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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Y' know how it is, they like keep jocking on us from time to time to keep us alert. WTF .
  2. I can give you penty of beauties if you all , like.!!
  3. Oooh man ,why you do such mistakes. Look , IF you don't want to look like an astronaut and have THE BEST protection of the class you are paying for, get the Daytonas... made in Germany and not china with best quality leathers and Top Notch ergonomy and protection as well Guaranteed
  4. Ended at $4600 , WOW that"s cheap for a Tenni,as it looks very clean bike. Haven"t read the description yet,who"s got it??
  5. Nice you"re warming up. Well ,O.K. I"ll take over for the next hours with some little breaks.
  6. Not too strict "Adolf" everything OK "Adolf" ...let's get them. I thought of updating mine , I"m way out of the map, to the outer space, hmm some inches above my PC that should be. oooops LMAO
  7. I use Internet explorer to see those videos because I spot the cache.Dunno where that firefox cache is
  8. Something like this ? It is funny cause if you go to the url and manipulate the numbers at the end and press enter,you get a profile. That's how I got mine ...lol. No time for stupid questions asked.
  9. I thought of as a zip file, anyways I will try sometime to upload it. But wait.... with U-tube is even more difficult to sum it up from the cache.I haven't managed that yet to pull out any cache videos out of a You tube site. Any other video site would be about the same as the original site who had it.It just goes to the cache. If you can't find it there is usseles to upload it anywhere else. That's why I though of zip file at the first place.
  10. If it is in the cache try finding it when you have made a "fresh" watch of he video(let it all appear in your browser and let your browser open. AFAIK if it is closed is kind of leaving such files corrupted.
  11. You can hang these on to your tree as well. Aren't they nice?
  12. Yes I mean WinXp OS. It is a flash video , .flv instead of .swf flash thing . I don't lnow how these fromats are translated to Mac. Converting the video to other format will conum much more space. But anyways of jaap give me a place and an access to upload it I could. It's 37.5MB though
  13. Voila , two "Orange" versions for you Hope I got the color right.
  14. Post me a pic of your V11 along with a sample orange color you think of to do a sample for you Best is to leave the original color state, If you want oranges go to the grossery shop.
  15. Thanks , I read the long messeges at glance so .....
  16. I have the video "downloaded" it is in .flv format . it's 37+MB you can have it like this: 1.Go to site and see the video with Internet explorer.(let the whole thing download till is all playable and don't close the explorer) 2.Open Start>Search>files or folders and click on the all files and folders. then go to "look in"tab and browse the search to: C>Documents and settings>the user name you are>Local settings>Temporary internet files. and press OK (extend the "more advanced options" tag and check search sytem folders and hidden files as well) 3.On the search bar write .flv and press search, the: 155872646_171042471_e719f3ea5e2d247c8b78f64a3d838c9df960810b.flv or something simmilar file will appear. 4.Copy-paste it anywheere on your desctop , 5.Then you will need an FLV player to see it. I use the Riva flv player it is Free and available at download.com
  17. You ask a question? or a typo?
  18. Very nice looking bike , I have seen it at GMG, on the firestarter stand. it was like ,WOW !!!. To give you the example, before it, was standing the green MGS racer but this was the eye catcher. Photo doesn't do all the justice. Guzzi should take into consideration these bikes for producing "extraodinaire" designs. But NO don't do that to you. Why don't you sell the Duke instead and get one of these? A red one would just be looking soo goood You can droool now-
  19. Brilliant stuff
  20. My friendly Guzzi workshop mechanic had one once in his shop .That "superenduro" (or whatever is called)is without any modifications direct factory one.Well, it runs too lean in low RPM and idle in it's fuel injection. But the problem is the ECU it's in it , not only it'S an unknown unit but the way the component plate it is mounted on the box is also impossible to see the chip inside . Since the component plate is mounted in reverse from the point that the box is openned and I mean really mounted ,one had to take out even some electr. component of the plate of to get to see where what the chip was.Chip was also soldered into the plate(no numbers on it seen) so I would suppose it is an EEPROM that can be flashed through the OBD,IF........ Now ,go figure. If there's something going wrong how you'll fix it (or who's going to), in a custom made ECU unit wihout any dianotic stuff around , ect.ect.ect. (no his isn't like a MY ECU well made-supportive situation) Furthermore , dunno what other problems it may have and how one can find support and spare parts.
  21. Yes that's very socking even to hear. Your thoughts are quite reasonable and you'lll have to do as your instinct dictates you.If you concider not riding or driving then don't.Sometimes 'messages' we precieve in life have to be taken into concideration. Evolve on this ,I always have this moto, what have I learned from that ,how can I be better, what's the message? How sorry can one be about the innoscent passengers(driver IMO everytime is responcible for the 'crew') One has to be carefull to who's car is getting into -there must be NO compromise on that .One has to be fully aware and don't experiment in driving =go for what you know there is NO compromise on that Yes happines and dissaster can be very close if there are compromises on serious "laws" (and there are some more than the above I think) Take ten minutes (or more) every day and concentrate- exersise on increasing your awareness,awareness of the enviroment on,colours,objects,sounds,movements. That will make you a better driver. I remember coming home from GMG,entering my country after the ship I was riding in the night in one of the world's worst highways (for many reasons not of the topic)Though I have upgraded my headlight bulb sometimes (in situations like compete darkness)isn't enough for highway speeds of 80mph so I backed off to 55, don't know no traffing within miles of optic view and I had the feeling of something was wrong , drove in the middle of two lane-direction motorway and there it was at the right side a giant piece (2m x 3 m ) hood lying there and the rest of it (2 x 1 ) at the other side(left lane) I saw it and passed right through, I could have avoided it as well cause of the correct lower speed and the reflexes i have when I drive, but I learned a lesson without the bad part."I was driving the right way" Pythagoras once said "Very smart persons learn by predicting situations , smart persons learn by seing it to others ,but the worst thing would be for a person to wait to happen to him inorder to learn.
  22. It is a bit confusing sometimes as 4v can reffer to the total sum of the valves (so then 2 valver per cylinder) or to the valve per cylinder. Guzzi calls the new grisos 8V (on the tanks)
  23. You mean daytona-ers ?
  24. LMAO,
  25. Perhaps adjust so that googl adresses not to be accepted for registerig here. Say ,sorry gogl but just get lost.!
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