from the bedroom to the fridge. I wish the dog wouldnt sh!t on the floor so much too, but its easier than taking him for a walk.
  22. Hey I met a guy at Taco Bell this summer that had a BMW bike. He seen my bike parked out front & we talked bikes for a few minutes. Hell we may have already met?
  23. Come to think of it my ignition switch came loose also. One of the bolts backed out. Not a big deal though, just a trip to the hardware store for a new bolt.
  24. Omg Ben! Are you bow legged yet? Gives a new meaning to Ho Ho Ho!
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