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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. I think that's right, when riding you have to be aware of many things , adding a rear view to the whole (though the concept may be interesting)I think is too much for the driver.It could be usefull for the back passenger though , and could contribute some usefull info when needed to the driver.
  2. Alex-Corsa


    Che Bella Non la 'Bike' del mese, ma la 'bike' del mio cuore
  3. They do mention the homologation aproovment and the manufacturing ISO http://www.reevu.com/safety.asp What about the weight , though? Arais have also an unacceptable (IMO) weight in their expencive helmets (around 1600gr) but are considered some of the best helmets around. I don't like them anyways because of their high weight and their limmiting visibility sideways is a big minus.
  4. What's it's weight?
  5. Well that explains it.
  6. I have small expertise in mechanical subjects,for sure.Though enough to see how is going on. And when you are on the road traveling and have to change valves and vave guides definatelly don't have al the tools to do the job.(definatelly I don't have the tools ,and expertise ,at home to do that myself alone-i.e. drill holes , work on the heads ,ect.ect.) , or even other serious fixing on the bike. Besides you don't need so much of mechanical expertise (but a little) to see If some parts needs to be replaced due to ageing or so(or if he really changes the parts that he is charging ,or worked less hours than charged , or work slow drinking coffee in order to charge more hours-yes my chronometer with a 12hour dial chrono, works well here), or if the correct torgue settings are used to tun every screw. You see you don't need so much expertise for that... I have my silent presence around none takes such notice about it.. Excuse me, but one do need expertise to fix my bike, though, and get my hard earned cash for it, and that's how I worked on my profession, a deal was always a deal and what I have dealt always received on time and as it was agreed on on quality and money . And if I had to work more on it to make it satisfactory or to the quality that was dealt I always charged myself for that. You see few professionals can be honest on their works these days ....
  7. Perhaps is front wheel bearings?.Check it out
  8. You have answered your last question in the first paragraph, I think. The mistake with some motorcycle shops it to exagerrate and sell you things you don't need. This is a confused(misunderstood) idea of what a good seller should be. And that isn't not the one who can sell just a lot , but sell (even a lot) to the ones that need them. Perhaps they whatch too many movies and inherit wrong ideas,anyways. Had your bike fixed and then doesn't sound right , get it back and make them do things right.They do give warantee on what their work , don't they? Have they tightened every screw in the correct factory tourgue measurments?Is every clearence as it should be.? That's one of the reasons I am ALWAYS over the mechanicer's head while my babe is being repaired no matter if t is one hour or 10.(Except ,perhaps, when he is called Roland Daes or Meme...heh)
  9. Also interesting artikle about helmet noice , here: http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-hel...elmet-noise.htm Yep , I'll have to agree that earplugs can help on LONG touring rides in high speed highways when traveling with over 130km/h for long distances. IMO , In shorter speeds and on city or countryside, though ,enviromental noices can be usefull for me .
  10. Such an amazing touring report. Let the good times rolll
  11. Thanks , OK now I got it.
  12. Is Guzzi supported to burn 93 octane?Higher octane and better quality fuel sounds like the solution to me.
  13. Excuse me, But can someone explain the how and why this uni-construction help the Guzzi from oil starvation under hard acceleration? have checked the other thread about the S.sheet , but my question couldn't be answered. Anyways , just a couple of words of how it is working towards positiv oil distribution inside the motor will give me a clue. TIA
  14. Well here is a link that works concerning the PARTS catalogue for the V11 http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/v11/gb/v11/css/index_ric.htm Open each pdf. page seperatelly and save it , That's all. Ooopss , I forgot and here is a MOTO GUZZI V 11 FULL WORKSHOP MANUAL on CD on ebay , quite cheap. Dunno if it's first or second series , but he seems to sell other Guzzi manuals as well so one might just ask about it.
  15. What a waste of money, I could do the job for the half money. Plus I would also polish the bike before every race.... ROTFLMAO
  16. Now , who got this story book of Moto Guzzi. That's a story with contributors the Community of Mandello and the company it's self. It just came out on Saturday evening at the Guzzi boutique, ONLY 373 copies, made it there.(dunno if they are going to print more, or latter have more.) It is a story from a different point, describing many facts about Mandello and Guzzi from an 'inside' view, rare pictures ,even building designs are inside, Much of the infos have never seen the light of publicity before. It is in Italian and English (half half)Though pics are unique in each section. There was a section dedicated to that at a hall near the tunnel.
  17. Will look something up , I know I had themin English somewhere, I only find the Italian-French version now.
  18. The way I lube the cable is : I melt (heat up in a old pan) some grease and with an injection (without the needle of cource) I inject multiple times into the cable (while is not installed on to the bike). I also pour some gear oil in the same way afterwards. Hold (always)the cable upright and move it a bit around till I make sure all it 's inside surface has been lubed well. That's the way I do it. Works O.K. for the last 40K km since I last did it. I wonder if I should lube it again precausionary once more.
  19. It has to be the 254 model , this one wears a 231cc Guzzi engine and yes it is 4cylinder (just about half of the V8..lol )Was made from '77-'81. I think it used to have a full fairing as it came out (not like this one on the ebay)
  20. Nope , I am afraid I didn't , What's with it, do you have any pics?
  21. Yea you could turn up wth this in the GMG ,a real eye catcher..lol
  22. For rain coat I use these Nylon-polyester clothing that you can wear on top of te clothes.It is better o be equipped with a fabric net inside, so when taking them in or out won't stuck at the leather (or what ever else you may wear) .Always the sleeves of the rain coat have to came OVER the glove ends. Gloves that have extra inside membrane are more whaterproof than anything else.Or any other glove won't work as well and will get water inside after a couple of hours in the rain (more or less). Waterproffing the clothes and the gloves with these foams and so on does the trick for little rain rides, it then becomes water repealent , though not water proof. In my way to Mandello , last weekend I had to travel in rain for the last 2-3 hours before and after StGottardo the heavens have opened pouring lots of water.The rain coat did it's job perfect though I had my Sp1 gloves (Alpinestars) made to be water repealent ..Water did came through them, but it wasn't like I have thrown them into a sink filled with water, the water repealent liquid had done it's job and few water passed through.
  23. Well I saw so many people with the TLM t shirt I couldn't bet who was who , cause I suppose I know only 2 from Netherlands , Paul and you (concidered to be there for the forum meeting) Have you seen my painting hanging at Agostini's ? (It's new home now)
  24. Yep I think a vest with the right protection can help a lot , and is always needed, that bit more, to make the difference count. I asked about the Pro gloves or simmilar cause they have that feature: // Patented 3rd and 4th finger-bridge protects against finger roll and separation during impacts. //[/] as it is stated.
  25. Now that looks really cool, It may not be a V8 but it won't cost as much as a V8 either. MOTO GUZZI 254 Check it out
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