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Everything posted by Alex-Corsa

  1. I hope also that they make something fresh for a sport looking bike. I just wait to see that.That's one fo the reasons that kept me from buying some more Guzzis.Wait and see , though to my taste 1100i Sport is one of the 'sexiest' bikes ever made. People ask me if this is new model and when I answer that the design is more than 10 years old they just stare with open mouths. I hope they can came up with something original and diachronical
  2. Mine too, on roll ons at 2600rpm only , perhaps this has to do with injector synch and the little screws for air under the TD's.Mapping (A/F) is measured and is unlikelly.I will have check out.
  3. All I know is that clearences are set up and have to do with the camshaft, and Neither Dynotec or Daes and others that do Guzzi's more than 30 years suggest nothing else than the factory specs (in unmodified bike),perhaps a tiny bit more loose but nothing more, and these people know better than anyone else.Believe me they do. Unless you have changed camshaft and, and and ...., or or or... ,you don't have to alter these clearences.
  4. Wellcome on board
  5. To tell you the truth I am surprized to hear all the about ohlins , though I never trust anything else than WP on me Guzzi,over 45K km in 2.5years, and everything works perfect. That's so stupid that everything closes up for vacation, in my country is the same thing, nothing works (anyway it doesn't...LMAO ) especially now , till mid-end August, it sucks . Dunno how's in Itally Coool looking bike , nice compromise between being to much or too few hope your issue to be soon resolved.
  6. I second that, you can't have a silencer like that in a Sport intended bike and the fairing looks .., half full/half naked but none of that. It is like trzing to copy themselfs. Whay can't thez take some ideas from the MGS or the Ghezzi Brian supertwin and create something trully great?...(if they want to 'search' further) Give me a brake , I am a designer , I know, only the MGS design kicks a$$, and I know lots of Japan bikers that would like to have an MGS looking bike, there is no need to search further is a s simple as that,OMG!!! If that's the new one , well sorry folkes I'll stick to my 1100i Sport and buy some more of them, they have got cheaper the last 2 years
  7. Can you do me a small favor antonio? pls check your PM
  8. My opinion is to get a PDA , with GPS antenna intergrated , ot (better) extrernal unit, for the reason that you can enter any maps (programs)you like inside there, i.e. Navigon , or the tom tom , or the Destinator , or the Via michelin, the list is endless.AFAIK the garmins accept their own maps that are quite expencive (correct me if I am wrong, perhaps the PDA from garmin accepts others? ) Garmin definatelly have the most accurate maps in the bussines(they make stuff for planes as well) but since I am not in to digging holes or constructing buildings, or flying, or diving,I don't need that pricey acurracy I use the Navigon thing and has proven to be a very acurrate and reliable programm, on my Siemens loox 410 PDA, ith en external GPS antenna.An excellent assistance in m last Europe tour have saved me money and lots of time. New generation PDA's have faster proccesors, dunno what's the improvement in the screens cause at direct sunlight on to the screen I can't see s**t And that's the one and only dissadvantage I have found so far, have to have it under shade to see.
  9. GREAT , , Have to do this my self one day , but I guess with more riders would be a real joy.
  10. I second that as well. A bit more pricey than some other V11's, but woth it all.
  11. O.K., got it now
  12. Hey Gofredo check your PM pls.
  13. Cool , thanks a lot for that info , will be getting that. If there is any code number on the fiat box , let me know.Does it write 16F on it or that's how this ECU box is called?
  14. Alex-Corsa

    guzzi art

    How about this for an art print.! It is a painting I have (just.. ) made. That's well ..not 100% ready , it will need some details and fine corrections.It's acrylic on canvas on 50x70cm Will do some prints latter on. Unfortunatelly the colors of the pic do not represent the real ones(at least on my monitor).that are more natural especialy on the bike that it isn't so yellowish green/. All lettering on this is added on PC.
  15. You can get these steel bungs from innovate or innovate dealers, they are sold as seperrate accesories for $9. I got a bunch of them , just in case. The extra ones are a bit shorter 2-3mm than the one in the kit
  16. That sounds great , all I need is to get provided an broken 16MECU box for mine in order to instal the 16M to it(when I descide to buy it).If there is a box available anyone can notify me.l was thinking to jinstrall the My16M thing, all I hear it does are so amazing features. I didn't have an extra box for it and didin't find one so I left this project behind and start doing some chips with on the OEM ECU at the moment. Would definately like to give it a try(My16M) on the future. Something I never had quite understood is what happens if you turn the bike to twin spark, is can the My16M work with such a mode after? I guess I have to ask Cliff about it, at the moment I don't beven have an extra box. Yes the LC-1 controler seems to be very easy to work with and connect other instruments of the company to it.Very compatible and easy , I have it, and recommend it as well. About cost visit the Innovate and find some dealers about it. I have found a nice offer here in Europe atMFT and avoid the extra customs costs.Then all it needs is a hole at the exaust to solder the steel bung for the sensor to screw it in, and the power supply for the controler (or instrument too if you have).The LC-1 is quiter small to fit it anywhere under the seat. See also this thread abou dyno charts about my LC-1 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...=8556&st=15
  17. I have noticed that your bike has 2 back wheels and no steering lever , must be very tricky to ride it , ?
  18. I have heared that the place that the rear suspension is joined to the frame is weak, I mean there is bolt seats and or bolts of aluminium or something like that , and that is a minus to the "lasting" of the whole thing.Quite unreliable as an old salesmant that used to sell them said to me.(so he claimed) Is it true? I have visited Chezzi Brian last year (Brian) and at the moment I didn't have heared about that rummor, so I didn't examine the bike. He told me that you have done a great job considering your project, (yes that's true too) The looks and feel of the bike are awesome and with the 2V engine it wins a place as a choice for me. Though I would like to buld my self since I would like to have öhlins and already have some extra parts like brakes and instruments.Never involved in such project though and don't know where to start. ....anyways. Most importand was what I heared about the frame so the idea was blocked. About the theme of the thread, my opinion is this go ride both of them and buy the one that feels more confortable and looks good, for you, All Guzzis are beautifull so I wouldn't emphasise at the looks so much. Of cource it does play a role in riding. A bike that inspires(both in riding feel and looks) you is also most enjoyable to ride, any time.(I believe). Sound as I have noticed on both bikes (Cafe Sport and Breva 1100) is unmistakable Guzzi though more powerfull on the Breva.Anyways this can always corrected with an exaust. If you are interested on some tech stuf here is one. According to the Aquile magazine (official MOTO Guzzi magazine) the new motor of the breva (same on Norge but 1200cc)no3 Dec2004 goes: " The Breva's V-twin has been run hundreds of hours on the test bench and has also been subjected to 60000 miles of gruelling FULL GAS testing on a rolling road equivalent to about 200000 miles of typical engine life
  19. 1. Perhaps someone else("God") had,... , just a thought. 2.Oil "crisis" is on benefit of all who have it ("friends" or "foes"), so it is on their interest to let it or make it like this with the price raising, that's simple. With the expence of cource of people getting killed (any side) and that's shamefull ,so we go back to no.1.
  20. Interesting point , well, all that's happening simply cause of the unchangable law that says : Violence brings violence. Who can expect that after such conditions the extremists won't become more,as well as more fanatic ?
  21. Why don't try at http://www.agostiniduilio.com , or at www.stein-dinse.com Especially Agostini there wasn't a single time they didn't have even the stragenst part I have asked for (i.e. the side stand extension or the left machine cover for the 1100i corsa which is polished and has a hole for the oil sensor!!) They speak English and have excellent-fast service.Better call if you are in a hurry
  22. Bombing civilians and other irrelevant (to self-defence version) targets,has simply to do with ANTI-HUMAN nature. That's all they are the ones who provoke these (any side, more or less).
  23. Perhaps go to http://www.imageshack.us/ and host it for free, it''s so easy
  24. So what's the aid, of Ti (titanium , right?) pushrods,what difference does t make ?
  25. Here is an older Daytona Daytona1000 It looks like the RS cause of the back tail piece but I think this is just added and the model is the"older" Daytona1000 the RS is kind of difficult to find since few were produced, (113in '96 and 195 pieces in '97) There is also a friend of mine who thinks of selling his DAYTONA 1000RS, it is modified with a Dynotec 135PS motor and other "goodies" as well, email me if interested. Here is also an MGS1 06 and of course as stated before, the very reliable DAES Last yaer he told me he'd bring some MGS and actually he wanted to prepare them ready for street use with all the licenses and aproovals ( with some extra costs of cource)so it can get license plates
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