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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Nice piece,of melody over there, got a bit stuck in the last bar , but as always no problem remains unsolved for Alex...... yep ......viola.....here's how it's played ...
  2. Sounds nice, ...What's the price to be won ?
  3. Well , Why not carry en extra battery in a back sack or somewhere...... get really wired you know..... That would solve all the hassle and wondering.
  4. I use the VDSTS software diagnostic from Technoresearch. www.technoresearch.com Works great for the bike , plus I can record sessions and see them latter on the PC.
  5. Good one..... Well that deserves an answer.... "How do we know that Adam and Eve were not Chinese ? "..... If they were chinese , they wouldn't eat the apple....... They would eat the snake !!! "
  6. Yes BigJ that's it , I have been longing for tha perfection of the echaust for years !! AND now !! all has come to a conclusion ... Mission comlete.... with of course the "magic" of the fuel injection..... an experience of 20000km testing chips on having optimum AFR in all RPM all thortle positions with eny set up...... one of my videos is there to prove it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKAdI9_rl6c But then again with the TERMIS i have put the level one notch higher .... bust asses everywhere ... I love this bike and she loves me.... so she's gonna have PERFECTION in what she eats and the orgsamic way I drive her.... All or nothing .. it is just all this time..... With the TERMI and my chip is all UP FOR goood.... And I accept ANY bets from the pussy tunning "experts" come one ....hehehe... Anyone to prove to me driving abillties... or prove a better fueling .... come on,....me and me babe is waiting for....and we're ONE... Fed up with sell up wankers ..... EPROM fueling ....and I talk serious if anyone likes...... come on
  7. Alex-Corsa

    Back Again

    Wellcome back !
  8. Well.... no problem ... You can try another one ... I'll be wearing my helmet.
  9. Got these And the Termis are ON !!! Fixed the Chip, the bike sounds GREEEAT , and accelerrates faster than before with the Mistral set up. !
  10. HOT !!! But it's in the US !!!! Go for it dudes
  11. I am not able to edit my posts, hope this is fixed (or is it something I forgot? ) I also notice some of my posts of the last 2 days are lost Edit works in "full edit " mode
  12. My experience about it (since my bike had the same symtoms once),was 1. A faulty Voltage regulator, It finally caught fire in one very hot summer day and after I have replaced it there,.... perfect working. 2. A faulty chain and tensioner may also give such gremlin especially in idle..... check it out....
  13. You really didn't mean to hurt me with this one ? !
  14. If you do not appreciate my jokes (though I know you will) I will burn your a$$ you mediteranean arrogant "brother" !! , Let's not live with if. If doesn't exist, is like tomorrow.... you 'll never know.... But anyways I think we'll go to Jaap and brake his balls a bit , anyway. At least his bikes balls (if any) Take your time about the video....(nobody cares) .... well though I'd really like to hear !!! Οσον αφορά το άλλο ας το ακούσουν μερικές μερικές ( ωχ ελπίζω να μην το διαβάζει) Οχι τίποτις άλλο να προχωράει το θέμα και να μην μου σπάει τα παπάρια άλλοοοοοοοο !! Watch out for my new video camera on the back seat and going insaaaaaane......I won;t ever do this again.....
  15. Incredibly gorgeous 1100 !! . Have you changed the back shock absorber? What about the Ohlins ? Is it the same like on Aprilias ?
  16. Where do you find jokes without meaning ? In a forum like this
  17. Well there is technoresearch offering some diagnostics for the IAW15M of the V11 www.technoresearch.com Try the VDSTS http://www.technoresearch.com/Products/VDS...VDSTS-Motorbike and the http://www.technoresearch.com/Products/Dir...ink/Direct-Link
  18. NOPE !!! Do you have some spare ?
  19. , Should you ask this?
  20. Σε φροντίζουμε βλέπεις eδω που έχουμε τα μέσα !! Όλο στο παράπονο είσαι.....Βρέ γ΄ραφτα όλα και πάιξε μπάλα, τι κια ήταν το μικροφωνο...μια χαρά ακουγεται έστω και με λίγη παραμόρφωση. Καλά πως είχα την εντύπωση πως είχες carbon ? Sounds Greek to you but that's for me too. Jim's from the few passionate Guzzisti over here in Andromeda. ANd next time please put the mic in the center....OK?
  21. Which gasket you mean Paul.?The gaskets done really do not exist in the design. I mean the 3 part-colar that is missing. The mechanic is experienced and well studied as soon as I showed him the diagram today he told me about the importance of the part 3. Stupidity is among the ones who designed it (IMO) while simply such parts are so special to obtain. MANY many thanks ZEB for the answer, I have the part numbers as reffered in the Guzziology book. = 01121140 Most useful would be where to find it ... hehe. Having some clear pictures of it it would be optimum, and there would be a big obligation for me to you.! But ONLY IF it doesn't cost you valuable time !! Really , or else really not bother about it. How is the bike and your back going ? Have suffered whole August.....from both lol... need some exercising.
  22. MANY Thanks Paul and Phill for all the advice ... Apparently the no3 part of the photo, is the most important , and it is as you say Phil. The 6 gasket still exists , and I have it. We cut caskets all over today for the head and for inside the collar, and fitted the exhaust that still leaked some air at the front again. It seems that without the 3 the pipes get a stretch and a smal inclination and that causes leak. .....Another 8 hours lost today of hard pattending, but something valuable learned..... Who the F***k designed these exhausts with such many parts to fit in , should be executed for mechanic perversity !!!! Just tell me who did this pervert exhaust system ......
  23. If you visit my video on my sig and then click on my profile name you'll find lots of conditions. Well night =less cars..lol You don;t dissapoint me by saying all these my dear friend Antonio, I understand what you say. I would be glad to hear your bike..... Though traveling from Andromeda to Holland to hear a bike is a loooong way.I'd be glad to pass by for a bier or two and a couple of jokes (about your bike of course).....now that's a reason..... Have you ever thought of visiting ANdromeda, everything is "legal" (off the record) here.....The complete "freedom chaos"...but I'm a good guide. That too. !!! Pitty my video cammera is not working properlly. I preffered to spend on the NEW Daytona Security Evo boots with my my coloration and Name on them Yea yea yea they're on order can't wait till they are here.....
  24. Anyways the exhaust system is a MISTRAL,(with carbon Ovals open exhaust) perhaps the camera doesn't get the exact sound .
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