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Everything posted by richard100t

  1. Hey believe me I appreciate your thoughts Thats what this site is all about. I just hope I can get my bike back up & running for the Memorial Day national meeting in New Cumberland WV. I've been looking forward to that & I'll be bummed out if I miss it Well time will tell...its only money too I like to think of it as a "character building experience" lol
  2. No I dont think it would work. I wish it would but its snapped too close to the end of the part. PLus that part is under a lot of stress from riding the bike...I wouldnt trust it. Unfortunately its one of those bad luck things you get in life sometimes. If thats the worst thing that ever happens to me on a bike I'll be very happy. Besides I should have known better than to treat it like a chain driven bike.
  3. Thats cool I'll pm you
  4. I'm starting to look for bike salvage yards. If anyone knows of a wrecked v11 please let me know. Right now I'm just waiting on responses to inquiries from some salvage yards. Man I dont want to pay $1200 for a ?%$* gear! lol Gawd I'm gonna miss riding my bike
  5. Oh well unless someone knows where a wrecked one is I'll probably have to shell out the money.
  6. Oh if anyone knows what the name of this part is please let me know. I suppose I'll have to get it from my dealer unless someone has a wrecked one?
  7. Ok I think things just got worse The spline thats attached to the rear u joint is whats snapped off. The spline part is still in the joint and the rest is in the rear drive axle. It looks like a lot more $$$ for that part, I just hope I can get it.
  8. richard100t

    u joint

    Ok I pulled a Homer revved the bike up, popped the clutch & snapped the rear u joint. Is this a difficult part to get? Anyone know how much they are or where to get one? I'll take it apart & post a pic later
  9. I was just wondering if anyone has ever put a v11 on a dyno without any pipes or air filters at all. Just to see what the performance was with the engine fully unrestricted. Another thing, I weighed my stock cf cans form my rosso mandello today & theyre 9lbs each. Has anyone weighed their aftermarket cans? If so what do they weigh? At only 9lbs each I cant see the mistrals being very much lighter than that.
  10. I was just wondering if anyone has ever put a v11 on a dyno without any pipes or air filters at all. Just to see what the performance was with the engine fully unrestricted. Another thing, I weighed my stock cf cans form my rosso mandello today & theyre 9lbs each. Has anyone weighed their aftermarket cans? If so what do they weigh? At only 9lbs each I cant see the mistrals being very much lighter than that.
  11. Have you tried draining the fuel tank & refilling it? Its probably not the fuel though, otherwise it would run poorly at any rpm. But hey you never know lol
  12. I think he just sold that one John. I was in there last week & it was sold. Jason & his dad are nice guys & I prefer to do business with them myself.
  13. I'm A NUMBER 1 man myself, but I'd do all of them if I could (preferably at the same time).
  14. I have a Rosso Mandello & I'd say if you get a motel room @ the halfway point home you'll be fine. You'll save some cash too. Btw it looks like a good untampered with bike.
  15. Come on Fernando! I want to sell him my Rosso Mandello for only $9500 & I'll throw the bags in for free!
  16. I paid about that much for my Rosso Mandello & it only had 300 miles on it. I think I overpaid a little, but hey I do like the bike. I'd say no more than $8000...with all the accessories or walk...no run away! That bike is worth $6500 tops on ebay. If you dont believe me look for yourself
  17. I'm so jealous of you guys in California. The weather, the mountains, the ocean, the desert. Its a gawd damn motorcyclists paradise. One of these days I swear I going to iron butt my ass from ohio to San Diego up the PCH to washington state & then through the badlands back to ohio. Think I better get a more comfortable bike though, the v11's great but not for that. Thats Goldwing type stuff.
  18. I must admit part of the reason I bought the Guzzi was the(relatively) lower performance. I hadnt had a bike in about 9 years & I wanted a Hayabusa. I've never been afraid of heights or speed, but I knew lack of riding experience would get me killed with a bike like that. If the bike will do 200mph I know I'd have to try it! So I went with cool styling, durability, & resale value with the Mandello. Although to be honest the longer I own it the less likely I think I am to sell it. When I work on it & tinker around with it....the thing is so well made. Well no need to preach to the converted Maybe next year if the stock market rolls my way I'll have both. Maybe if Guzzi would get off their asses I could get one of those mgs01 series they were supposed to build. I should have paid better attention in school because I just want waaay to many toys lol.
  19. Try Speakers Cycles in Steubenville. I dont know about the price but it doesnt hurt to ask.
  20. I'll let you guys know how it turns out when I finally get around to it. First I have to get the seals wich means a 70 mile trip to the dealer...or I can just have em shipped to me I suppose. Maybe next weekend, unless the weathers real nice lol
  21. Ok yes I'm going to do it myself. However I'm going to get the extra seals just to be on the safe side.
  22. Your probably right, but I dont wanna know lol I prefer to think I'm really speeding :!:
  23. I've had it up to about 144 going downhill Ben If you make your living by driving, of course you shouldnt do that. But if you do heres your sign lol
  24. I took the bike out for a little fun this morning. Since I had the tb's adjusted & the fi looked at by Jason at Speakers Cycles the other day the bike runs great. I had the bike running from 80mph to about 125 & man it pulls like a freight train in that rev range :!: 2500 miles on the odometer & it just keeps getting better. Now if I can just get my hands on a set of mistrals...
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