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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. If I remember right I needed to put mine on the charger last winter to start it. It was a brand new bike that had sat in a garage for 4 years at that time. If your bike sits outside the wet weather may play a part in this problem. Just make sure the petcock is open and you are getting fuel to the tb's.
  2. I have a Rosso Mandello with the same engine paint & clutch. It has 9000 miles on it & runs like new or better, no paint issues either. I think with these bikes you either have a bad one or you have a good one. The clutch is a rare thing to go bad & if your paint is fine @ 3300 miles its probably going to stay fine. Do what I do, enjoy your bike & dont worry about it & you'll be fine. I also think you can purchase an extended warranty through your dealer if you feel its necessary.
  3. I'm sure jealous of you guys on the west coast. I havent been able to ride my bike in a month & I bet its going to be another month or more before I even get it out of the garage. Sometimes we get a lucky day after December when its both warm enough & dry enough to ride, but not yet Oh btw RossoPuro is a good company, I bought some stuff from them recently & its high quality. I dont know anything about rearsets so I cant say much about that item.
  4. Oh man your going to open Pandoras box with this question~! There are a few threads with many different ideas on this subject. I hope you have better luck with the front one than I have.
  5. Just wait until Jaap sees that postcard! I smell a link for it being made as I type this
  6. Hey I'm in Canton also! Send me a pm & maybe we can get together. I'm not the best mechanic but you never know. It would be great to have a Guzzi guy to ride with in the spring.
  7. I dont want to be a party pooper but shouldnt you fix the fuse blowing problem before spending the $$$ registering the bike? Lol you've had your share of fun getting the bike to this point though. This guy is probably hiding in a loose wire somewhere You should be proud of the bike...it looks good
  8. I have mine turned all the way off too. I've tried using it in higher speed turns but the bike doesnt really need it that much. I think Guzzi put it on because any bike coming out of Europe for that much $$$ has good suspension front & back. If it was 30 lbs lighter & had 30 more horses I'd say it would be alot more necessary.
  9. Hmm the weather is 19 degrees here in Ohio right now. Honestly I'd be out riding right now but my rear tire is flat I swear I have the worst luck with tires lately, I just had a screw removed from one of my car tires. This has been a real bitch of a December so far. It hasnt been above freezing in well over a week & its not going to be over 32 in the next 7 days. Lots of highs in the 20's It doesnt look like I'll even bother to start it up the rest of this month & January is colder than December here so its not going to get any better. I wish there was an easy way to get the bike up my 3 porch steps & into the house so I could at least look at it & clean the hell out of it until spring. I'm sure someone here has some advice for getting a bike up 3 damn steps lol.
  10. Yes you can put side bags on a v11, I have them myself. Rich Maund is the guy in America that makes seats for the v11 & yes he'll be happy to make you a seat. He still posts in here from time to time.
  11. The black walnut wood is very expensive & not the easiest to work with. So I've heard anyway. The furniture is beautiful, price is what it is sometimes. Either you can afford it or not I suppose, I know I cant afford it yet. Can you imagine the kind of office you would put a $13000 desk in? lol Veerrryy successful people own that stuff.
  12. I think the MGS 01 Corsa should be in a top ten Italian bikes wanted list. Just because you cant get one doesnt mean you shouldnt WANT one Btw I was just reading my new issue of MotorCyclist magazine & I really am starting to like that new Tuono! Has anyone seen it at the bike show yet?
  13. I'd take the exhaust pipes off just so they'd be out of the way. Dont worry you've gotten this far, you'll git'r done! lol
  14. You may consider a short stainless allen head bolt instead. It may give a nicer more finished look to the bracket. I'm thinking about cutting a set to length, sanding the cut edge smooth so that the bolt actually fits flush inside the hole. I have to cut screws to length at work frequently so thats where I got the idea. I always have to sand the burr off the cut end for the screw to thread properly.
  15. Those two items are on my spring "to do" list. Unfortunately there not going to be any riding in my near term future. Damn freezing cold & snow!
  16. About 13 years ago I was running a punch press & punched a 5/16" hole through my middle left finger. Thats slightly larger than a pencil eraser for those who need a reference size. I could look right through the hole.... It was centered right through my fingernail. At the emergency room the doctor pulled what was left of the nail off. I remember telling the doc that the viet cong used a similar method of torture to make our guys talk, I can tell you that even with an anesthetic its the most painful thing ever. Theres my nasty injury tale
  17. Theres too much snow to ride here lately I'm hoping that it clears out by next Sunday so that I can ride to the next Guzzi breakfast in my area. Anything above freezing with clean dry roads works for me. I refuse to ride in the rain as I'm a pussy lol
  18. Hey now! Whats that other bike doing in your garage? It sure doesnt look like a Guzzi! There are some in here that dont take to that kind of thing Lol of course I'm just pulling your leg.
  19. No I didnt replace the seals. I didnt even completely unscrew the tops off the forks. Just enough to drain/pump out the old oil & refill with new oil.
  20. I think "natural selection" is the term I was looking for. It was probably a young inexperienced rider who bought a gsxr 1000 as his first bike. I've read in MotorCyclist magazine that these bikes will crush you like a bug if you get careless. Those types of photos should be published in all the sportbike magazines so that young males can see firsthand the consequenses of too much power too soon. Of course those photos will never be in a magazine, the bike manufacturers would shit themselves if that ever happened.
  21. Wow my dealer & I did mine in an hour, he charged me something like $50.
  22. Please post some pictures of the display if you're able to. I cant wait until the show comes to Cleveland this year.
  23. I wonder why there are tennis shoes & riding boots in the picture. You cant wear both at the same time. I think Darwin would call that thinning the herd, I forget the exact term for it but thats what happens when you lose control.
  24. Thats very clever! Now that I've removed my rear fender I should look into making that myself. Not that I'll be riding much until Easter
  25. Theres Speakers Cycles in Steubenville, Ohio. Thats where I go for service.
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