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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Put the corect loctite antivibration-temporary fasten the filter well (but not overtighten) and it aint going to go anywhere.
  2. Time is luxury, especially when one can do the right thing with it, anyways. Ok check this one . A rich man can be an example fot the poor, but the poor serve as a warning for the rich motoring : Bulky motor, packs more meat than butchers' shop
  3. To me looks like a crossing of Desmosidicci , 999, with a mono swingarm. Looks good but not as "original" as the 999 and the 916, it looks like it's trying to be instead of being. that's about the looks
  4. Got this on my sig The greatest luxury in life is time.Savour every second. If you kike it you can use it too, I"ll keep it for a while
  5. I use these ones from rossopuro (see above sponsors of site). Look good and propably protect as well.
  6. Antonio WTF are you talking about, did you drink , expired milk yesterday or what?
  7. The back shocks are a bit too long , plus if you're above 1.75m it would be a stressed ride.
  8. No I just do the map on a different Guzzi ECU
  9. OK , I see , it is different than the maps I have to adjust.
  10. Nope , lol I just posted in the wrong thread , lol, I miss some sleep indeed. I'll delete my post from here and place it were it belonged , so delete pls my quote at your post.
  11. Can give you some ideas, in which field you think of?
  12. I notice a too high Ignition advance at low RPM (up to 2500) and what is this vertical axis for (oo, 01, 02 ,ect.) TP opening?
  13. Hmm err sorry Antonio , i didn't want to say this to offent aything or anyone , especially italian that I love so much.. Ferrati instead , whatever historical may be HAVE TO RESPECT first their customers to what they build and then expect respcect as an income. What respect should you expect from the customer who can pay 150 grand for a car and hear crackling strange noices when traveling with 150 or or more km/h, perhaps they should stop making cars like these and put lives of people in danger, o build something better or something less dangerous (i.e. coffee mashines). They have a name mostly for going the F1 thing (lattely with the assist of Japanese engineers)to get them going. Once I had a friend he had 360 Modenas among other cars, well he told me : Alex , I can't get with this car to drive in the city (well of cource not made for that) but I can't either go ahead and drive it fast at the country streets , it will overheat, forget it. Not to mention the crappy gearbox. So forget it. Lamborghini are far more superior than the Ferris at any aspect, and all my hats go off for the Bugatti =Perfection. BTW which the Ferrari isn't able to polish Bugatti's shoes. Except the new Veyron that EB110 , what a supercar!!!. As about the AM V8, it sure has quality&Class, Prestige,Soul and speed at a hats off degree
  14. Which guys? concerning what kind of sensor? Here are some voltages to AFR"s http://www.techedge.com.au/vehicle/wbo2/wblambda.htm
  15. That thing is loud,V8 sound at it"s best ,Jaguar engine 380bhp made in Germany http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOdKbebHsPE http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?r...2f248f1474& Power,Beauty and Soul, Ferraris can kiss my butt
  16. Since the tune boy adjust the mapping , the rest is left for the ECu to do, the point is if this ECU is compatible with another AFR sensor (WBO2 real time type) but is all about voltage(sensors output) right? In such case then, AFR controler systems like the LC-1 from innovate have also a seperrate analog outputs for connecting it to the ECU, perhaps that's the way that you can have more accirate O2 data for the ECU targeting AFR to work , or? (I suppose)this means to substitute the bike's O2 sencor with the one of a modern AFR real time controler. SO there you have it, or? I think this is also how it is used (an AFR real time controler) also with the ''MyECU'' system 'helping' when on closed loop, isn't it so ?
  17. In the contrary ,I have to few favorites on cars , bikes or whatever . A couple of bikes , a couple of cars and that does it...LOL and perhaps no car will suit me better than this one (prefferably on black or dark blue, cherry red is also nice) My name is Bond.... Alex Bond
  18. Thanks ,just need to have in mind in case I get a 15M type bike and need to tune it ,or for a friend with a V11. Any ideas if there is anythign available for the new Brevas and Griso type of ECUs ? P.S. edit. Well in addiion to that is that as seen here at the editing fatures of tune edit is one can set target AFR's for the bike ,in closed loop that will index the bikes ECU for the set AFR so automatically the fuel map will change.Now why shoul hen mess with the ingnition fueling and don't just adjust the target AFRs for the ECU.? Is it something I am missing? I have no idea how exactly a closed loop bike can be tuned with the tune boy. In my open loop ECu proceedure is different since I have to set the steady parameters such as ignition timing and sometimes ign.advance on the bike along with some temp. compestation parameters and check AFR -make corrections..ect.ect.
  19. What do you mean???
  20. Cool , that sounds simple. For the record , where do you get the appropriate cable to connect the PC to the ECU concerniong the tune boy and 2. What's the price of the Tune boy to do all these.?
  21. Thanks , I was just jocking !
  22. Yep , have seen that mag. Unfortunatalle costs 10Eur overe here and is unlikelly for me to buy bolloks..lol These guys have a cool show, I enjoy waching some episodes , downloaded with torrent P2P prgrams. BTW that V8 antage is my favorite car
  23. Yep adding all these limmited editions you can come up with the entire production , so there you have it , a limmited edition bike, for limmited edition customers , I suppose. Well this F4 Corse really looks sexy, Dunno but that Corsa ,Corse,Corso or whatever on a bike seems to give me shivers... Guzzi had some V11 limmited edition-''numbered series'' , what was it there? the Balabio , the Scuras, the Tennis , The rosso and nero corsas? all numbered..... Hmm try to copy themselfs I think. Actually the only true limmited edition Guzzi 8at least in the nineties) is the 1100i Sport Corsa (which I have) from the 2Valvers and the Dayto Racing and dr John from the 4valvers.... the rest are just ''trying to be'' ''limmited''.....Hehehehe
  24. Similar setup maps will work OK , but of cource one will need the extra assistance of a good dyno , and or a real time AFR controler to bring best results for a perticular set up = extra costs. It's like a custom made suit it always fits better when made exact to ones measurments. Now ,OK the tune boy does programm some maps for the 15M but how does one flashes them to the ECU I know that direct link thing that does diagnosis and mapping and flashing, but how one can flash a tune boy map to the ECU?
  25. Just for the record , where do you find that correct 15mm boss ?. Is it a regular part no and for which model/year. As well as how is it installed, just a simple replacement or a fill & drill situation ? Thanks
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