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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Alex-Corsa

    The Pace

    I agree 100% ith Nick , he has a great book written "Sport Riding techniques" ISBN 1-893618-07-02 , if you don't have it buy it. Lots of usefull infos which help understand the bike and ride safer ,as well as also that there is a difference between track and road. nice illustrations and examples well given also a V11 pic (or two!) inside. The basic principle is to be smooth (regardless the speed or pace),I choose slower paces when I ride where everything is much easier for me to control. Well what is slower or safer , that depends on the street -enviroment conditions , motrocycle and rider skils , so for everyone that can vary
  2. I think that's another machine over there on that MGS ,compared with the newest on Daytona race which has less cc (1340 , than 1420) and much more power 167CV to 125 ,,different heads as well.
  3. Well , that explains my questions back at the other thread of why getting a 2valver. About posting pics either go to http://www.imageshack.us and follow instruction (upload and copy link to post here) or under your post board go to browse> add atachment>and then add to post button and there it is.
  4. That's right , done over 3000km last year in Germany(+4K the year before) did a lot of km inside cities and stoped from police once, I always had my revs low(just under 3000 or clutch when passing through) The story about Germany goes like this:They can give you a fine as long as they have a db meter with them and count the revs, then of cource they have to do this according to what the registration licence says (which revs how much db stands on the licence.)In my case none can read my licence (plus I have my licence "custom" made,issued, at the revs/db point.... ) so I believe I am a bit "safe",..... then if you get a fine , AFAIK story goes like this, pay fine, if there isn't a ay to make your bike more quiet , then the bike is transported with their truck to be set to storage untill you get the "right" mufflers, and of cource you'll have to pay for the transport of the bike+storage. Then if you have the db killers that can be set and have a quiet bike perhaps they won't fine you ,if you are polite and get some nice excuses, since you're on tour you can get away with it. Sure thing is that German "cops" are more open minded than , i.e. the Swiss ones .That's my thought -experiences about Germany. Some other people told me that since I am not living there and my licence doesn't have this extra paper of "tüv" I shouldn't worry about it.But I dunno , It never had a control for exhaust. Long story short, have some db killers with.
  5. Heh , I know, I know , just for the matter of saying though,and BTW, as Jens told me at 2004 he has provided the pistons for the MGS that went to Albachete that time (and perhaps if I remember correct a couple of other mechanical stuff) And what's the PS of that water cooled 2V bike?
  6. Yes , I remember that tunning option , but is was made out of rounded heads and .... I asumed i is something other And then again that big bore thing doesn't seem to be getting more PS than the MGS so what' is it al about? At the GMG06 I as told that the last year Guareshi MGS bike was having 143PS. At least but not last , why don't they go to Hofmann and get the 152PS racing Guzzilla motor version and end the story? When comes to mechanics and durability , IMO, Germans prevail in all aspects
  7. Water cooled 2 valve? where does this motor comes from?
  8. Fantastic , for the Dayto racers effort. Anyone knows where can one get this mono seat back tail and front fairing.?
  9. Is it the Mistrals you got there for exhaust?
  10. Well yes , they need to come up with something real sporty but road legal.Rummors have it (already a year no) that something real good in this area will be presented in 2008, as I see it is moving on to this "rummor" with a new motor expected to come and so on. So hopefully we will see something good sonner or latter. Well yes I always say first see it ready and then we can say it is for sure or else it stays on the rummor department.
  11. You got one of the most beautifull Guzzis , so my is if you keep the 1100 and CAN afford a 1200(if finnally after testing it is satisfiying good) then why not gettting another one.I dissagree that the bike looks too old.Then again it is all an idea, you can go buy her some extra for change , i.e. head guard protectors, and forget the 1200.. My experience so far with meterial things iI have this moto, if you can't afford it forget it and especially if you have something really good to do the same job.
  12. Well now you can understand me Yep that's a tough question..lol..But I have it figured out, can't tell the answer in public , but I think you can guess it. Yep , surviving here , one should have a 7 or more lives. Occasion no xx , on highway right blind open turn, good lean on the bike doing 130km/h , idiot comes from the opposite side and decides to do 180 deg turn in the middle of the turn...you know what goes next,.... bang!!......motorcyclist flies up and away unconcious for some while no pulse as wll , cause of full protection leathers helmet boots gloves and much luck not a single injury on body ,except the locking mechanism (not a double D ring you see)of the helmet stuck in the neck bleeding. I thank my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ every day , I lived through this (and some other as well).
  13. And no helmet. Well this is from Greece,and it's a "classic", woman driver = mobile danger, that's guilt for over here, she had red (as the cyclist after swearing his.. states).That's a classic ,lots of people violate red light, it is an often practice I have not seen anywhere else at this level , so even when you have green , you have to be EXTREME AWARE of whats coming up the other way, same goes if the other direction has a STOP or priority , i.e. on a crossroad.(so bear that in mind if you travel over here , that red isn't red for some and STOP sign means nothing tomlet's say about 80% of the drivers) Gonverment has raised the fine of red traffic light violation to 600Euros or so,but I think that's not enough.Was it me I would remove drivers licence for 5 years in case of an accident (along with it's car), a judge with attempt to murder charge, and 3 months no licence+fine in case of simple violation. Yes IMO people who violate red or simmilar, especially should be seen as attempt to murder with sucisidal tedencies, cause that's what it is at the end.
  14. Yep, as it seems they are all over the world, and to tell you the truth not only with BMWs
  15. One thing I can't like about that bike is the complete alteration to the worse of the design.As I always said and believe there are quite few if any alterations you can do to a Guzzi and still remain nice Fat tank, contrary to the nice slim design Guzzis supposed to have, full fairing, OMG that's ..I won't say what it is,but at least is imposing an Guzzi trying to be a Japanese RR thing or something,and that tail is kind of turned upwards like it is also trying to do something but not really something. Sorry if I just sound so negative it is just so ugly looking thing to me , I had to say it.Nothing to do with the class of a i.e. Supertwin , when comes to custom bikes.
  16. Alex-Corsa

    M G Trckbike?

    And better be so , stick on having the originality of a private project than a copy.
  17. All the above I mentioned(Luminova variations and Tritium) are used in high end watches, in mewest stuff Luminova or super Luminovais used ,i.e. my X,xxxUSD Breitling for Bentley, uses super Luminova for instance, so do newest Rolexes (AFAIK) and, Nardins and so on. Perhaps the difference is on how much time the glow is maintained after the "charge".A half minute charge in a 40W bulb is good enough for my watch (mentioned before) for about one hour glow in total dark with 40-45 minutes strong enough. And this absorb-reflect is how it works, I think tritium , has a more to the yellow(compared with Luminova) color reflection, and used to be mostly in older watches. And hee is the example left to right Breitling Bentley (1 month old from purchase date at the time photo was taken) and Breitling Hercules, 2years old respectivelly.This is turquase Luminova light.
  18. AFAIK the materials used for lighting in the dark in watches are Tritium , Luminova and Super Luminova. Effective life expectancy of the Tritium is about 12-12.5 years and Super Luminova is just as good if not better Luminova can loose 20% of it's luminosity after 2000 hours of exposure compared to the Super Luminova, and tritium will deteriorate gradually to it's life expectancy. tritium isn't used often anymore in EU end especially not in Switzerland, beause of Europe regulations in transporting, storage , ect.ect. of this material.
  19. I checked your site and saw he pice for,aprox, 268Euro for this watch (nice price BTW), when would you require the payments to be done?When the preorders are ready? That would be the whole amount , or a part and the rest when the watch is there? Would be informative to have a couple of info here in the forum.
  20. Alex-Corsa

    New Quota?

    Yep looks like just another BMWuzzi
  21. Manual says crap often and at this point you better lave the instructions to the professionals = the one who fit tires all day long to bikes.
  22. Alex-Corsa

    M G Trckbike?

    As for Guzzi , cheaper alternative would be the 1100i and a bit more expencive the DaytonaRS(If you find one) More expencive alternative , get the MGS01 as it is made for track use.(no road licence)
  23. Since I have spent several K$$$ for only 2 watches in last years I was also interested to find out about it so: There is absolutelly no problem for good or excellent mechanism automatic watches to stay unwinded for sometime, even half a year.Some "engine" oil chnge is done every 5 years or so and that's all , but often I have heared people not servicing their Breitling or Rolex(perhaps also with other brands is also the same) for longer periods of time, but then there is very propable of not having COSC performance of accuracy. The meaning of the winder is mostly sentimental of some short since most if not all have this see through glass, so you can see the watch working so the "proud owner" (hehe) can see his "investment" or "beloved" (or you name it) and enjoy it while not wearing it. The functional meaning is that the mechanism keeps working and one can switch through the watch at a glance (perhaps with a small adjustment in time and or date... though never in high end COSC certified watches) and the oil keeps it's "fluidity" since it is worked on. In other cace perhaps(long time unwind) it would take a day or 2 to reach best accuracy performance as it was designed to do . More or less it acts like an engine yes the good watches need some time to "break in" if you would like to ask and often became better than the factory specs... no there isn't anything special you have to do for a good "break in"you should do to "break in" the "engine" just couple of months continous working and that's it. Some say that this is a myth but nothing can be proven,my Breitling Hercules though became much more accurate than when new after some months and now years after is just amazinglly accurate wih only a 5-8 sec inclination after 15-17 days , (normal use every day wear, rest horizontal for 10hours a day) Hope that covers you.
  24. Sorry for the delay ,I was really quite bussy latelly. In such case , and since the design is better you can just notify the people( I always do to my customers when something new and better comes along the way of a project) that there is also this one out there (the "new" design-s) which represents a more traditional Guzzi sign and it would be worthy putting this one instead of the "de tomaso" which is earlier. I believe most if not all would agree about it, Guzzi at a great part is tradition and diachronical, and that sign is all that. And to tell you the truth since there is a good idea around it would be worse not telling, and IMO if they would like it and find out and you didn't say for one or another reason perhaps they won't be as satisfied with the buy at the end, so just go ahead and present something more. Plus it gives a better-more serious look in the gold color,or even silver color and as a design, for the whole watch dial than the red ,which IMO ,(and as a artist painter 34years since I started ) makes it look more like a toy compared to a Golden or silver sign. Golden color it should better be ,that's a golden eagle we are talking about and that's the color and that's the sign Guzzi was born, worn for years from motorcyles that created a legend.
  25. That's what I meant about the logo, well made on this pic(s)
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