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Everything posted by okiedehn

  1. okiedehn


  2. OUCH You might check with Frank Wedge of MGNOC. He's parting out an entire 2002 LeMans and may still have the part. Frank Wedge, P.O. Box 3, Larned, Kansas 67550. 620-285-5798. Email: mgnochq@cox.net See his ad in the MGNOC Classifieds http://www.mgnoc.com/Classifieds/classifiedads.htm
  3. Thank You
  4. Well, I think it the one on the left. Not the straight Diablo, but the newer Diablo Strada. Here's the website http://www.pirellidiablo.com/en_96/diabloS...bloStrada.jhtml and a screenshot from apdf file. By some accounts it may be an identical tire to the Z6, but is priced a little higher.
  5. Anybody actully tried the Pirelli Diablo Strada or Metzeler Z6's on a V11? Both are presented as extended mileage sport touring tires. They got pretty good reviews on Bikeland.org site.
  6. Sorry to hear you totaled your Aprilia. Reviewing the links regarding the bike and the accident I see that you're in the Omaha, NE area. I'm located in Lincoln and have a 2003 V11 LeMans. Once your wrist is healed contact me if you'd like to take it for a test ride. I've only had mine since March, but am very happy with it so far. However, I moved up to it from a Guzzi Cal III touring bike and not a sport bike, so your perspective will be different. Good luck on the recovery!
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