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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. It works anyway. I understood what you wrote , OK.
  2. If you really notice I STATE that it was MY solution and in the parenthesis ( though you don't have to do that) Besides everyone should do what they judje for themselfs that is right, what if one says I did jump from a canyon down free parachute and it was OK, does it mean any other have to do it? That's only MY solution to that problem and doesn't have to be anyone elses.There are dangers hidden to it. The correct thing to do is to replace it. But to my occation ince at the moment wasn't determined to change the whole side stand system(along with the side stand) simce I didn't find this switch as sepperrate , to be on the street riding and suddenly have my engine stoped because of the switch I found i more dangerous than placing it somewhere temporarily , till I find a new switch and change it.
  3. Yep it all are about the same, I have to point out that after chipping mine (still on the progress)The acceleration now compared with before is 'bitching'.I don't do street race but yesterday was at the traffic light in the night and started normally beside me a FZ 600 that started to race I let him go 30 (aprox)meters ahed (cause I started normaly) but then I went pedal to the metal , when reached 210kmh at about 7000RPM he was already, left behind about (estimated)80+++ meters.He didn't want to race the next trafic light. Have learned a lot about programming-chiping my bike,taking data of the diagnostic on different loads and driving and then programm- transfer the maps I want (guided also by my AFR dial) to the chip and that shows (more , or less) Yep that's a roadster thing. A) No this isn't the sports bike they were talking about. There is a point of making an MGS style bike for the street B)There is also a thought of developing a 3 cylinder motor.(yes a thought don't make it a rummor pls. and no It wouldn't be ineresting for me anything else in a Guzzi than a 2V thing)) and C) There is planned something 'spectacular' (spetacollo) to be presented in 2008. That's all I can say.I have no made these up my mind but sourses are from Mandello direct but nothing is finnal and sure at this point, right?. The way it seems to me is that Guzzi will start up presenting some 'new' models every now and then and in between something more dofferend or specials. No way to have a so 'sterile' model line as in the last 6 years or so. So probably after some good 'Brunello di Montalcino ' and some inspiration there will come a designer to give us a new sexier model and so on. I meant it to be in the analogy , when the Vintage Calli is around 15k and is ''good money' , then 12K is quite ''some money''.
  4. What is 30/40 and so on? Well I would substitute the ''little' with ''some'' 12K Euros (or around ) isn't little money for a bike....heh-. Quite strange,just for the record, I have seen a 220+ indicated on my 'chiped' 1100i Sport Corsa at 7200rpm and a 5-6 more at 7500 , never tried above those RPm though I have progemmed it to go.Measured at it's faults , at 180kmh (5950RPM) indicated I get 176-78 on GPS Aerodynamic must play it's role here (as well) I suppose.
  5. And here is a hint to help identify the bike, by checking the frame number.
  6. IMO this is how Breva should look in the first place.The Norge is a tourer , therefore with higher steering handles and so on , and the griso is what it its, but in anyway I would say that this is close to the class that Griso is targeted for, so no big difference really. P.S. Edit Well a series production MGS could do that (even with a couple of less PS due to Euro specs)
  7. I can contribute a torgue chart for the 1100i Then Oils are here : Rock Oil full synthetic 15-50W or MOTUL 300V Competition 15-50W Gera Oil Castrol MTX 70-140W and or Motorex Gear 80-90W +HPLS additive for the back bevel. BPR6EIX Iridium NGK spark Plugs. + NGK racing wires with plug cups Type CR5 part no8515. I make my own chips for the ECU , so that's out of question for the specs. What else?
  8. I am not a specialist on V11's though from what I have heared there is a little problem with the gearbox leaking , though it can be fixed (it is lots of work for a small part) and be O.K. Dunno which models break a spring in the gearbox (an almost constand basis.??) .Paul Minnaert (forum admin.) would be able to give you more infos about that. A friend of mine though who has the V11 '99-00 green .never had reported me problems on his gearbox or any other kind though, and I know he's giving his bike the beans. Then also there were some recalls for some sertain failures on sertain models.Better check these out and ask the proper questions to the owner and see if it is really on lovely condition.I see some carbon there , which is nice. Other than that perhaps it is a good model ,check out any leakages (especially in gearbox)and if seen then this is negative,drivability if it is straight , ect.ect..And genarally if any rusty parts under the seat and so on. When you pull the throttle in Guzzis there is a tedency to move a little bit to the right (that's normal) As I see you'll also need some tires there (but that's normal ,happening with almost all used bikes) Generally Scuras and Tennis with one disk in the clutch don't have such a good reputation as well. Roso Corsas and Nero Corsas score better as well as the V11 Leman with the full fairing. That's only personal opinion from what I have heared so far considering problems or not on the bikes, not personal experience with these models.. I personally love and have the red 1100i Sport corsa can see it here http://www.motoguzzi.it/gmg06/lay.asp?sez=9b&lin=ita (1100i Sport ).Not one strange problem of any kind for the 51Tkm that I have riden it.(Except perhaps a broken air sensor , that was due to happen after 8 years from it's construction and use) Generally the Sports 1100ie from '97 and the corsa's in '98-99 were some of the best Guzzis made. Hope that helped. P.S. If you really like the bike , go ride it and see it for your self, talk with the ownwer for past maitainance and bike service or behaviour and see how-what he answers. I remember having being discuraged about getting a Sport 1100i (from some people) though I have traveled 2000 miles away to test ride it (them) and finnaly got one I really loved and admired at first sight and ride. Besides some of the problems are on perticular models caused either on bad maintainance or some factory fault. Or the last some recals that have being made (these ones you should thenn seriously check)
  9. hope you tried all these with the side stand lifted. Something more simple you should also check is the little button like switch at the side stand . As the side stand mounts off (when you lift) there is at the other side ot the joint a little button like switch, try pushing and pulling turn it around it a bit (with key to on) and the side stand lifted (take care on holding the bike in this position). Mine had this failure (though I have a 1100i Sport this thingie is simmilar) and though it moved when the side stand was off , it didn't make a good contact and the fuel pump wouldn't start. The solution on mine, was to make this switch to contact, and then take it out of this position of the stand, and mount it (isolated with strong duct tape) somewhere in the frame (though you don't have to do that)
  10. Yep you will do more damage to it. fasten the screws with the acceptable torgue and that's all you can do about them. About the other , I don't have a V11 and can't contribute any usefull advice , perhaps AntonioCarroccio (forumist) can help , he has told me about his big (though) leak on the gearbox,and about fixing it.
  11. Sink? I looked and saw that model on their site, though it isn't in the list of the models yet. In the Sport secsion only the MGS1 appears (at the moment) So what does S stands for?
  12. If I'd know the first letter of the marque, I'd definatelly came up with lots of info..LOL, was it with a 4T or a 2T motor?
  13. OK , when the parts PDA, for the 1100i Sport, would be ready I'll let you know.
  14. Heh ,no , I meant that the picture of the bike wouldn't be taken out of the web. Nice idea though but I paint known motorcycles (more or less), so that wouldn't be much of a quiz. Nope.I'm afraid no.
  15. Just for the shake of the question , how come didn't get the 850?
  16. Don't look what the racing people do, cause. 1. They do service in every race (or change forks every time) 2.Racing conditions are different than street. 3. Racing Öhlins forks are different than the ones used on MG or most other street bikes.
  17. Perhaps this easy for the well informed. So , name Model,Displacement (incl cylinder(s) ) and Year. It is original restorarion so if you fail on the colors of the year it won't count. More difficult to come latter. Enjoy
  18. No problem, it's a free world , between jocking and seriousness every time I looked at that bike made me want to through up. O.K then I don't have to look at it. so no problem. but I do wanted to joke for the rest of the thread , people , you name it...LOL...hehehe. No, I was disgusted from it....LOL. Besides it wasn't original model but had custom parts. Watch out or my quiz coming up. (will be an easy one.. fr start.and I don't work with webpages.)
  19. If you like to have also the ones for the 1100iSport I can scan them from my book,to PDF and post them to you, no problem. As well as the workshop manual which I have scanned to PDF from the original factory Guzzi book.
  20. Well here you can find a foto of me. http://www.motoguzzi.it/gmg06/lay.asp?sez=9b&lin=ita Bike & style , paid off, finnaly.
  21. Very easy , go here then http://www.mphcycles.com/Parts%20Manuals/PartsManuals.html They're site sponsors , no need to search.
  22. Yep much better placed . looks cool indeed.Is it a wasp engine or?
  23. Well that's a piece of crap model , not even worth to mention.It can be used as a target for my nice Winchester , and together with a mix of gas tank over it , it can create a nice explosion. . That's what it is The fact that I see 4 pages on his thread and not the half about GMG in a Guzzi forum shows me the level.... ....
  24. Try this page http://www.heeters.com/sparkplugs.shtml I got mine (racing RED NGK -set 1m long) excellent quality wires and plug cups. A recomended seller as well.
  25. Yep that's a nice Leman there, with the dark red fairing.Believe it or not I have seen less of these than scuras and ballabios or other naked V11's ..
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