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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Alex-Corsa


    There are some recalls listed for the Guzzis in this site
  2. Bingo that is a point (x2) Rhony'X 500cc 4stroke engine. ...I told you it wasn't very hard. The one I have comes from a clasified advert, and stated as a '29 model, it may as well be produced on '30 EDIT Well I think there you have all the points . Manufacturer , +Model with year +Dispacement+Engine Manufacturer (Chaise) Rhony'x models were build with 4 different engines, LMP and Stainless as 2 strokers (100 up to 350cc) and also Jap and Chaise 4stroke engines 250 to 500cc. as about the price that had to be around 4800 Frensh Francs ( Advert ) Cheers You can alert Ben about them points (oh boy you have a lot) But this was a good one , wasn't it?
  3. no , the manufactirer only existed for few years , about a dacade or less, if that also helps. Take a look at the tank , the way it is the whole design, it is somewhat characteristic.
  4. Nope in both , but try again ,it seem to me you are going the right direction , .....
  5. No , It is not a from C , the era is about that, and the creator marque it is Frensh , OK , then points should be as follows: 1 point for: A) Motorcycle Brand + one of the following extras: either 1)Displacement and timing (2 or4 stroke? ) ,or 2) year made and model preffeably, or 3)price of the motorcycle when it came out ( with a 5% aprox.) 1 point for : Which is the Brand of the motor it wears + either one of the above (of cource not from ones that have been already revealed before) extras . Nope in the other you where a bit closer. The first letter of the motorcycle brand is either P,Q,R, or ,S- I hope all that helped and made it more interesting
  6. I have the clock from MOTO Detail , sold from Louis.de , they don"t make this holder anymore, so they do have this clock holder that can be attached to the clip on , or steering wheel bar, and the clock comes in these color combinations
  7. Alex-Corsa


    At first it was sait that the Griso would have a 4V er motor, dunno what happened and dumped this idea (along with more ideas) I guess with Guzzi we won"t know what it will be if it doesn"t come out first.
  8. Yes you"re right, but it was night , I was tired and didn"t read it all well, will post you another diagram with an (aprox.) 125PS 2V motor (at the crank , or at the clutch or at you name it) . Anyways , to make the long story short, Jens have told me that is possible to have a 1064 2V motor (9V11 or Sport) modified to his specs and get close 100Whp from it.WIth 100cc more you get more.
  9. A twin spark 2V guzzi with with 1150-1160cc , with the correct tunning ,can go around 115-120 PS(at the back wheel as it is stated). Now, why couldn't ,an open 1200S ,get 100hp at the real wheel?.I don't thing the motor would be so underpowered as is, i.e. in the Calli.'s (compared with the Sport ie 's) At the other hand Guzzi lattely doesn't seem to get improved in the power department with their bikes, even if they are twin spark and so on,(Euro3 isn't a so big excuse here for me about it), and if the 1200S is just another Norge version in the motor that I wouldn't expect much. At the below chart both bikes are optimised from Dynotec the 91PS is a series sport Dynotec chip and exaust and the other 1160 twin spark exaust and other Dynotec goodies. Ohh I'm glad I have a Sporti.!!! According to the magazine measurment done in Dynotec and in in the back wheel (Hinterrad) Now , where are my sleeping pills..... ..I think I'll just read the magazine...... good night
  10. Alex-Corsa


    Personaly I cant give a cent about what the magazines would write.There are quite a few of them that are serious in their tests.Sure thing is that Guzzi doesn't get any favors for being what it is from the press.More or less the Griso came second in the MOTORRAD magazine comparsion test ahead of the Ducati S2R 1000 and the Buel X12Ss , behind the BMW R 1200R. in anyway though ,motorcycle it is only about taste in riding , and not tests in magazines ( with 'good' or 'bad' critic)
  11. I imagine what would they say if they test it with the racing kit that Guzzi offers for this bike,how's about that ?: "The new 1200 Sport with the Guzzi racing kit , is a proper hairy-chested man's bike and those beefy engine blocks pack more meat than butcher's shop"
  12. Alex-Corsa


    Dunno , a Ducati monster S2R? , A buell XB12?
  13. At a moment I was thinking it means 'Big pockets'
  14. Take care cause there are 2 Motuls for the gear in Identical bottles (except title). There is the 'cheap' MOTYLGEAR , and the more expencive GEAR300. (Se my edited post above.
  15. I mention the MGS , contrary to getting a Duke Superbike like the 999S or so, or it makes no real sence. Therefore you don't have to ride this bike every day , it is also like an investment as well. I am surprized that a service costed so few for the Duke and more for the Guzz., is it maybe because of the fairing? (extra work time, ect.ect.) It's the same here concerning the MGS ,It seems to me a very wrong move , of not making MGS into road leagal production. O.K. Their policy perhaps was to keep this bike 'special edition' or something, but a bike like this even if it was going to be into production it would be made for the few (I woudn't imagine selling like Honda's CBRR's ) And besides why was all this hype and raving from Guzzi it's self , about a bike that was: 1.Build only as racing model 2.Never officially supported from Guzzi to race. 3.It was intendet to be in production at the first place. The decision to get one would be easier for me if it was build 'road leagal' Now it is to 'customising status' (buy a bike and build it more....not so inspiring. According to my Italian translator(s) Testastretta means... Testastretta , well it doesn't show anything about this word , perhaps is an expression? Or just shows how your bank account will look after buyng one. ...LOL. Dunno , if you are on a budget and want to get a nice Italian , why not getting another V11 ,it will cost you less and your wife won't even notice (especally if it has the same color. I am afraid I can't offer any help with that. Thanks for taking care of that point , it looks cool now.If I answer my own quiz can I have another one , none seems to answer it
  16. It supposed to work but even if you are on the tire page it doesn't get you there. I have seen these tires in Multistradas type of bikes and KTMs(on off- all road) , I don't think it is made for street bikes in mind.
  17. Will bump this up . Well now if that's too hard perhaps there would be 2 points given for the complete answer, duuno what gets what , perhaps the quiz admin should have the judje about it, hey Ben? What do you think.?
  18. EDIT= I wrote all the above but as it seems I was refering to the MOTYLGEAR andNOT to the GEAR 300 They are in identical bottles and since I didn't remember the title I had to check it out at my local store and I found out that the one it was used on my bike was the MOTYLGEAR, I remember that at the botom end of the ettiquete it was writen 'technosynthese' and that's for sure the oils I am refering to at my above comment. So I am correcting this here and sorry for any misconvenience my comment perhaps caused. I don't have any experience with the Gear300 that it actually was about double more costy than the Motylgear and is full synthetic , (logicaly it has to be better quality) contrary to the semi-synthetic Motulgear I was refering to. Rest of my post stay the same : What I do know for sure is that MOTOREX gear oil 80-90 (HYPOID) together with their additiv HPLS (especially for the back bevel) Rocks, and Recently I tried the Castrol MTX 75-140 (suggested to me by a very experienced bike and car tunner and a fellow Guzzisti)on the back bevel it can take a lot of 'stretch' and still perform,leaking was eliminated.. Yet to put it in the gear box (will do soon.... soon ) and my dear fellow guzzisti with his tuned Daytona told me the gear change is 'butter' smooth. So far I have tried it (in the bevel drive) it rocks as well. Definatelly at 20Eur, a liter was the most expencive gear oil I have ever used, though 'till now it proves me it's worth! Motul motor oils are quite different story (in my bike as well).I have been satisfied with the 300V competition.
  19. --> QUOTE(Marc B @ Jul 25 2005, 10:04 PM) 56767[/snapback] The bike has the Marazocchi with no preload adjustment. Currently there is way to much movement on the bike, I have the compression dampning one click away from full. and the rebound around 3/4 Is there a recommended sring for these forks or is it a matter of shimming. Thanks Marc When was the last time you have put fresh oil in the forks?
  20. I know , I know , so it goes...To tell you the truth I can"t give a damm for Ducatis,they may look nice ,but if it is for serious money I"d rather get an MGS1 this FOR SURE it"s a lot of BIKE for yer money, has a better öhlins fork(not to mention other goodies) than any Duke=racing (perhaps R has the same) and it"s value won't fall overnight. ZTK Dukes-- and is a Guzzi ZTK Guzz
  21. What do you suggest for 2 cluch plated bikes ,concerning friction clutch discs that fit? Do the original parts from Guzzi do the job better ,last longer?
  22. Well that exists in the islands and in spring-summer. The picture in big cities is quite different in all seasons. I'd rather not describe ... lol...Well in winter gets cold as well (more or less)
  23. Perhaps valves,valve guides started from. . I don't know it is just a guess and is usseles ,so,lets see. www.hmb-guzzi.de has a lot of spares for V11 in nice preis (klicken on teile-angebote.) Bestell schön gruße an Roland (Alex aus Griechenland mit die SportCorsa) I will send him some email soon ,we've met in his shop and after in GMG a month+ ago..
  24. I synchronise the cylinders with the carbtune http://www.carbtune.com/ I also use the brass adaptors kit to connect the vacum rubber sticks to the cylinders. Now MDST is translated to Marelli Diagnostic Scan Tool that's a software with appropriate connectors to your ECU (1.5M ) that gives you sertain diagnosis parameters , such as all sensor tempratures (you'll ned this) ,Spark avance,Ingnition timing , TP degrees (you need this), TPS voltage (need this too) for the syncronisation. Now you can't get this on the market easy (or cheap or at all) but you can get this VDSTS from http://www.technoresearch.com/ I have the standard version , the simple version will do that as well (if you are on a budget. And to tell you the truth the interface and the parameters are exact the same with the Marelli Perfect synchronising the cylinders is a 'state of the art' and if this is done correctly then the motorcycle will run perfect. (idle and so on) it is better to be done especially if you change chip (or ECU in your cace) and install new components like the exausts. Will post more pics latter on about it. Remove the side screws on each cylinder and place the vacum adaptors
  25. As you see it is not what it looks. I mean the brakes of Troy Baylis may look the same as other bike but they are not. I have not tried the S4R so I really can't have a personal comparsion in experience, but I think it has different brakes than the 999 Superbikes from Ducati, According to the Ducati site's description (which is the same on 999 and 999s models )though differs in 999R the R has upgraded brakes I believe than the S) Besides if the S4R had the same brakes as the 999S and R they would boost on it, It definatelly has the idea of the radial brakes but not the same calliper system, as in 999 If you have a chance to try these Superbikes and how they brake you'll able to notice any differences there are. And to further complement that there is an upgrade version even to the 999R on the racing kit also on the brakes.So they may look the same but they are not. My point is that definately S4R has some strong brakes , but the ones on the Ducati Superbikes Bite even more, cause they are made for track use in mind. Italians do give attention to details in what they do. Only the first series of the standard 999 didn't have Radial ,the last 2 versions had.Dunno about the upgrade of the 06 models. The service of MV? dunno you'll have to fond out for yourself, but I guess one will have to rant a lot is some spare parts needed, or? Truth is that they are sencitive motors in the way they hould be repaired and if a small mistake happens this can be costy.
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