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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa
OMG they must have picked one of the worse...lol, shot the time I was talking with them.., damn they have shot so many...LOL Well , though , thank God they didn"t post the one I was scratchin me nose....LMAO. Many thanks Paul, how on earth did you find this....lol P.S. Any idea on how to find bigger resolutions or the rest of the set??..... let me guess you're working on it.
Where, how did you find it? I look for mine too..
Get well soon, situations like that , suck but there you'll have to have some patience. Often I hear about injured ribs , or collar bones, and so on. In which place are were your ribs hurt, what kind of jacket did you wear? I see unsufficient protection in all jackets 8including what I have), concerning this subject, or am I wrong? I think to install these HIPROTEC rubber protectors from Hein-Gericke all over precausionary. (wrongly shown in the pic ,is the other side that does the work full of small rubber thick pins) They do are effective wherever they are installed. Do you think a glove in the class of Alpinestars GP pro or SP1 ( Gloves would have prevented the hand injuries? Protection is something that would be totally without any compromise all times. Maybe late, but isn't it possible to have a bike insurance with transport costs , in case of bike failure and so on? My wishes for quick healing recovery and may be your last bad time with a bike.
What's this plate all about?
Is there any specified wrench torgue for tightening the filter?
If you want you can use this MGS1 motor , it is without that annoying tag on it. I have no seen Brian at all.
Well I see a hose up there , though I don't get it on how is it preventing the oil filter to unscrew Any further explanations about it, (instalation,working duty ? )
Me too, I came back.Have met Paul and some forum lads,made some pics of the GMG , a couple of folkes more were there from the forum but don"t remember who. Jaap I think I didn"t meet you. More pics latter on
Thanks , I just saw your dyno chart at the other page , is this tourgue ft-lbs? WOW that is enormous, what is it the translation to nm? or kgm? Cheers
Will do , will do. About the topic, needless to say thet the correct engine temp 73'+C (-100) and throtle deg. 3.4 to 3.6 for perfect synchronization.
What RPM exact you mean by midrange?
The INNOVATE sensor comes with it's own bung to install it (together with the whole kit of AFR controler and instrument) , it seems to me something like 7.5mm as Paul states but then again the extra bungs they sell are shorter to 5mm or so , these one i have used on mine. The hole is narrower than the diameter of the bung that the sensor plugs in and the sensor can go through the hole. The screw bung 'sits' at the top of the exaust. Yep it would be a bit tricky to make the join , it may need a guide to plug it through so it keeps the bung in place when joining
What you say is the key.I have an ocational cough when rolling on to the 2600 rpm on my sport 1100i but this is not often and has to do with the mapping(enviromental parameters) I suppose. Definately setting the TPS right voltage is the key to all and to my occation doesn't go any better. Right now my Guzzi ticks like a swiss clock with everything set up (chip TPs TBs synchronized) And that justifies my moto which is do it my self with all the knowlege I can have on the issue, cause none knows my Guzzi better than me. THis is the 5th day I am on tour, right now I am In Germany , in place called Pforzheim (near Stutgartt), will stay 1 day more (perhaps 2 )then I head to Berlin. Been already in Mandelo and got the news (hehehe) will 99% go to the meeting at the 15-16 Sept. Cheers If anyone is in the near and likes to meet drop a PM with phone number, and though I cant't promise I will try checking tommorow a couple of times again.
An armed but trained society can be safer. But the system doesn't want this (trained civilians on arms) cause after would be imposible for them to enforce silly laws. Instead terrorism in any form of crime will exist always in tolerance of the 'control authorities', so stupid measures can be taken to minimise lawfull citizens freedoms with the excuse of the existing crime ,ect.ect. That's so obvious. So guns or not , if there isn't correct ejucation and training (and that goes for everything) , it's only loss of words.So it is not the what but who and how should. Hehe , next time try with the Trail master bowie, result will be , faster.
That's right !!! They have reliable test results. I take it as a guide line, not the 'de facto' thing but IMO very close to be true.
The question is, which parts this Euro 3 efects on these bikes ,? Is it on the fuel mapping or does it have to do also with cams, camsaft , and so on?. In other words , only electrical or the mechanical as well.?
That's the ordinary procedure with all bikes I guess. Most importand is the 'correct' release
A few pics could help, The solution lies here but it is confusing to me how it is writen. It seems to me that the problem is to the left coil since when you switched the coils connection ,with the same cable, it worked , so it was not the cable.
Yep Daytonas are excellent quality boots. Besides, they provide TOP safety wthout looking like a G.I.Joe shoe The boots I have hard crash tested my self were the WINNER model. I still have them after 7years, but need repair on the sole Now I have the EVO Sports they have an extra half inner shoe made of Carbon kevlar or so (looks like buletproof to me )and very exact but comfy fit cause of the inner lining,even though it belongs to the racing boots , I use them for my touring days without problems.Worth every penny. Then I have also these Alpinestars SMX3 (older model) for every day and the Winners.
Perhaps that was on my bike and it broke , it didn't have any springs I think yes, cause my bike was 'dynoteced' before I got it..... , I had to undynotec it myself.. Hey Jap why don't you 'fry' (convince) Paul to sell you his Termi ... it's only standing in the garden,hehehe Oh,, last winer was a load of V11( and others') exausts in ebay sold new in funny prices, perhaps you can wait.
Me too Besides if KTM, Honda and Ducati are going to have them , then is doesn't belong to a Guzzi' unique character..
I have to dissagree with that Metzeler M1 In fact and my authorized Guzzi that used to race and ride Guzzis for 30 years or so,agrees that Metzeler are a notch up than other tires , especially for Guzzi , track or street. And now or then, this is obvious (see pics). Guzzi also choses the Z6 as factory default in the brevas and the racetec in th new Grisos, As well as earlier the M1 at the Cafe Sport bikes There are some very good tires around for sure , but Metzelers are among the best , and IMO the best.
Or ebay as well, I got a back brake foot lever new for 25euros. (an it's the same for sproti and the V11 series AFAIK....that's about to comparing prices)