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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. Wellcome to the forum, here you find all the people with the Guzzi virus , digging deep to their problem. I mean there is always something to hear and learn in this place about Guzzi. My sympathies for your loss Willkommen im dieses forum ich hoffe sie finden gutte Guzzi informationen und spass auch.
  2. No problem I should have said that.Anyways my 'moto' is to preffer a modification that a company applies instead of doing it extra ,and of course after being something that proved it's worth. If I have to do a big mod for my bike, that can be done only ,in highly experienced personel and concidering a well proven modification for the bike. Generally all these tend to get the cost too high so I avoid them. i.e. To bring a Daytona 1000 up to the DaytonaRS specs with the upgraded kit that the RS had and other different goodies would cost a lot. But it has costed back then, almost the same when the bikes come as new from factory production. Moral of the story is that,factory production modifications are better and cheaper than doing them extra for you. Now why don't Guzzi get Jens Hofmann in their performance developement personel .as a chief engineer perhaps????
  3. Excuse my false expression about it that they are Ti.I meant Carrillo ,Yes you are right they are not Ti but from a 'special' prepeared kind of steel., & they are performance rods. I don't remember how I had his false impression that they were Ti. Accoding to MO magazine (German press) they score higher than the series rods in robustness and tension limmits according to the tests they did (MO 2/92 p.28).
  4. Moto Guzzi has done this for me since the Carillo came with the S.Corsa from the factory ,Daytonas also have them as well.
  5. Carillo rods are concidered to be some of the best money can buy,for the job, Dynotec uses them in their 150PS Guzzis , MGS also has them and genarally Guzzi has used them for years in some 'special' bikes. They have better performance than the stock Guzzi rods. And yet again about metal appart it's main qualities it is also how it is melted worked and get freezed again during the construction process. Do you think lets say a 154CM steel or a softer like the 440A (i.e.AUS 6)from one company can be the same in roughness or toughness,or bending tollerances as the same steel worked in another one ?
  6. Well said , .... hmmm so here we have a pressure lamp , that lights whenever it is wet around and who knows when else as false and then another bike with a lamp that just indicates oil level. Nothing I can trust. I trust what I check and control for myself. So should I have a suspicion ? , I go ahead and check it out.
  7. Well , a real quality-performance upgrade would be the Ti Carillo rods.A bit pricey though. I have chosen to upgrade my midragnge thrust with an exaust system & better chip map , it can get a bit better with some work anyways . Don't know if it is more or less than having Hi Comp. pistons but for sure I have learned a lot in the process and the bike revs more lively now. Dual spark is another story, it requires also some head porting and some other vavle parts i remember.
  8. Yep they know what to do when something is changed,so there is made a quite different motor than the one before that includes some changes. Perhaps that's what the people who sell the pistons don't tell you.Do they say all the changes that you will be facing for a succesfull install?Do they tell you what's the success with the life expectancy on the perticular motor?Cause a factory usually does.. Even if they did tell some of that ,or do , you'll notice that this would be a project rather demanding on money. So in order to be successfull ,and that can be done of cource,it gets quite pricey, doesn't it? For the same reason I'd preffer something ready from the company than something from outside.(concerning such serious changes.) 200,000 miles is the official Guzzi estimation for the new Breva and Griso motors.
  9. Alex-Corsa


    Yep that's also grips I have,
  10. I haven't convinced myself for the following reasons 1.Heared that the gearbox won't work (from a specialist of the kind) .....perhaps false. 2-Waiting for Guzzi to release a street version or another sport on of that kind with licence plates.(of course in better price) 3.Quite an amount for a bike and then spend even more to make it road legal. 4.It has 4 valves with that belt drive , I am not keen to that and is a bit of a headache to think about. 5.Build a custom sport ....!? Of course MGS can be worth all of it's money , but I don't need a Racing 10K worth of öhlins, a multi computer instrument, to drive to the street.
  11. Moral of the story is, that higher compression pistons reduce engine's life and money of your pocket... I don't think that Guzzi's mechanics were so stupid of instaling the pistons and making the motor as is now. Every now and then I hear people messing their bikes with racing parts , well where you hear racing =less engine life, or much less engine life. Few mods can actually make the engine work real better or last as long , one has to ask people that have made them and tested them for long,perhaps Dynotec or Daes have a good 'bag of tricks' (here in Europe)on the line for that purpose. As far as I am concerned I am just into having a better fuel map suited to my needs and perhaps latter do that twin spark and some other essensial works done ,from a real specialist of the kind but there are another 40- 60k to go.
  12. Perhaps was a lamp failure but then again that tells me how 'reliable' is Moto Guzzi's sensors, I mean should I worry.? I pretty much doupt that (second), another example is at my friend R1 ('99) that the oil lamp was coming on and off pretty often on the bike.Of cource that was obvious cause he was pretty careless about changing oil (he never did for 2 years or so he even has gotten the bike used).Unbelivelable to me ,the bike worked well producing top speeds of 270+kmh even after 5-6 tkm riding with the lamp going occational on for more than some seconds, and that was not a lamp failure since the bike was working with half the oil in the sump (and old oil as well). I don't say that the bike's motor wouldn't have any damage but definatelly comparing to what I saw there happening all that time ,and yes believe it or not, this is a true story, ,oil lamp means nothing to me for just a few seconds. And because theory is theory and action is action , the diagnose in such occasions is to remove the oil and filter and see if there are any metals on the magnet of the oil screw and the filter. So we don't have to talk about it but do something about it. Of cource it would be the best to tear the motor appart and measure every point, going to the extremes.
  13. Alex-Corsa

    Bike lift

    Yes I tie the bike down to the lifter , left and right ,which altogether lifts the bike. I don't have any pics of that but I can photograph the lifter.if...
  14. Alex-Corsa

    Bike lift

    Any pics?? I use a hydraulic lift on the bike with the support of a wooden surface under the sump and works perfect. I have removed the front forks a couple of times.
  15. AFAIK you wouldn't have to worry about that incident alone, an engine, can even work without oil for some miles. O.K. then will be damaged but here we are talking with oil in only some seconds, and no oil light went on? Even if it did , I have this example , the oil light came on more than once in mine while riding in rain (I was reving over 6K rpm traveling at high speed highway,I pulled out ASAP but took a while ) it happened a couple of times but the motor is in perfect condition. Yes I know,it cause it has been oppened and everything looked as new after 65K km. Frequent oil change preserves engine's life.
  16. Mistral is the right choice for a Guzzi. Personally I have fitted Mistral cans together with the Mistral crossover and fitted perfectly alltogether Don't know if or how to repair your can. Mistral is made from people that worked for years with Lafranconi so there is the know how of the Guzzi sound and performance applied there I believe. Anyways I guess you will have to ask at Agostini since they are also on Mandelo most possible to find something, but AFAIK now closed for summer 'till 21 Aug. or if emailing direct to MISTRAL Perhaps a mistral crossover would be also a good thing to have in combination with the pipes, they fit perfect.
  17. Why gold digger this one?I mean, isn't it that the normal prce for the bike? You should see one other where he offered he bike 25K Euros and said he could do licence plate specs for another extra 6-7K
  18. Without a fairing you will have even more wind and noice thrown up to your face. The best and most effective aerodynamic option would be to install the full fairing of he V11 lemans. All other sounds to me more like speculations and perhaps a waist of time and money, compared to that full of the full fairing option. Moto Guzzi tests what they put for a fairing for better aerodynamics and wind protection , so going for what is already tested you can definatelly have a gain out of it.
  19. You can see here DYNO GALLERY where I have instaled the sensor of my LC-1 .It works perfekt (warming at switch-on, indicator ,ect.ect.)
  20. As I have understood there is always a tollerance in the torgue 15-20% about it so as you see at the end of it it is written screws and nuts dia 6= 0.8-1.2 kgm '' '' '' '' 8 = 2.5-3 kgm ect.ect. So I guess your example is covered as well. The diagramm agrees to he one I have on the Sport 1100i manual, it isn't the same order as in my manual but values are the same.I got it from the forum and I think it was from early V11 manual. Will have to search my library and see it Sorry if any missunderstanding caused ,but AFAIK this diagram was for a V11
  21. I have ALPINESTARS both leather and textile and would suggest as well.All of them have inner pockets as well as inner side pocket, and extra removable inner cloth, that is quite practical and gets quite vented when the inner is removed. here you can find some of them (and not only ) in nice prices, the monochrome ones are really unique. Thar seller in in ebay ,I have got over $1600 mtorcycle stuff from, so he is reliable and recomended. If you intend to get better prices ask per email his offer.
  22. Be well , ride on safe. Anytime you think of a Guzzi I would suggest the Sport1100i late models with helical gearbox,double clutch plates, have this bike (though the Corsa) for 45tkm and thank God, no problem at all .I tickle it a lot but it always is sunny sunday ride.
  23. Here it is Anyone knows the conversion from ft-lbs to nm?
  24. O.K. I know ,I guess every bike has ist's own charm. I can't part from mine at all.
  25. How about one with few miles (15k or so) at about 4.4-4.500GBP in excellent ,original condition un tunned,86WHP (2x exausts,ect.ect.)? no that's not mine but if you are serious I can ask.
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