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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. That's my personal favorite for sniping type of thing... I chose this in PC games if it is available.
  2. Motul 15/50 300V competition is whatt I use now. was also using the Rock oil 15/50 full synthetic as well , but not so easy to find so I switched back to Motul, is such a great product. From people who raced Guzzis a good choice is Castrol MTX 75/140 for gear and bevel,which I use now. Never heared about red line except here in the forum and I can't tell. The Motorex gear oil "synthesis" 80/90 for gear , together with their liquid paste HPLS (which was made especially for bevel boxes like Guzzis")for the bevel box is also working flawlles to my experience.
  3. Cool .. , I have heared about Lansky sharpening systems , how easy is on getting precision on the angle all the time? Any experience with oher systems to compare it with? I am very satisfied with the Spyderco ceramic stones, though I would like to experiment with good stuff out there. Yes , C.S. have 2 series on their katana swords. I also like the "Scotish Broad Sword" ,also the ScotishDirk, for collection .Or cut vegetables and water-melons with them.
  4. No , you don't highjack the thread. Sharpening is a big art I suppose that I don't completellymaster.But I have quite some experience with it.Will try to answer short Gennerally there are a lot of sharpeners out there, the main principle is to have the same angle all the time the knife is moved to the stone on both sides, and then there is the edge shape that can be made. For instance most thick knives (over 3/16 inch.) will require a 35/40 degree angle edge (20 on each side to the vertical)thin kitchen knives can require a smaler angle 28-32 or so. Doing a convex fashion edge is the best for cutting penetration, so first the edge has to be made (completely) with a shalower angle 36 or 30 deg, and then another sharpening in 40deg.(if you go this angle sizes) Of cource the kind of steel also is importand for cutting power and edge retention so various steels are used in the industry.(that's also another subject we can talk) Yes I have a system (edge pro) that uses water stones ,and some japanese stones are also with water is said to be good. Personally I find the ceramic stones from Spyderco the best ,hands down to anything for home use from what, I have used so far. No water or anything and very tough , even when in high grits (600) for fine sharpening /polishing.And their tri-angle sharpener which is excellent when mastered. Vey effective on making sharp edges, I have done all knifes , even with M2HS steel so sharp that was knife was shaving effrtlessly Also a typical nice sharpening would be with these grits 120, to 180 to 300 to 600 areas. Polishing the blade with higher grits wil result to cut of any burr that exists in the edge therefore more edge retaintion and sharper as well. Some say that over sharpening isn"t good but up to these grits zou can get razors edge++ If you need I can "pdf" you a booklet with all the sharpening secrets. Of cource that's for home use, cause there is also the Belt method or the wheel method that requires a maschine moving the belt or the buffing wheel and the master to sharpen exact. Hehe , that's right. Spydercos are powerfull and use some of the best steels on the market. I just find them ugly and don't have one.154cm is considered a excellent steel for a knive and is on the "high class" steels Japaneese equivelent is the ATS34, which spyderco also uses, and another exotic extraordinarie is the SV30 and the even more durable SV60. You can also see A2 D2 and M2HS in some brands , these are also high class steels with the D2 exceeding in vebration tolerances from all 3 above.
  5. Which ones do you mean ?(from photo?).Generally the law prohibits as illegal all the twin edges and other above 9cm blade or so(I think) that can be concidered as leathal weapons ,I think ,so yes some can be concidered as illeagal depending on jugement, I know that video is part from demo company's DVD Curring a weapon small or big is dangerous because one has to control will (at "strange" situations)of when and if using it and gennerally getting out of the state of mind "look, now that I probably have an advantage I can start a fight and stick it anywhere and win",that's plain stupid . Or gennerally avoiding the temtation to think of it as a "first resort" it has to be always the "last resort" and that's difficult to do if one doesn't knows the "hows" and the "whens" and the "what afters" of using or not. Evil is in the hearts of some people , not in the knives and being legal that doesn't mean that you don't have a right and learn to defend your life, to be protected from evil. P.S. your open mindness (all till now) is inspiring.
  6. But of cource,I know, that's the thing I could only wait for -expect(in any such case), and had my vid camera ready to start as well, but even if I have the advantage in such situation, I avoid it as much as possible,that's my moto, there's nothing better than to stay cool.Most of the blades stay in the collection drawer all the time,and better be so,but I believe I have the courage or the skill to use them proper in an emergency. Use multitools with locking machanism.
  7. Yep , though, I have no rage, though I was disturbed and a bit upset for sure.Rage and stuff allike blurr the mind and you don't want to have that in any situation, staying in a wiser state of mind is the most usefull. Yep there are quite a lot of ego-garbage-complex of underestimation people out there, showing off,being dangerous and being blatantly stupid.There's no better thing to astay on the safe side as much as possible. That's quite the meaning and for bringing it out. edit. There is a rhyme saying: "Dog that barks, doesn't bite", y'know what I mean.
  8. You're right on this Paul, perhaps one never use one for real life threatening situation, with a razor razor sharp (and tough) knife you can disable an opponent with a couple of cuts wthout being lethal at all. Most knifes that people threaten and use to kill other people are quite inneffective for doing what I described (dull in compartion)and are effective only for stabbing the abdiment area which can be leathal,so it's a kind of you know "a lost situation"... " a special tool doesn't have to do this to be effective.And unlike a gun in such occasion it can be quite presice(in experienced hands) in impact point and volume of damage as well. This it's not the base for having one, it is only one of the serving that a piece like this can do, and has to be used wiselly as well.I see them more as collectible items though but that doesn't mean I don't have to know how can they be used on any situation (cutting an orange or...) , and so on. Gennerally I am of the persons that I want to know what I use as best as it can be for me, whether is a bike , a PC, a paintbrush , or a special knife. The fascignation is something I can't explain ,I always liked such cutting tools (more or less), I collect them now. The cutting tool in gennerall,was mankinds best utility for survival, and even now can be use for many usefull purposes (that's big difference to a gun that has one purpose), it is something strange ,but not neceserilly so you have to have a special made knife to cut an apple for instance, but I preffer to do this with something "special" though you can cut stuff that you could need a special knife, i.e. carving a piece of wood and shape something out of it,ect.ect.. The feel , the ability , the presicion and the respect I will have to have from the sharp knife to do a job like this, is also fascignation to me. Sharp pieces like these needs to be used with respect, they just don't forgive mistakes one touch on flesh,and the red liquid goes out , I have cut my hands countless of times bacause I wasn't very very carefull, and that can't happen with other stuff of this kind., so thinking twice is usefull. i.e. you don't have to kill a mosquito with an elephant for insance.(though of cource some steel mash gloves will serve well sometime,but I am glad I have learned the hard way on being more carefull) There is a special art on making a good one so everything can curry it's own history and aura if you can see it. Right now I got some Böker(LEO damast serie)damascus steel ones that are made from the metal of a cannon of a German Leopard tank, hand worked steel, extremelly unique and very beautifull. And of generally it is then also importand to know the potencial of each piece and how it can be used.
  9. Yep I know what you mean,that's why I DO take care.
  10. Well things can happen fast and or sudden.To make the long story short , I was threatened to life from my neighbour (all good in my neighborhood except this a**hole) yesterday, he was swearing to cut my throat and bullsh*t like that. Unlike civilised societies like in Germany or UK,or so many other countries you guys are form, here in Greece there is no respect from people to another in vast majority.So one can constantlly crank up the music loud , any time he wants or have the loudest exhaust in the market and revup 1 o clock in the night , and if you complain aboout it then you can be threatened as well. Police does absolutelly nothing about it. Well,sooner or latter I am leaving this place so I had to take it cool till that time. Well most of these people are chickens they tend to threat when having in front witnesess of their friendly enviroment.You probably won't face such threats on a no witness enviroment.(well actually if that happens then things would be quite serious) But who did he threat? I am constantlly messing with knives for the last 4 years, and every day whether I'd practice my knife fighting, or sharpen something or think about knifes gennerally. The best way to win a fight is to avoid it, so that's what I did yesterday against a maniacly a$$hole throwing things at me and so on, I spoke with reason and tried cool things down. Here is a sample of my knife collection (not all but the best ones) all razor-shaving sharp 1.Starting from left to right we have the big 9"inch blade TrailMaster from Cold Steel One big blow with this can cut completly off a leg(anywhere) of a hand. Because of the steel it has and the convex type blade and edge and weight (17.5oz or 500gr.) 2. Tai Pan , aslo Cold Steel's with 7.5 inch twin edge blade this one can pierce through anything , even a scull.In cuts , it bites well too because unlike other dagger type knifes this one has a "leaf type" blade which allows for the blade to bite through when cutting. 3&4 Hehe these are the 4"Black Tallons inspired from nature, pierce and cut with one movement.(so nice I had to have them twice) 4. Screaming Eagle from TOPS knives, a nice piece on 154cm steel ,featuring a bone breaker at the back side, kan be taken to country for pick-nic or hunting and so on. 5&6 Boker a Jim Wagner design ,serrated and plain. Versatile knife designed from a well known special forces ,features a glass breaker at the back tip, & descrete clicp. 6&7 Nothing more to say than Benchmade M2 steel , on the 4.5" blade cuts materials through like butter. (M2 HS =High speed is used to make tools that can cut steel) Hope I never have to use these,but in a life threatening situation I will have to defend myself.
  11. Well this bike grows on me too, though I wish it had a half fairing and a narrower tank,it would be perfect (for my taste).
  12. I have a couple of AGV's GP pro helmets.Well, those with the Italian flag on them.
  13. Would like to go one time and see the most extreme riders in the world racing over there.
  14. I think you saved some good money on buying the poster and not the bike.I'd suggest you o find a poster with all the bike.Or you could order me a print or a painting of the bike I got a poster of a Bentley GT so I saved my self on giving 200+K on buying it.Yet I can look at it any time ...LOL.
  15. Alex-Corsa


    Nope don't have for copa Italia anything at the moment. At an older lnk though I had at my older IE there was a site listing for many , if not all Guzzis and one could order as well
  16. Yep I have playied it "Loto type" as well
  17. Yes, those where the days!
  18. Lots of stuff for free up there , what was it there except this BMW taken out with tractor? Any Guzzi parts? I need a new clutch ,hehehe
  19. Alex-Corsa

    Budget Tuning

    Believe me you don't wanna do this.The steel that Guzzi uses for the frame is the one used on gun barels (41XX series steel, or the 4140), rigid enough , yet elastic enough to "forgive" ,and stand through time. True story , a person I know working in the gun industry took one time an old monza frame for testing wich showed remarkable withstand on lbs/sq.inch for a steel.
  20. Alex-Corsa

    Budget Tuning

    You can easily get 100+HP at the crank by making it twin spark per cylinder, and typicaly add some head porting bit more than that.Daes mototec an Dynotec here in Europe are profissient to that. So there you go.
  21. Alex-Corsa

    Budget Tuning

    Yep that's also bit of hype ,after a point though ,cause road conditions are night-day difference with the track. You got traffic situations , or stupid car drivers to face , not to mention various street conditions, with water, and dry alternating sometimes, perhaps some bumps and or unexpected objects may came in your way. Appart from learning the control and perhaps the limmits of the bike-self in track there is nothing more there to inherit or do, in fact inheriting a style that would be "drive fast" that is a bad habbit that when taken to the street sooner or latter one can be dead or injured (probably hard). And I see all the hype of the motorcyclism in nowadays, because the companies find nothing more to develop , than mostly the power of the bike, turn up with bikes (vast majority) with redicoulusly many PS (100% unsusfeull for the street) and then there is this tale to get people to track (of coursce cause that' where these bikes can only be usefull) with the *excuse* that his is going to give them the edge also usefull for street riding. Sorry , let's don't bite the bate. As about suspension, what guzzi has is one of the good ones, and yes though there are some better isn;t as much a necessity(a good maintenance is).Other hard tunning stuff (cams , valves clutches, ect.ect.)since ,tunning costs (unless at the moment one can say that;s my bike and I'll always keep it )isn't also as well something to look for.
  22. Alex-Corsa


    \ What color you look for ,I can take a look if I have it.
  23. Go get one, since you like it you won't regret it , since it's problem free behaviour is as good as it's looks. One of the best Guzzi ever did.
  24. I am not a fan of the carbs due to their limmiting "fuel-mapping" capabillities, I have the injection and since I have not riden one I also can't tell many about it's performance or quirks if any. Though I can tell you the differences with the fuel injection model. Starting from the back wheel wich is 18 inces vs 17 on the injection mode;. Then the fork (second series carbe had this metalic marzocci , not the red one and rummors have them to be better ones than the one with the red) isn't inverted as on the injected model. The the oil sump is th narrow one like on the calis , that the sump-plate under needs to be removed when changing the oil filter, vs the injected that you only have to remove the round cup on of the oil sump to change the oil filter. Some magazine tests want it to be less powered (5/8%) than the injected with also not as smooth power delivery as the inject.*perhaps that's too small details. And I don' know if it has a helical gear box. Perhaps all these compartions sound like drawbacks vs the injection model but some of them can be corrected (wheel can be replaced, WP inverted fork from the injection modelcan fit in, oil sump with external filter can be also fitted....as I see it is already fitted)), nevertheless , the injected 1100 is a bit better performer in generral by default(though the carb is as great handler as well since they both share the same chasis), if you have the option for the '96-'98 1100is (prefferable the '97 and latter) go for these. Other than that, price sounds nice , I would check for leaks and if the clutch is opperating well (no slipping) as well as the condition of the brake disks, then if possible,I would try doing a cylinder compression test in a dyno shop , or where it would be available.
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