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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. It is really sad to hear such news . Especially from as stupid & careless cause as that. At least we can all learn something about it, and be carefull as much as possible on the street as bikers. Fortunatelly since your conutry is organized, hopefully some will have to be held respncible (in their part) and justice to be given. Well of cource this cannot reverce the situation but probablly can teach a lesson to some (short or big) and that could be a small ticket on saving others lives another time. Well you don't have to hold yourself responcible but at least you could also learn something of it.You remember abouth the 3 categories of people I told you. I see you have predicted it , you could only take an action by your own, i.e. tell them to replace chain , or cut it off by yourself one silent night.
  2. I agree , but no signs of making a sporty bike with a 8V motor. Instead what it sems to be is that they will replace the existing ones , i.e. Griso and or Breva or 1200S with this new machine (IF it ever gets out) and call them new models. I agree on your point though seems to me highly unlikelly to get a MGS sporty set up bike in the market (as future based on till now company policy seems ) Though very likelly to get a new motor on the existing "bandits" Griso and co. Piaggio and co have to understand that no matter how many "bandits" they release it is a sporty bike(more or less...PS) that can give some edge to a company, you see BMW as understood tat and upgraded it's line. But then again what do I know
  3. With a bit photoshop work you can create any logo with lettering and other shapes and go have it print in a Tshirt shop.
  4. Lol yes , I was in your position one time as I had first got my bike.Difference is , I was in the middle of almost nowhere while traveling.Had to hitch hike some other fellow bikers to get me to the closest Guzzi shop 70km away to come by with a van to load the bike , finnally finding out that the bike was starting after the side stand was pulled off. Lesson learned. Cheers dlaing
  5. I am a Guzzi newbe as well in most subjects, I didn't have the slightest idea about that drive shaft allignment 'till now , I think this is a correct point (allignment) .Furthermore I like to thank people like Pete and Greg , Ratchet and others as well ,over here in the forum that can enlighten us with bringing up solutons to issues like these, or explaining how things go. Stick up to this forum, there is always something to learn(I do) since everyone contributes something usefull from time to time , more or less.
  6. Nope there aren't any other fuses AFAIK.Some relays(play role on starting) I think and that's all, dunno if and how they can or could be affected.Do you hear the fuel pump starting up when turning key to on?
  7. Would be "wiseasier" to start checking the fuses first and then perhaps thinking of the worst.Or if there is something else you should also check first someone from the forum can give you more clues about it.
  8. Thanks Greg for that info again , I was thinking to precausionary change my clutch (have 52Kmiles on it and dunno if it was changed before) though I don't experience any slipping.
  9. Here is a representation I shot for you with 45deg and 90 degree(compred to the photo situation2 posted before(, turn over of the front joint. Notice the ending join holes how differently dissalign. Even thoguh only on 100% allignment is on 0 and 180degr compared to again as photo 2 of previous example is. Notice that they too create or belong to a line or "axle" hope that helps and sure ratchet can give a better description than I did. Here you go. Degrees are about the closest since there aren't many or enough teeth for the other "bone end" to be brought to 90 or 45 deg.It is made so and it seems to me they allign exct face to face only in the 0 and 180 degr. set up.
  10. Yep that"s how mine are on the bike , like in the photo though the front shaft grase nipple (gearbox side) turned exact 180deg (than on the photo), still lined up +-------+ Thanks Ratchet for complementing.
  11. I can concider myself lucky? but why that, ? I had a service made in the schaft ( inner -gear box nipple replacement) so the mech. who did it in Germany really deserved their 40/50Eur/hour, they asked, I suppose. It seems to me(miss-allignment) unlikelly to happen to a tyre change, since the bevel stays in the swingarm untouched.! Now, that occassion with blowing the seals from grase sounds interesting.I kepd doing it most times, how bad ist it doc.?
  12. Alex-Corsa

    Double Ignition

    I know Roland personally IMO is one of the very Best I ever known as far as dedication to his work and excellency of his results. and a friendly persosn as well I am thinking sometime I will do the double spark as well to Roland, just want to let some kms on the bike more. You have done a great choice Are these Bos open exhausts? Nice bike
  13. Have checked my bike an the allignment is like so +---------+ Thanks Pete
  14. Thanks Pete for your time and explanation. To make the long story short (as far as I understood) at the pic. I posted the 2 pos. the shaft is alligned, right? never noticed that in my Guzzi, will have to look tomorrow.
  15. By turnnions you mean these joinds at the end of the shaft both sides, right?Here is a sample photo of the spare schaft. One end sepperates and second pic have alligned it with the grace nipples which also is flat-flat surface of the joints(turnnions?) Is this (2nd pick) alligned?. Do you mean something like that? Thanks
  16. Thanks for the link, well, I didn't see any shaft photos there.Well I mean I saw the shaf with the marks on top ,but where do they allign to?I guess the 1100i shaft system is different than the V11's AFAIK ,never seen those marks in my bike's shaft. Though I can be sure when I will examine it any time soon. On the shaft of the 1100 there isn't any paint marks. I have one total new as spare, and there isn't any.And then I have a second spare as well that has one mark horisontal accross the shaft. Well a pic would help though. If you hve any sent them and I'll post them to imageshack Thanks
  17. That's heavy stuff you got here,What's the name of that little animal which has thorns all over and turns like a thorn ball when it sees a snake? I think you better get some of these in your yard feeding them. Good recovery to your pet. Which paint marks? how are they supposed to be when alligned?, sorry I can't follow.
  18. My sympathies for you an your cat,ten days ago someone (according to vet's diagnosis) hit my little 7 month kitten and broke the back leg on top in three pieces.I kissed goodbye 500Eur for the vet.But the worst was the suffering of the little animal, I would gladly brake this animal beater's bones with my baseball bat anytime.
  19. Well , I have Sport Corsa, no problems whatsoever so far in the 55Kkm I ride it. Answering your question , about what I don't like more or less. Not so comfortable for long travels, tank with 17.5lt or so,compatibility tyre profile compromise when chossing a sport tyre, for the back wheel, wears 70, has to go to 60 (though the Datona RS, wears 60 , with exact same chasis AFAIK).Not an external oil filter.Side stand a bit forwards than it should. If you want a reliable, agile,beautifull and rare bike , get the corsa '98, the last bike Guzzi did before was bought from Aprilia.
  20. So I think too about the thread getting out of topic(though I don't mind).I think this is a basic resul on this forum.. . i.e.you can start a topic about tyres and end up on global warming or something, Perhaps some people don't have the full conciouness of what they talk about, I would take it mostly as a genneral bla,bla, talk than a serious talk. You know ,some stuff you hear you don't have to take seriously. Unfortunatelly there are so many PC games introducing so much violence to the kids (this doen't reffer to people here) ,and everyone then can think of a grenade or a rifle as a game , but it isn't.That is more worrying to me, the new generation.Most people grow up to think that war or conflict or whatever is a game , but it isn't. My main point was to show that bad or dangerous situations can happen all the time , quite fast.The point is that even when having the advantage (skils, & weapons if you call it,)you'll need temperament. Actually the best thing to do is to get away from it peacefully if you can, and that can be done when having awareness of situation but with the right temper to act wiselly..The ancient Spartans used to say that bravery and smartness go hand in hand. We live in strange times and we have to be carefull.
  21. Yep , have also about same experiecne with expencive parts on a yamaha scooter,once.Somthing like an airfilter 24Euros or so,ect,ect.don't know bout other arques, but I guess it can be the same.cause genarall maintainance isn't as demanding as in a big bike the small bits are rediculouslly high priced,you see,all they want is to make profit out of it.
  22. And something you might like to read. knive laws in the states Some other laws in the European countries here..Sorry only in German Laws are made with the stupid assesment that all people are the same ,no we're not , some are evil and some are devine., and on his subject they fail IMO. Having something like a knfe or a anything that can be concidered as a weapon, doesn't have to do as much with it ,but with the moral of the person that is having it.Evil people can harm others with anything, it can even be a pen or a rock, while one who has the right moral & inegrity to use something like this can save lives. Who's going to be the judge of that? well there is a way, always ,even in the so called controled societies we "claim" to have, that's even easier(though they don't do it.). And criminality could fail dramaticlly afterwards.One can start with the key word education....and go on. IMO "our modern" societies have a moral problem , something that "modern" science (phycology or whatever relative)never took into concideration..
  23. You don't have to be acurate sometimes, just fix it and move on.
  24. I have seen some of these that were sold on ebay, I think some seller from Australia was it. I have only seen that jacket on ebay, perhaps you have to give it a try there. Well AFAIK it isn't on the official Moto Guzzi series of clothing, not that it matters, but I had to let you know about it.
  25. Yes I use Motule for the engine but not for the gearbox.
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