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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Have read about front end suspencion problems in Motorrad , concerning theHonda Paneuropean model.
  2. Around 40 is an average acceptable without being too big or so.Well , with watches it is also a matter of taste at some point.I got my one Breitling with 44.8mm diameter (without crown) around 16mm thick and 250gram and the other is 48.7mm with 15mm, well their dials are complicated with scales and so on inside, so the time circle isn't bigger than 40-42mm but I can read time easy at a glance.... I have gotten used to them and don't like anything smaler...lol A 40mm diameter, is minimum acceptable for easier time reading IMO,perhaps you have to try something bigger,and as it is also a matter of habit , after getting used to reading time easier, you won't go back to smaler diameters.
  3. OK , so that's a seperrate number nothing to do with the frame number and the engine number. Thanks
  4. where should one look for this number to be?
  5. It sems to be so (14lit) But once I have dried it out and it got about 17lt till totally full. Light goes on and off at first "some" kms and who can tell that from his point is reserve? >Anyways as I said about 17lt capaccity (don't remember the exact number is it was 16.9 or 17.2 or so) but that what I have measured with empty tank on mine. That's the only way to measure it(dry the tank out and refill),or if you want to do it then have a friend with a vechicle and some gas to support you along the way till the next petrol station.
  6. The only thing you're most likelly to fry in that 1100i ECU (16IAW) is the chip, so having an extra amd replace it, will solve that situation. I ussually have 1 or 2 extras always with.
  7. Have allways a good time and my best wishes to you for your anniversary.
  8. Happy anniversary, Well, you don't have to wear something you really like only in spcial occations.If it is something nice why not enjoying it more often , or even every day.
  9. That logo I talked about , anyways.
  10. Also from some point after and I think this is for all the 97 ^ 98 models there was a helical gear box that's better than the previous gear box of the early 96 injection models. As far as the chip goes over there in US I guess problem are solved with the Will Creedon chip. I have developed my chip cause the previous mentioned wasn't that good for my set up over here in Europe. Either to rich or not rich enough in some points. But I don;t think it would be OK for U.S. users, with different gas ocatanes and so on over there.
  11. Well there certainly is.ome direct line to the Guzzi.It is a different developement than the repl.dukes which are more like "remakes" of the old combining some new technology. At the other side I would expect something more from Guzzi in terms of design in their new bikes,(without this meaning that what is already there isn't any good , but I believe it could or should be better)as expressed in my previous post
  12. Using a true saphire crystal is huge improvement than a mineral one which more or less hard it ends to scratch over the years.Though different processed saphires are around the market I could say that saphire is worth the money for the job.
  13. I think the Guzzi eagle could be the more modern graph.perhaps some other design.IMO eaagle and logo shold be all under and let the upper side with the watch's brand to be displayied Can help with other design if you wish, free of charge of cource...
  14. You won't have to eprogram your ECu by installing the Mistral silencers and even their crossover. Don't know about the others you mention.
  15. I have on my sport1100i , worth every penny, easy to instal and remove, offers respectable protection against dirt and so on. Can't tell the difference between it and the V11' factory shield hugger though.But I think it offers the gerabox side protection. And yes these clips are really tight ,and enough to hold the hugger well on to the swing arm (at least th 2 years I have it on there wasn't any single problem with it) I recommend this product. Further more I am surprized of the steel used (A2) on other applications he sells.It is one of the high quality steels (and more expencive than i.e. 420 series or 440A stainles for instance) with excellent hardness and corrosion resistance as well as very good tollerance to vibrations and so on.
  16. Yep I would agree, tastes are tates but truth is truth, The V11 seems to me a bit fat lady as well, compared with most Guzzis through-out the Guzzi history(i.e. from Airone to 1100iSport....now that's a slim silouette on a motorcycle) , and under some study that seems to be truth as well. Well we can say that from the Ducati with the 999 series or the 1098 , it is their developement of their sport motorcycles back in the and 70's , starting from the pure breed 750ss. The replica they did (and well not my cup of tea) is just a remake of the oldies they got,with some modern technology improvements they could fit in.(i.e. brakes,or wheels and suspencion,ect.ect.)They wanted to make a look alike , their developement is done over and over. In this section , no developement from Guzzi in Sport-supersport bike however in some years now. And I won't concider the 1200S as a sport developement from Guzzi. As far as V11 goes to me is more like an Apriliesque Guzzi which though original in some terms, is trying to get it's routes from the past. Something is wrong with that design, cafe racer's reminised tail in modern design and the tank though has a couple of guzzi lines , it is brought up to be like an Aprilia. Don't belive me? Look at an Aprilia RS 250 and then at the V11 and you'll seee what I mean. Thank God Guzzi has came up with an original ,artistic design (more or less nice to some taste but that's not my point), the Griso,and the 1200S as I see it has some strong personality in shape, though a bit "fat a$$" story as well.
  17. After getting the rossopuro ones , all others seem to me as a waste of money at least in terms of protection. Worth every cent.
  18. Yep , more or less that's it.Isn't it strange,they allways come with the right excuses, global warming, terrorism, and other crap just to ensure people to pay more taxes, ect.ect.ect. You know the drill.
  19. You mean they would track the kms one vehicle does and pay relative taxes and how can hey track the kms you can do.? If so , here is the trap they want to put the people in.1.First atract the people to electric or hybrid vehicles, by letting them stay out of tax and then (since the will lose money from less gas consuming)after there are a lot around (so don't worry about now) will enforce the pay/km tax and that's it.
  20. What's exactlly is that all about?All I saw at the link was a sign up article.
  21. I wouldn't bet for the frame , I have seen Dukes 916& 996 frames bent from small falls.Also in Germany is prohibited for a bent frame to be fixed and put on a bike to get tüv.(at least that's what I 've been told form a dealer) I wouldn't bet for the motor either, who knows if it kept running when the bike was in 'horizontal' position Sure for some lesser money would be sure worth if someone wanted using parts for a project but even though at 8K,reserve price isn't yet met.Well everyone wants to make some extra profit these days. At the other side there are top condition 999's sold around for 10K 's
  22. But as I see it's worth is nothing ,or perhaps onlz some parts, since the most bike is damaged, it would need much $$ to be rought back , in this case better get a new one ,without the ''bad luck'' of this piece. Price 8K and not the reserve met, well this is a joke , right?
  23. Nice collection over there you got.Though I was faving the daggers earlier, they could not serve me well as cutting tools (perhaps not their purpose)and since they are a bit narrow they can ave a tedency to break or bend their edges.I suggest if you like the double edged, to get the ColdSteels' TaiPan. The newest version features a Sanmaii steel wich is a sandwich of a hard steel in the middle with sided layers of a quite softer one.That makes it unbreakable in most any conditions and due to it's leaf shape it also has great cutting ability. Well my 2 Boker LEO II damscus steel folders have arrived along with the BlackSable, which is IMO the best and most versatile folder.It can do everything from sharpening my pencils and cutting airbruch masks to.... It really sticks and fits in the hand like nothing else.!! Bokers are a different story, quite pricey , but priceless as well , concidering the steel is worked on hand to form a 320layers damascus steel and also assembled and finished by hand as well in Boker factory, taken from the cannon of a Leopard I tank,for the firt an probably the last time w can see such a steel in the market , and in a knife.. This steel secret synthesis is mixed alo with another one to give this exeptional hardness and edge retention. Here you can see a video of how they are made (radio button your connection , prefferble a smaller speed that the on you have for flawless downstreaming, and then press "speichern und zum video") OK it is all in German but you'll see enough how they are made to understand.Special points is the heat treatment.The steel is heated to 1560decCel. and that's done woth some special carbon MarkusBalbach steelmaker. After the damascus is ready is left one night in the fire to be bond together. Well small folder (up to 3'') can be allowed (I have read in an article) except the serrated ones. Well it may have changed that though.Over here in Europe people are getting sick of making rediculous controls.I don't like traveling planes for that reson anymore and whenever possible I avoid plane travel. That assuming that everyone is suspect to be a criminal is disgusting. Or to think that the people that would plan to make a terror attack or something are going to pass their weapons through the boarding gates, doesn't this sound stupid?
  24. You can take a look at ColdSteel sticks the black ones are unbreackable.
  25. OK , Guzzis are not Bentleys so there are some quirky stuff there, but ussually not bad,the bad paint subject(and some other can of worls) is only with the Apriliesque Guzzis, no problem with my SportCorsa and AFAIK never seen peeling of paint on 30yr old lemans' As far as prototypes go, they have also said much earlier that an MGS street legal would be released, so yep,if I don't see it I won't believe it , and even then I'll think twice about it.
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